💅🏻 Solution for Mercy

Factually, I am thinking of others

There are many readers of threads in these public forums, and I think it is valuable to present alternate viewpoints to such readers.

Mate, dude, buddy, people don’t need your help to formulate opinions. Plenty of people think 55hps would be noticeable without you being pedantic.

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None of them had voiced this near as I could tell at the time I made the statement in question

That suggests that you should do more research before running your mouth. Or at least try reading between the lines. Maybe even thinking before posting?

Mercy only stayed in the meta after valk was nerfed because she synergies with snipers and at the time it was sniper meta. Her heals were not the issue. Her heals went up to 60 from 50 in the first place to keep in par with Ana. Every main healer has base heals higher than 60hps and another form of healing besides that. Mercy was also good in dive because she worked well with mobility heroes.

In my opinion, the only research (if it can be called that) that might arguably be required or at least preferable in such a case is to determine if anyone else had made the point I made.

I did not see any statements made by others along those lines, and as such, accomplished the research (if it can be called that) you are recommending that I should have done in this case

Then maybe be patient and wait, don’t post. Because what you’re calling accomplished, wasn’t. To be blunt, what I’m saying is to stop making comments that are entirely pointless outside your own opinion.

Your point exactly? Are you saying that we should just ignore the time was she meta because she fit well with other characters? Every character in a meta somehow fit all together so of course when Mercy was in the meta she fit with other characters. Just like D.va and Winston fit with each other. And Mercy stopped being meta when she was nerfed and Ana was buffed so whats your point? That meta didn’t last long either and without that meta she still was the top main healer for over a year.

Yes and she could heal through walls and could heal through DM and somehow could still keep up with Ana’s mass healing without needing aim. Her healing was not on par to any other main healer in the game.

And your point again? Ana was weak against dive and her kit was not all that great when dive was around.

It’s actually a nerf to her HPS. 50 healing over 3 seconds was 16.66 HPS. 65 healing over 4 seconds is 16.25 HPS.

Mercy being meta was pointing out that after her nerfs to valk she was not meta do to her heals but rather the heroes she syngerised with. OG Valk was OP and needed nerfs. Her healing did not need a nerf. I was addressing you pointing out she needed the heal nerf because she was meta. I think Ana and Mercy would both be viable options after the Ana buff if Mercy wasn’t nerfed (as it made it harder to sustain much on your team as Mercy). I personally think Ana should be able to heal through shields as I think all the supports should be able to.

I dont know of any forum rules that require me to wait, or even to perform the “research” you suggested

I dont think my statement was pointless, and I did accomplish what I intended to accomplish when I made the statement in question

If what you intended to accomplish was being pointless, then yes.

I don’t think so.
Supports were buffed as she was nerfed. I think for her role, 50 is off healer and it’s weird.

I’d rather her have 60 hps main palay and 50 valk than the other way around. Hell, I’d rather it be 60 hps flat , solo heal beam valk than 50 base play

Would you say, it’s a fact?

That was not what I intended to accomplish, and that it not what I accomplished

It’s certainly what you accomplished to me.

Any reader is free to interpret the content, intent, and/or results of any given statement on this or any thread in these forums

That said, I know what I intended to accomplish and I accomplished what I intended to accomplish

You put a lot of unnecessary stress on minor and trivial facts – hence it’s not clear to other people what you intend to accomplish, only to you.

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I am not sure that it is necessary that anyone other than myself knows what I (or anyone) intend to accomplish with a given statement

I dont feel that I generally make statements with regards to minor or trivial items, though I am unaware of any forum rules prohibiting one from making statements on minor or trivial items

I engaged you this time because you did this to me in the past, and are doing it to other people. It is not a violation of forum rules to be small minded.

The fact that you’re even responding to this unnecessary trivial issue (which is about you, not about Mercy or the game) – are you even aware how small this is of you?

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