đŸ’…đŸ» Solution for Mercy

Mercy needs rework???

I was comfortable with her healing 60, but she healing 50 
 either it’s a rework or back to 60

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a pacifist would not carry a device that increases the effectiveness of weaponry

For those who think that her healing is ok: Ana currently outheals Mercy.

And that’s about all that needs to be said about it

What if Mercy had a small burst heal for her GA target? I’m thinking in the ballpark of 10-20 hp.

Mercy had 60 hps for years and for a period during that time ana was meta, during the moth meta no one ever complained that mercy’s healing was too much, like the problem was primarily rez and valk, and once they tuned those parts of her kit down she was honestly balanced and they even said she was balanced themselves at that point, the other supports were just bad. But then they went and nerfed her healing to 50 hps after saying they’re done nerfing her and buffed all the other supports. I legitimately never saw one complaint about about her healing until the devs randomly nerfed it to 50 hps and now all of a sudden everyone claims 60 hps was too much

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I’ve always thought it would be a cool idea to have an E Ability where she burst heals whoever she’s currently tethered to, or maybe give them a HPS equal to half her staff for a few seconds, so she can heal someone else while they still get some sustain.

That was obviously before Rez was on E, but a passive of some sort that does something similar would be cool I think.

The information that the devs conveyed at the time of this change wasn’t that the change had been randomly made, but rather than they felt that at 60HPs/s, Mercy was a must-pick, and they did not want Mercy to be a must-pick

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Ok it wasn’t random but it happened out of the blue after they said she was balanced, that’s what I meant by random

They apparently saw a pick trend that you did not (this isnt to blame or deride you, just sayin, none of us have these stats), and given the lack of good publicly-available stats for this game, it seems normal/natural that a change might seem to be “out of the blue” to us as players yet clear for a period of time to the devs

Yes I agree it was obviously the move in their eyes and tbh it was good for shifting the meta, but they had said word for word “we’re done nerfing mercy” and then nerfed her again, so the nerf was unexpected and out of the blue to anyone that had heard them say “we’re done nerfing mercy”

What they saw was Mercy almost always being picked over Ana in the very high tier gameplay despite them being statistically balanced. It was because she had the highest synergy out of all the heroes in the game with Grav+dragon meta since damage boosting was a core part about that composition since not having damage boost would mean that a single Zen ult would counter the whole comp. Now instead of just nerfing damage boost (which they cleverly called a fix) they decided to enforce changes in the main support role which resulted in the 50hps nerf that made Mercy statistically one of the worst heroes in the history of OW only to now even come halfway back on it buffing only Valkyrie’s healing.

Now that Ana simply outheals Mercy in high tier gameplay there’s no reason to pick Mercy outside Phamercy comps which are really rarely viable.

That is not the reasoning the devs supplied when the changes were released

Technically a pacifist wouldn’t use such a device — at least not with the intent to kill. Scare maybe. Nothing in anyone’s playbook prohibits anyone from carrying a firearm and still call themselves a pacifist. Homeowners do that all the time. “hey you, get off my lawn!”

Same reasons not all bank robbers with guns even put bullets in them. The bank attendant can’t tell if he would or wouldn’t.

It’s what you do. Action and intent defines the person. Not the gear he or she wears.

Nothing technical about it
a pacifist would not willingly carry a device that helps one person kill another

Misplaced agency. Many reasons why. None of them lethal.

Never said that at all, nice job trying to put words in my mouth. I simply put it was to tone her down a bit.

It’s a nice idea but that won’t fix the issues with her. They are more complicated than just her lack of healing.

Does that really matter so much? OP thinks it’s not enough of a difference, you think it is. Picking at that one random post over a difference of opinion is ridiculous.

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I personally do not see my statement as ridiculous, and I stand by what I stated

Aaaand still being pedantic. Because why bother with self-examination and thinking of people besides yourself, am I right?

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