Symmetra does need something, but not while she still has turrets in her kit. They’re annoying af and just slow down the game unnecessarily. Anything that slows down the pace of the game, like turrets and slowdown effects (which Sym has both of gosh would you look at that) just make the game a chore to play. Give her some other utility, maybe rework the turrets into an alarm-esque system, where they highlight any enemy that they zap, maybe make them take increased damage while they’re marked.
inb4 talks only about a really specific niche situation of sym somhow already having lvl 3 beam +3 turrets targeting the same target and somehow not near death for those conditions + being in 12m of the enemy.
so um we had a better tp, better turrets and a better wall for at least a year prior to double shield meta where all of that got nerfed, yet in that year+ sym was underperforming despite that and that was also across various meta shifts too… so honestly I don’t see how nerfing everything but orbs despite already underperforming in terms if individual balance (i.e. balance of a hero independent of meta) can be considered as “balancing out tp”.
I mean you say that, but given the sym hate and the changes to sym since dawn of overwatch, it’s hard to not have at least a suspicion of such a cult.
you’ve seem to misunderstood something. we aren’t asking buffs to make sym meta. we’re asking for buffs because there’s legit large core holes in her kit which can only really be solved with buffs without a rework.
It’s not about that. It’s that having to turn around and shoot some blobs on a wall is dumb. The majority of the playerbase wants to shoot other players, not turrets.
Reworking the Turrets to function like proximity mines. Each “turret” does a flat 40 damage on detonation and has a lingering AoE effect that does another 40 damage over 5 seconds to anyone still in the blast area. Increase the “Booping” sound the current Turrets make to give a warning and reduce their durability back to 1 HP to compensate for their new function.
Removing them entirely and giving Symmetra a defensive ability.
It also helps when a lot of people voice their concerns, the problem here is that the amount of sym mains compared to doom is probably way smaller meaning less people to be a voice for the devs.
Don’t forget the secondary fire not piercing barriers anymore. Symm would have been a great counter to double barrier meta if it weren’t for this nerf.
Perhaps so. Though playing Sym properly means applying pressure alongside turrets. Rock and a hard place. While just shooting the static turrets 4head, her team will be shooting at you.