Sojourn was accidentally buffed again

She gets less charge on 4/5 enemies. And more or less on the tank depending on which one, and what cds they have. Plus removed extras charge from discord, mercy beam, nano.

This is clearly a net nerf. Unless you’re the person who cannot hit any headshots. And the 1 dmg nerf on top. Anyone saying this is a buff is either only talking about shooting like a fortified orisa, or is just wrong.

I don’t think its a buff but its a very small nerf because they are here again with the “bodyshot compensation nerfs”. They are ignoring the real problems like the damage of the headshot railgun or her insane mobility just to make her so easy for low ranks.

I think you’re grossly underestimating the changes…

Her energy gained per headshot against armored targets was nerfed from 7 to 5
Her energy gained per headshot against all other targets was nerfed from 10 to 5
Her energy gained per headshot with damage boost was nerfed from 13 to 5
Her energy gained per bodyshot with damage boost was nerfed from 6.5 to 5
Her primary damage per bullet went from 10 to 9

Those are all significant nerfs. Less damage, less railgun

From 7ish damage boosted headshots for a fully charged railgun to 20 is a huge jump especially with her recent spread increase

hard to say what’s going on when half the people here posting are joining a bandwagon instead of actually knowing what was changed


With 9 damage in place of 10, how many base shots will it take to kill a standard 200 hp target?

Knowing she fires at a rate of 14 per second, what does her time to kill go to?

What is it with a mercy pocket?

It takes her 20 shots regardless of what she hits to get rail now- again with a 14 shots per second RoF, how long will that take her to get a max charged rail now?

What about situations where she’s charging rail off a tank?

From zero charge, How many shots will she need build up enough charge to burst down their remaining health?

She’s gone from S tier to “S-“.

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why is it so hard for these devs to reduce the railgun headshot damage? they continue to make her oppressive at high ranks and a troll pick in lower

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aka this is why we call her Lowskillorn

Just make railgun an ultimate.

She is fixed.

It’ll take 3 extra shots without any crits. That’s already noticeable, but couple that with her recent spread nerf and it’s even more significant compared to how she was not too long ago.

Depends on her accuracy, especially with the recent spread nerf.


Depends on accuracy. But, 20 shots no matter what is a significant increase.

Before this change she could fully charge railgun with just 10 headshots, that number is now 20. That’s a massive increase. It’s doubled.

Still going to be slower since she can’t just spam their head hitbox anymore for 7-13 charge per hit. (7 being against armored tanks, 13 being against unarmored)


I think she’s gone from S tier to A tier at best. Still solid in highly skilled players hands but not anywhere near as strong for the entire playerbase like she was.

I guess we’ll see if she’s still in every game at high rank or not going forward

Meh, Someone already did a chart comparing specific match ups/common scenarios for Sojurn and while she did indeed get better match ups for some in large most were nerfs.

Specifically farming tanks to one tap squishies though just means you have to play Tank better. Ultimately I still think she’ll need nerfs. But This change in the way it kinda buffs her in some areas is not the same dog water changes that lead to her being gigga buffed initially.

What spread? Go to practice range, get as far from a bot as you can (maybe from in spawn to the one down the hill) and fire at will and see how many headshots you miss. Her primary has no spread. I don’t know if it’s a bug, but it’s like a laser.

Less damage is true, but less railgun isnt. Despite having her spread nerfed soujurn still needs to shoot 20-30 bullets body shot only to fully charge railgun. After firing the railgun shot, you’ll still have half a mag to farm body shots off of to get around 50-75% with the idea that you are hitting around 10 out of the 15 pellets (not accounting for headshots)

The first 9 shots of her primary have no spread, the spread will greatly increase afterwards

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just remove her ability to headshot w railgun. even then, it would still be powerful at 130 base dmg

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Still absolutely baffles me that she gets charge off basically everything.

my biggest issue with her isn’t her railgun, it’s her grenade thing that makes better space than most tanks can do. Oh you have a good position? grenade not anymore. Want to push through this choke? guess what, my grenade is there.

In metal ranks on console this is definitely a buff. Our aim isn’t great so we don’t consistently hit headshots, and it was relatively rare to see a Mercy pocket.

Honestly, Sojourn was fine at our ranks the way she was.

One of the benefits of being perfectly average at the game is that the impact of “meta” characters is greatly reduced because we’re just not good enough to take advantage of the imbalances.

The fact that you can’t hit headshots doesn’t make this a buff.

It’s meaningless. Sojourn was net nerfed. You muppets froath at the mouth for these patch updates then do back of the envelope criticisms like this game exists in an open field vacuum.

Calm tf down.

Literal mud tier takes. I’d call it dirt teir but your tears have watered the dirt so much mud is the only appropriate description.