💅🏻 Solution for Mercy

And like in every issue brought up, no direct answer in your succeeding posts from you. A poster brought this up: Mercy is a pacifist, it’s part of her lore. You answer with trivialities. Another poster stated that her healing is insufficient, more trivialities from you. You never give a straight answer, you don’t even bring up interesting points, it’s the usual minor trivialities from you.

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I do not feel that my statements have been trivial, or regarding trivialities

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Your usual non-answer. Sure, sure, dude. :slight_smile:

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Given that the post I replied to indicated that I my statements are trivial and/or about trivialities, I think it is entirely appropriate for me to directly address such a statement with a statement conveying my feelings regarding that statement

Whatever makes you sleep at night. :wink:

I do not believe that the statement I made, or any part or the whole of this conversation, will result in any affect upon my sleep

Good for you! Lol. :wink:
20 characters

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Thank you.

I am glad that we appear (to me) to have once again arrived at a point of mutual understanding

Not really, don’t delude yourself, I don’t think you and I agree where Mercy is concerned.

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If one wishes to discuss the issues implied (as I see it) by this statement, one can simply present them if one wishes to do so

Already did. You didn’t answer any single one substantively, which is par for the course for you.

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Your statements read like someone trying to roleplay Sherlock Holmes, badly.

You ignore that fact that I pointed not only her healing but her whole kit. I mentioned that her healing didnt need a nerf it was just because her kit all around was too good. Please read the post before you comment as that was my whole post. I even said that in the post

Not if their healing source is something like Ana’s which is a projectile, each hero has a kit, just because its healing doesn’t mean every healer has the same properties.

When the Mercy rework was first tested in the PTR, I was part of the discussions in the first PTR megathread. My take on the Mercy rework is that it is massive buff – the trade-off is removing mass resurrect with a possibility of a full team resurrect, retaining the tempo resurrect aspect (Valk still had 2 resurrects upon ult activation at that time), and negating the first pick of the enemy team. The third item – negating the first pick of the enemy team – is so powerful that my opinion at that time is that the Mercy changes were made to prepare her for the first season of the OWL.

Fast forward to today, the capability to negate the first pick of the enemy team continues to be so powerful that Mercy continues to be nerfed even in the most recent patch (details below).

I just came from the Animetic twitter feed, and the recent patch being tested in PTR is a nerf to Mercy because of the changes to her damage boost beam, since damage boost is now on cast instead of on hit. I guess Mercy can’t really get a break these days.

Please, stop taking things so literally.

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