"Eyebots" instead of Sym sentry turrets?

So I was playing Fallout New Vegas recently. And in that game, there is a certain design of robots called Eyebots.

And there is also a companion in the game that called ED-E who is also and Eyebot.

So these Eyebots are intelligent robots who also posses laser beams fire, and are very similar to Sym Sentry Turrets, except they can move instead of just being static and glued in one place. They even look kinda similar.


I thought that maybe it would be an interesting concept of Sym’s turrets could resemble these eyebots a bit more.
Sym could conjure them up and command them to do 1 of 3 things:

  • hold this position (like the current turrets do)
  • Chase enemy (If Sym aims for an enemy while pressing shift, they chase, follow and attack the enemy)
  • guard ally (If Sym aims for an ally and presses shift, for example, an ally Genji or Tracer or an Ana or Zen then the eyebot will follow them around and assist them in their battles until destroyed)

I think this would make Sym’s turrets like 1000 times more effective, original, not to mention that it would slide her a bit more towards the support role that a lot of players want.

Ofc, they might be too strong, so i think having 6 eyebots with lower damage would be better then 3 eyebots with higher damage.

Clip for reference:


Interesting concept because it’s similar to Zen but still different.


Something like that.
I doubt it will ever be implemented but it sounds like a fun and cute idea

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Suggests mobile turrets



Reading this, all I can think of for some reason is having the turrets shoot long range laser bolts.

Cool idea, but my concern is that turrets have always been problematic in Overwatch. Once placed, they output a static amount of damage capacity that has no correlation with the player’s skill. This has proven impossible for Blizz to balance.

If a turret is tuned to be reasonable at low tiers, it will be useless at high tiers. If it’s tuned to be reasonable at high tiers, it will be an oppressive hell for lower tier players.

I’ve always believed that Sym needs power stripped away from her turrets and allocated elsewhere in her kit, like to her survivability, which would be beneficial across all ranks. If you change those mobile turrets to mobile personal shield generators though…you can take my money!

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Nah, im not giving my babies away for anything.

Reaper, Mei, Phara, Brig, etc are oppressive af in low elos too, but non of them get as much hate as Sym. The low lvls just need to learn to climb just like all of us did.

Thats why i said 6 instead of 3. They will have much lower damage

That would be too broken i think.

They can be either close range lock on, or they can fire plasma orbs that have a travel time

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Plasma orbs sound better than what we have now. It gives them better ability to lock places down, rather than a single choke that even then they struggle at.

Like torb’s turret, but with less damage because there are more of them and with lasers… Those would be super effective.

I still really like my eyebot idea tho

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Sounds like something for a different hero they might add, maybe one that also has vishkar ties? We only have symmetra repping vishkar rn

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Blizz cant even balance 1 hero with turrets, i dont think they will want to add another one. Tho i really wish they did.

Turrets and Sym for that matter is easy to balance, it just needs some creativity.

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This is actually a nice concept, it reminds me of the Arc Soul from destiny 2.


glad you like the idea. I rly think that this would make turrets much more viable and useful

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I desperately want sym’s turrets to become the portal turrets.

Imagine going around a corner and hearing are you still there, I SEEEE you!

I gotta disagree there, homie.

I definitely agree, great idea tho

Eh turrets can be balanced

Its just that blizzard is not good at balancing in general

Sure their autoaim ability may prove too strong in lower ranks,but honestly we cant be centering the game arround people who dont know how to play it

And currently, the turret bros pickrate isnt exactly.really good even in bronze


20 characters

I think u r describing kit for a potential new hero tbh.

However, I don’t think they will ever have new ‘builder’ hero’s in the game after the disaster of sym and torb. They’ve definitely learnt their lesson there

Yeah but think how awesome these would look for Sym…