I guess that’s why S76 has double the pickrate and a higher winrate than Junk in bronze.
Because he’s difficult.
I guess that’s why S76 has double the pickrate and a higher winrate than Junk in bronze.
Because he’s difficult.
Alright next time I smurf down in bronze when I see you ill evaluate whether u have skill.
Only to the people that witch hunt whatever hitsscan is the most popular every month.
That’s is an average winrate in GM, where every hero (except 2) is above 50%.
And nice try trying to move the goal posts to fit your argument.
Pick rate doest = OP , for the millionth time for the thick headed.
Oh but I forget that in these forums , if a DPS , especially if it’s hitsscan , is doing fairly well, that’s means that they are super overpowered monsters that need to be dumpstered.
No DPS is allowed to be fairly consistent in doing their job it seems.
They all have to have low pick rates and win rates of 45% or lower to be considered “BALANCED” lol
I think Soldier is fine, definitely not overtuned and his ult is still mediocre, even with the buffs.
“hE’s jUsT PoPuLaR!!!” People scream about the hero who suddenly more than tripled in pickrate following a buff. Can’t have anything to do with the buff. Nope. Clearly a coincidence. Ignore your lying eyes.
He has the 2nd highest winrate in gm. The average is around 53 whereas his is 57.
Or maybe there’s a handful of dps who are overperforming compared to other options. Would you rather we buffed the underperformers to match them?
Across multiple threads all you ever try to do is rank shame people. It’s pathetic.
No I am typically much more creative in my disses than just rank, but I am not above it.
Junk very much takes skill to play effectively in Plat and above, especially with all the hitscan domination. Maybe even more skill than S76, and this is coming from someone with about 300 hours on Soldier.
It’s the same pattern as always tbh, only people Gold and below complain about Junkrat. Sure, anyone can lob Junk bombs in the general direction or in chokes but this won’t get you anywhere in higher ranks.
Don’t let reality get in the way of making a point about DPS being OP and tank being useless/undertuned.
So you admit that he’s overtuned then.
You’re right, Soldier is a bit overtuned.
But so is a ton of the roster (specifically other ranged hitscans and Hanzo), so.
I have gone through this with you before. Pay attention.
Hitscan players , which outnumber any other type of dps players, will play whatever dps hitsscan hero is the least trash. Especially after all the nerfs hitscan heroes have been hit with. This will never change. There will always be a most popular hitscan hero being played.
Just like you and a few other people will always be complaining and crying about those hitscan heroes.
This is exactly what i told you would happen the last time we had this same convo when you were crying about Cree. I told you you would just move on tot he next hitscan to complain about after McCree gets nerfed.
Not too long ago you were crying about McCree and you ignored winrate because it was under 50% and focused on pickrate. Now that winrate fits into your narrative, now its important. But when you were trying to get McCree nerfed it didnt matter. Just pickrate since that is the only thing you could see that was above normal.
Always moving the goalposts to fit your biased narrative to get the heros you hate nerfed.
I bet ill see you again next month crying about the next popular hitscan that will be played.
A never ending cycle.
OK lets use your way of thinking. Lets nerf 76 , only after we nerf all the dps heroes above 76. Sym, Torb, Bastion, Doom and Pharah, Then we can get to 76.
And this is using winrates on all ranks, not just your hand picked parameters that serve your purpose.
Of coarse since it doesn’t fit your argument you will try to pull the pickrate card out again.
So predictable.
Soldier 76 is literally better than all of those heroes by a landslide with only Pharah even being close. Also why would you name Bastion out of all dps heroes?
Because they have better win rates than 76.
And I was using that as an example to the person I replied to because they were trying to use that as a reason to Nerf 76. And only fit the narrative in Grand Masters.
The point is that these forum whiners either usually try to use popularity/pick rates or winrates to get the heroes they hate nerfed.
And usually twisting The narrative to serve their argument.
As covered in other threads this is easy enough to check by comparing the rise/fall in ranged hitscan pickrates against each other. If you’re right they would match.
Since the shield nerf patch the strongest ranged hitscans have gained more playtime than the worst performers have lost. Meaning that it isn’t just hitscan mains switching heroes.
You’re forgetting the part when S76 got buffed on top of Mccrees nerfs. The same buff that was reverted a long time ago for being gamebreakingly overpowered.
I still consider pickrate to be the best indication. I know that you value winrate, so included it. Are you saying that winrate doesn’t matter?
Worst take I’ve seen all week. Sym, Torb and Bastion aren’t stronger than S76.
The game is balanced around the top. Not gold. What are you even talking about?
Even then why would you name the character with the lowest pickrate in all ranks and platforms?
Soldier is a very high pickrate and winrate.
Tbh every hitscan rn is still very strong besides maybe Ashe rn since this is probably the worst meta for her ever and the hitscan nerf effecticted her more than the others. Even then she is still a ok - decent pick being around Mid to low B Tier.
Soldier has a higher pickrate than every hitscan in every rank besides McCree in some while also blowing all of them out in winrate so no surprise people will complain.
I’d also argue he is the easiest dps in the game besides maybe Bastion but atleast Bastion is trash. But that’s a different story
Yeah, but I’d also say that’s probably healthy for the game, and not likely to change when all the dev resources are headed towards OW2.
Wouldn’t be ideal to have +50% of the players getting pubstomped by Pharags.
Overtuned soldier still sucks bap’s lamp, trying to beat his broken body language over 150 self-healing + 72 burst damage with 45 ammo capacity.
Not overtuned at all. Move on, nothing to see here.
Junkrat is much harder than soldier…
You’re forgetting the part when S76 got buffed on top of Mccrees nerfs. The same buff that was reverted a long time ago for being gamebreakingly overpowered.
Also didn’t help that his mid range contender Ashe got nerfed same patch.