Soldier is clearly overtuned

I mean this is what happens when you buff a character that was already decent and a sleeper pick along with nerfing tanks, supports and his counter part hitscans.

Please either revert the damage buff he didn’t need or revert the Helix rocket cooldown.


I think the point of having him overtuned

  1. It keeps Plat through Quickplay having a reliable and intuitive Pharah counter
  2. GM/Masters don’t grumble about is being in the same DPS meta we were 6 months ago

Yeah but is having a character overtuned to counter another character really that smart?


Let’s just remove Phara :smiling_imp:


I don’t know if they’ll run back the DPS from 20 to 19 again. They already did that. I can see maybe making his ammo back from 30 to 25.

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What’s the alternative when it comes to flying heroes?

Well you don’t need hitscan to counter Echo, she is grounded enough and has to play relatively close in your effective range to use her damage correctly.
So Flying heroes isn’t the correct term.

It’s more
“What’s the alternative when it comes to Pharah?”.
And honestly the alternative is a power shift of her kit that reduces effective range and spam and rewards to dive bombing playstyle with more mobility/damage.
This way Pharah is no spamming down those who’s effective range she can ignore forcing a hitscan pick.


Well I could see devs being “suggestable” for OW2 Pharah changes that reduce “the bottom half of the playerbases” frustrations with the hero.

I really hope so to be honest.
From the changes we’ve seen so far it doesn’t look like it’ll be any easier to kill a Pharah Mercy combo. Other than Mercy kinda sucks with the current tested changes.
But a faster Pharah with no other changes and a Mercy doing less healing doesn’t bode well. Because at the end of the day that healing nerf applies to both teams on all healers. So I think Pharah Mercy is still going to be an awful combo.

Especially in a 5v5 environment where the 2 will be harder to counter with 1 less teammate to fire back, or having an entire D.Va go up there to harrass them (which would leave the frontline empty).

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So the downside for Pharah would be less hover fuel.

What would be the upside?

Also another alternative. Faster rockets, with less explosion size.

Because an element of the Pharah issue is splash damage spam.

Or maybe just keep the current explosion radius, but less explosion damage and more direct hit damage. Like -20 damage on explosion, +20 on direct hit

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I wouldn’t even say this is the problem.
If you sped up Hover Jets A LOT but reduced verticality, then it’d be a good mobility tool.
Then if you lower Jump jet cooldown she has only 1 way of gaining height, but her fuel maintains it.

Then if you lower Projectile speed, it forces her to dive bomb using her mobility by meaning she has to be close for good damage (alternatively rewarding directs instead of splash would have the same effect).

To compensate either 130 rockets, 225HP, or something else.

This stops Pharah hovering eternally in the sky, but still lets her use flight to reach locations she wouldnt otherwise.

Even Simpler would just be less projectile speed, more hover jets speed. Give her the mobility to go in, and lower ranged consistency to make her go in. Possibly more compensation needed still.

Well here’s a tricky one I came up with.

Less explosion radius, or less explosion damage, the longer a rocket has been airborne.

I.e. The equivalent of hitscan damage falloff.

I don’t like that one because it’s hard to gauge and I don’t think it fixes her issue of spam. Because even at like 30m the fall-off starting, Pharah can still take great angles, even at 20m.

I’d prefer a system similar to Sigma’s orbs where they explode at a set distance. Which could even benefit Pharah at hitting over shields from certain angles (not to say she wouldn’t need other compensation)

Sure lets nerf 76 and then buff:

Brig ( her entire kit).
All the sheilds in overwatch
All the healing in overwatch
Moira’s dmg hitbox.
Lucio’s boop distance and size.
McCree’s Flash radius.

I don’t think Pharah taking angles within an area the size of the objective is really problematic behavior…

Well it’s not the angles she takes, but the places she takes them from.
if she is 20m in the sky, she can easily spam down a lot of the cast without them even interacting with her.

Every month there is a new witch hunt for whatever hitsscan is being played.

Never charge forums.

76 is barley average above gold and plat.
Don’t know if gold and silvers are the ones thinking he is powerful lol

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I’ve actually seen some good players use echo in a more flighty way. It just depends on the player.

Have you considered that the heroes are just overpowered?

He’s the 3rd most picked dps in gm with a 57% winrate.


At least he takes skill unlike junk.

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