💅🏻 Solution for Mercy

I do not feel that the statements I have made in this or any thread are a fit to the what is being described and/or implied in the statements quoted above

Statements I make about myself are either about how I play and/or have experienced the game; or are in response to statements others make about me.

The current discussion appears to me to fit the latter category

In either case, I feel that the statements I make about myself are topical within the context of the discussion underway in the given thread


So to sum up: if you say so, and say it longer, it must be true, no? :wink:

P.S. On topic: thumbs up to 60 HPS as part of Mercy’s regular kit.

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The number of times an individual makes a statement neither adds not subtracts from whatever truth said statement holds

The number of times an individual expresses an opinion has no effect on how correct it is

Sure, sure.

20 characters

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One is of course welcome to accept or reject any statement made by anyone on these forums, as one deems fit

Right, right.

20 characters

P.S. I’m for 60 HPS for Mercy.

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I am glad that we seem (to me) to have come to an understanding

With apologies, the statement I replied to included the word “right” twice, so I assumed this meant that the statement quoted was deemed to be correct

If a statement clarifying remaining issue(s) is made, I can then address said issue(s)

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Whatever works for you, dude.

Back on point, I’m for 60 HPS, which is what the OP is all about.

I am unable to address any remaining issue(s) if said issue(s) are not presented

That said, this is of course entirely your option

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Hmmm, you’ve been doing that for quite some time, responding with non sequiturs, trivialities, and what not.

Also, back on point, a bump and a nod to having 60 HPS back to Mercy’s base healing.

what I was referring to was the issue(s) implied (as I see it) by the following exchange from earlier in this discussion

To me, the “not really” piece of this statement meant that there are one or more issues from your perspective that remain unresolved

However, said issue(s) have not been presented as far as I know, and as such, I have no way of addressing them

It of course remains entirely your choice whether you choose to present said issue(s) or not.

np from my perspective either way

I hope that clarifies my earlier statement

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More small minded trivial stuff from you. The OP is about 60 HPS. Any comments about that?

Res without being slow in PTR was bug, but now any Boop sends Marcy to the other side of the map, another indirect Nerf.

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Yeah, I heard they fixed the Mercy movement during resurrect. Really hope they fix that boop bug on Mercy. If they do, does Mercy come out net neutral in terms of ratio of nerfs vs. buffs?

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If a post is added to a thread, said post becomes part of said thread, and in turn, topical to be discussed

This particular discussion seems to have started with the following post

and as such all posts resulting from said post are part of the topic of this thread

So? I followed them, I saw a lot of arguments, but you didn’t address the central points, from Mercy being a pacifist, to the insufficiency of her healing. More trivialities from you, but to cut to the bone, the 60 HPS is the central issue.

60 HPs for Mercy is indeed the core of the OP, but the discussion has diverged from there, including but not limited to the following post

from which this piece of the overall discussion started

Agree or disagree? The bone of contention, the key issue, is right there in front of you. Yes or no would suffice. 60 HPS, yea or nay?

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As I have said, the discussions in this overall thread have diverged in many directions from the OP