đŸ’…đŸ» Solution for Mercy

Don’t quite understand what you are trying to say

Yeah can not stress how angry I was seeing that they buffed Moiras healing. Mercy having a high heal rate was paired with the fact you can only heal one person, but Moira has been allowed to have the high heal rate without the con Mercy has. Maybe if they hadn’t made rez an ability they wouldn’t have had to resort to nerfing her heal rate to push her out of must pick. Unreal how many of Mercies problem only exist because of an unneeded rework.

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mercy is a laughingstock.

the buff to Moira that you are referring to (if it is the lingering heal 3-> 4 seconds) is a very, very tiny one, so I personally dont see any reason getting angry about it at all

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But they can say she’s in no need of changes then nerf her.
ActiBlizzion logic.

Buff or Bug???

Omaigod 60hp/s would break the game
I am laughing so hard right now

when the devs nerfed her healing from 60 to 50, they indicated that the reason they did so was that she was considered a must-pick at 60, and they did not want her to be a must pick

I agree that 60 wouldn’t “break the game” but this wasn’t their reasoning

55hps would make no noticeable difference

That’s prooooobably a bug.

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Mercy is a healer designed to synergize with long-range and/or highly mobile damage heroes, but she currently exists in a tank meta. She doesn’t need buffs. She needs GOATs to die.

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From what I’ve observed so far, it seems more like they reduced her heals to cause her to need to use Rez more often, as they really want it to be part of her gameplay loop but it can’t be such if Mercy is good enough at healing to keep a target alive through focus fire.

This would make for a technically fine off-healer, but Rez is so clunky to use with it’s slow down that having to use it more often isn’t fun. It’s just awkward.

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Although the above is stated as a fact, I find it to be an opinion, and an opinion I disagree with

My specific disagreement with the opinion is that it implies (to me) that no one would notice the difference.

I am certain this would not be the case for all Mercy players

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In 8 seconds:

Mercy can heal 1 person for 400 HP (or in Valk: 480)!

Ana can heal 1 person for ~905 HP (w/ ult: 1155)!

Baptiste can heal EVERYONE in a 3m radius for 750 HP (if during ult: 1350)!

So, if his five teammates are caught in grav that’s up to 3750 healing (6750 w/ ult).

Put another way: in 8 seconds, one Baptiste can heal five grouped up team mates for as much as 2 Valking Mercys can (6750 vs 480*5).

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I second you.

And IMO, if Blizzard think Rez is the problem, just take it out and give her other buffs instead. 60 hps and lower GA cooldown in exchange of removing Rez? I’m totally down for that.

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No they also buffed her heal rate.
From the notes:

  • Total healing increased from 50 to 65

Mein gott, still doing this? Honestly mate, let a person say what they’ll say, being an unreasonable pedant about it doesn’t change anyone’s mind.

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Yet they said she was fine how many times before nerfing her shortly after?

The devs wonder why this game is in decline and still tout a “I know better than you” childish attitude

Don’t also forget that she heals through shields and doesn’t need to aim, which makes her healing reliable more than Ana by a mile. Ana’s abilities can also be eaten by D.Va’s matrix. If Mercy is reverted to 60 hps, Ana will become a lot less appealing for the average player. The best thing, in my opinion, is to go inbetween and put it at 55 hps, but that will require a tiny nerf to ultimate gain. Remember, they reduced that to match her 50 hps output. They could also make resurrection instant in valkyrie if it is not on cooldown. I think that is fair. What do you think?

Edit: I have just read your opinion on the instant rez during valk, and after thinking about it, I agree. So forget about that point.

To present my ideas in a nutshell:

  • 55 HPS healing
  • Make Resurrect the ultimate. Three no casting time charges, nothing else. No Valkyrie and chain healing.
  • Consequently, no rez on CD. Make the skill “Valkyrie” an E skill, some sort of Valkyrie suit burst which makes her able to boost. The following movement after activation will be boosted: horizontal movement will be faster, a jump will be an upward rush. So you have to press E and then move. I know this doesn’t sound much but believe me, this would increase the amount of movement combinations you can use in the game and will increase the skill ceiling by giving you the possibility to increase your own survivivability if you play it right and skillfully.

On paper, less output, fewer resurrects per game. But your resurrects are more meaningful, impactful, and more importantly, the amount of charges and the ultimate time are two variables that can easily be tweaked for balance. If she’s OP, the ult time for the usage of charges and/or the number of charges can be decreased and vice versa.

In short, I just want her to have a higher skill ceiling, be more exciting to play, be more Mercy-like.

That is all, thank you for your attention.

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