šŸ’…šŸ» Solution for Mercy

I think the fact her heal is locked at 50 is probably because if she could negate Winstonā€™s damage for example by just pressing M1. I think she can still do that to Moira, without the damage orb.

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So a new healer came and she is now somehow not ok? How does that even works?

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thats not a healing rate change - that is the effect of the additional second of duration of the lingering heal

The statement I replied to - ā€œ55hps would make no noticeable differenceā€ - implies that not a single player would ever notice the difference.

I feel that many players would notice the difference, being it is a 10% increase

Her problem isnā€™t that sheā€™s balanced. Her problem is that her risk-to-reward ratio is exceedingly low. Adjusting her numbers wonā€™t fix that.

What they need to do is change out Valkyrie itself for a better play making ability. When Valkyrie was initially put out it was able to make plays but that was only because they overtuned it to the max. Now that her numbers are nominal Valkyrie comes out underwhelming.

Will it get fixed? Not any time soon. At most I suspect is that the cast time of her Rez will get reduced to give her a better chance on actually using the skill. Thatā€™s actually the most that I predict for Mercy in the long time to come.

Thereā€™s only so many things that they can do to a hero in a given time. Right now Mercy isnā€™t the hot potato she used to be and like many other heroes relegated to the background itā€™ll take quite some time before the Eye of Sauron even takes a look at her.

Itā€™s going to be a while.

Many other folks have entirely different problems with Mercy than what you have stated as a fact here

That said, I find resurrect to be enormously rewarding, particularly when I pull it off in mid-teamfight

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

I donā€™t doubt that. Youā€™re speaking in the present sense. Iā€™m speaking against the balance changes to booping about to hit production.

Itā€™s highly likely (not definite) that itā€™ll make her ability to Rez very problematic. If that happens then itā€™s just as likely the cast time of Rez will be reduced to give that a chance.

No. To your question. Iā€™m just a support main who plays her and the other supports. Thatā€™s all there is to that.

Because Mercy mains wonā€™t be happy until Mercyā€™s a must pick again.

Unfortunately, not all of them want the same thing, and some are in positions that are mutually exclusive, like ā€œI want mass rezā€ and ā€œI want all forms of rez removed from the gameā€

As such, Mercy mains as a whole will almost certainly never be happy

True. Thereā€™s no pleasing everyone. Iā€™d like mass Rez to return. I know though thatā€™s not likely in the given context. I also want a wall climb for Ana. Same too that wish of mine isnā€™t likely to happen either.

I want but Iā€™ll also take what I can get. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get these tho. Still, itā€™s a wish.


Few on these forums concede points, this is much appreciated

I personally think Mass rez is/was the single worst power ever given to any character in the history of Overwatch, due to how it incentivized a healer to withhold healing

Some. Some did that but not all.

Also, it gave Mercy (a pacifist hero) a chance at her own kind of glory. Most times a person could only Rez 2 maybe 3; but once in a blue moon everything aligned and you got that mass Rez off for everyone. Once in a blue moon you got the play worth saving to the hard-drive and to gloat on.

Thatā€™s whatā€™s missing with Mercy today. It isnā€™t really about the numbers here. They took that away from her and instead (after all the tuning) gave her something else a bit more sub-par. Thatā€™s what I personally miss.

Oh well.

I speak of the incentive to do so, which was present for all Mercy players with mass rez available

Pacifists dont willingly accept missions involving combat, dont engage in battles, carry a pistol, or enable a teammate to kill others more quickly

A true pacifist in a war zone would also heal members of either side of the conflict equally

Oh yes they do.

Even in the height of WWII there were combat medics that stood their ground to save lives and refused to even carry a pistol.

Itā€™s just as (if not more honorable) in war to save lives whilst yourself refusing to participate. God bless the Army Medical Corps and and all such heroes.

In this Mercy makes sense. Why do you do you think Mercy is Swiss. Why do you think Switzerlandā€™s flag is synonymous with the Red Cross logo :switzerland:. It all fits. It made sense.

So no. In this Iā€™d have to argue you wrong.

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Mercy carries a pistol, and helps her comrades kill people faster

Not the actions of a pacifist

Thatā€™s an individual choice. Not all corpsmen did. Some defended and some opted to die before doing so. It ultimately came down to each personā€™s personal conviction.

Religion and ideology is a factor.

Mercyā€™s actions and equipment are not those of a pacifist

Sheā€™s a field medic and first responder ā€” a corpsmen. In that regard Resurrection suits her better than Valkyrie does. Her official lore only states that she disagreed with the militaristic methods employed by Overwatch. It doesnā€™t declare otherwise.

In regards to the rest, while I can concede that pacifists donā€™t willingly engage I donā€™t concede that they donā€™t or have not engaged. Thereā€™s plenty on google of conscientious objectors whoā€™ve served and won Medals of Honor during war. Such people did exist.

If Widowmaker, Ashe or Mccree ends up becoming meta, then she will as well. Trust me.

An easy fix for mercy is this

Indirect beam healing (50?) is less then if you can keep your crosshair directly on the teammate.(60) She would still be a reliable consistant hero with a higher skill ceiling

If that doesnt work theres so many creative ideas people arent talking about instead of just ā€œmake her goodā€