So you can technically report someone for using mercy super jump

In the way this game is with all the hitscan heroes, no, not at all. It’s the same reason why Valkyrie is a pretty dull ultimate, you can’t even use the flying ability to the full advantage without getting clapped by a Widow/Mccree/Bastion/Ashe/ etc.

Do you really even have a way to prove that it was not intended? Blizzard hasn’t really stated anything that this was indeed a bug, they would’ve done that already if it was since everybody on this god-complex forums complains about it.

And if the enemy isn’t playing those heroes? They are supposed to switch to make up for the fact that Mercy gets part of her ultimate based off a bug? Honestly, it’s not that game breaking but it is a clear advantage if you know how to do it.

Common sense? In what world would an undocumented side effect of an ability where you crouch, use an ability, then hit jump when you slow down for seemingly no reason close to a hero to launch you in the air ever been intended?

They could’ve just as easily gave her a passive that gives her a window to hit jump to launch into the air if that’s what they wanted.

Fun fact: you can report any person for any reason at any time. Blizzard does not audit reports. But just remember, every time you report someone you are risking that person being suspended or banned from the game they paid for without refund (which is against civil law in some countries, but someone would have to sue Blizzard for that). I’d report more often if (a) Blizzard audited reports and only banned players with numerous, legitimate, major offenses or (b) if they had more punishments to match the violation. For someone who screams profanities into their mic, they should have increasing time periods where their mic is muted for everyone. For someone who types racial slurs, they should lose the ability to type for time periods. For someone who does competitive-specific violations (deranking, throwing, boosting, etc), they should be suspended from competitive but not other modes. But the zero-audit and one-illegal-penalty-to-fit-all, I only report people who I think should never be allowed to play the game in any way ever again.

Why OwO

It’s known. It’s accepted. And unless it’s on their known list of bugs… I just don’t see why we’d keep calling it a bug then :man_shrugging:t2:

Because it clearly is? Just because they’ve chosen not dedicate any resources to fix it or make it a regular ability, people claiming that it’s an intended feature and not a bug are just kidding themselves. All I’m saying.

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I mean…technically…you can report someone for wearing yellow shoes, but that doesn’t mean Blizzard will take it seriously. If you report someone for using Mercy super jump, the devs will probably all sit around and laugh at your report during their next Christmas party.

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Well, then it’s a “bug” they’ve intended as acceptable.

Listen, we can look at a Twix candy bar and argue all day if it’s a Left Twix or Right Twix. But at the end of the day it would just be another pointless and unproductive debate. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I mean, let’s meet on the middle ground then?

It clearly looks like something that was never intended, yet they’ve done nothing about it.

If Blizzard wanted this ability for Mercy they could’ve added a graphic that lets her know when to jump and put it in the ability description of GA. You probably wouldn’t have to do a clunky crouch before using the ability either.

What we can conclude is Blizzard is just letting it slide and taking the laziest possible route out of all of it. :man_shrugging:

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Keeping it how it is, is better I think.

People here, are, well, special. (myself included of course)

Me too! I’m special :pleading_face:

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I’m pretty sure they have. It’s featured tech on an OWL video.

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It is not a glitch, nor is it a bug or an exploit.

It’s using an intended mechanic in a unique and (initially) unexpected way. Sorta like how explosions end up being used as rocket jumps in most games. On the coding side, everything is working properly, no ani-cancels to skip lines of codes, no broken physics to change how an ability is supposed to function. It’s just being used in a different way to get a different result.

Again, with the rocket jump example, blasts are supposed to knock you away. Putting the blast beneath you will naturally knock you upwards.

Likewise, with Mercy’s bunny hop, you’re supposed to press Jump to maintain momentum in the direction Mercy’s moving. When Mercy jumps while moving upwards to correct for her initial crouching, she maintains that momentum, as she should. Nothing is being borked here. It’s just… different.

For the screen cap, i am skeptical, I know how easy it would be to fake, but trust Venus.

The OWL vid is why I am not too worried and agree they wouldn’t have let it happen on stream if it was frowned upon, I have quite some time on mercy and just want them to say it so these threads stop popping up every month.

The report system is a joke and at times is just abused by people. Also, I don’t recall super jump begin a glitch same with buny hop. Granted I’ve never botherd to fully learn those mechanic. Also considering blizzard allowed it to be shown on stage kinda hits at just begin feature at this point. Also Mercy bunny hop got turned into feature.

Name exactly what part is glitched of the following;

  • Crouch delayed while airborne, tacked onto next landing
  • Crouching any time
  • Guardian Angel any time off cooldown when not CC’d and ally within range/LOS
  • Jumping any time during Guardian Angel to start a glidehop
  • Inheriting last known trajectory for glidehop
  • Guardian Angel pathing always curling upwards when below crouched height to avoid clipping into the ground

Name the glitchy part. Because all of the above are designed to work like that.

Glitches and bugs are not the same thing as an unforeseen interaction between multiple mechanics.

Crouching isnt the only way to do this.

Superjumps are just glidehops/slingshots that have a specific trajectory. Crouching is just one of many ways to get that trajectory.

I just wish they made it into it’s own ability, tbh.

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Yall really cant stand mercy being good🤦‍♀️