They’re always trolling. Out from their bridge to attack Symmetra at any opportunity.
LOL imagine thinking doomfist needs a nerf when he’s terrible
Sym mains have a bad habit of inferiority fallacy on these forums.
They always overdo symms state by saying things like shes the worst hero and how she needs like 12 buffs.
That’s at least the majority of what I’ve seen on these forums.
Clunky and nearly unplayable is Syms middle name.
Yeah because it’s the truth. Did you look at Sym’s pickrate?
Give Symm back her Shield Gen!
Even if she may require slight buffs its massively overdone by the Symmetra community.
Listening to them was what got us an irritating but brief Symmetra Meta.
The goal of looking for buffs to your hero is for viability, not meta status.
The irritating but brief Symmetra Meta…
Where Doomfist was more picked than her, and where the cause was a bugfix that we didn’t even know about or ask for.
But yeah, totally the result of us whining.
Quite honestly Symmetra has been a mess since the get-go. When her ult was the teleporter it caused most of the first-point lockouts on a game. When they gave her the shield generator, she was even more ridiculously powerful. Then they switched to her ult being the wall and removed the lock on beam and she just wasn’t fun for me to play anymore.
It seems that blizzard has trouble deciding what her role is actually supposed to be. I thought she was supposed to be a defensive/support against light flankers like genji and tracer, but they changed her around the same time they were trying make Torb more viable on offense for possibly the same reason. Before they balance her, they need to figure what she’s supposed to do.
The buffs made her temporarily meta. Which was a clear sign it was too much.
Infinite TP coupled with a few other buffs caused it.
Whether or not Doomfist was picked more due to his ability to negate shielding had no correlation to the fact that Symmetra was too strong for her own good.
Um. When did Blizz listen to Sym mains?
Infinite TP is a nerf, not a buff.
The only thing that made Sym “meta” (strong word btw) was the bugfix to beam weapons, (which caused Zarya to also deal way too much damage by the way) making Sym and Zarya able to delete squishies with next to no aim.
Ult trash tier? you mean the ult you can use when you are slept and still survive?
Or the ult you can combo with orisa and zarya?
The get a jail out of free card ult. Its everything but bad. You can even get a guaranteed kill on heroes like ana and zen with too low mobility.
Infinite TP and several other buff suggestions were put through.
Literally no one wanted that. In fact. If they HAD listened to Sym mains that TP change would never have happened. But if they REALLY listened to Sym mains she would be pretty much Sym 2.0 who could heal. AND she would have a golden glove.
I thought that was her ancestrial tribal name (and no, im not meaning that as a racist joke)
This is an absolute joke.
She essentially has her old ultimate on a cooldown, with range as a limit instead of charge. That’s a buff in it of its own.
Granted my idea of Symmetra being properly balance is a heavy weakening of turrets in exchange for weapon buffs to put more power in the hands of the player rather than automated systems. I never said she was balanced or OK, I just think the vocal Symm community drastically overdoes her balance state.
It’s a nerf. You clearly don’t play Symmetra.
Infinite TP was a nerf. And yes, she recieved a few buffs before the bugfix but she was still a bad pick. These buffs did not cause the “Sym meta”.
How the hell is removal of timing restrictions on an ability a nerf?