Super Jump is not a bug

I submitted a ticket about it and was told it was permitted and that it was just a clever use of her mechanics.


Edit: A long time later. But for all the folks who tried to tell this didn’t mean it was a feature now, and that my interpretation wasn’t reasonable. That’s confirmed.


Wasn’t this already known?


Until now the only thing said about it was the Overwatch League video showcasing how to do it, but not anything from CS or a blue post. So I decided to try just asking about it.


Ah i see, thank you for sharing!

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is it not possible to directly link the ticket post?, i believe you but people will think otherwise without actual source and they could believe the quote is fraudulent

You can’t link a support ticket. I guess I can try to take a screenshot.

“Not cheating” =/= “Bug”

It’s a bug. Bugs are unexpected/unintentional outcomes of coding.

The devs did not know that when they changed the sling shot bug into a core feature mercy would be able to crouch before a GA, wait for her momentum to nearly zero out as she approached her target, cancel the GA with a jump, clip her model into the ground- and have her moment propel her upwards, nor did they intend for this to happen

They LIKE the outcome, and consider it a neat and cool use of the change- so they allow it to stay.

It doesn’t change that it’s a bug

Which is fine.

Bugs become features all the time in games. “Bug” doesn’t have to be a dirty thing. But let’s not kid ourselves.

If ANYTHING I hope they give it the slingshot treatment and make it a more intuitive core part of her kit- and I think it’s a healthy maneuver for mercy to be able to utilize. I find those who whine and complain about it obnoxious.


I specifically asked if it was a bug or a mechanic, and they said it was a clever use of mechanics.

It’s not a bug and not cheating.



Saying it’s a permitted “clever use” of mechanics does NOT equate to them going “it’s not a bug”.


When presented with two options, it is the same. It’s not listed in their bugs and when asked whether it was a bug or mechanic, they choose mechanic. So until stated otherwise, calling it a bug is not reasonable.


No it’s not.

Because the devs like it.


Sure it is.

Because it’s a bug.

A bug the devs like the impact of and allow to stay as a feature.

Doesn’t change it was a bug.


How is superjump not a bug but gengus superjump was…

blizz is 2 faced.


Yes, it is. If I said “is this chicken or fish”, and you say “fish,” then the answer is “fish.”

You’ve no clue what they intended, you aren’t a developer.


Clever use of game mechanics, like rebuilding the citadel floor of the Lich King Fight with bombs.



All the guy said is it was permitted.

Believe it or not

bugs can be permitted

here’s a fun fact:

I’ve tongue in cheek hinted at and teased every hero before their release as far back as Doomfist.

I’ve also had fun doing the same with HotS heroes.

Either I’m super coincidental

Or I know a few people at blizzard.

You believe whichever you like.

For blizzard?


Have I worked on the development of games in the past before shifting careers however?


It is a bug.

The support team telling you it’s ok to do it doesn’t change that it’s a bug.


You can’t really use support staff statements as fact tbh, ask another support staff and you will get a different answer.
They are not very consistent and often go against even in-game rules.


Yeah, and my uncle works at Nintendo. Unless you have official proof, the position is that it’s mechanics and not a bug. Its not listed as a bug and when asked to clarify if it was a bug directly they said mechanic.


If nothing else it shows that those people reporting players for it really need to stop.

I’d say at this point with all of this:

  • Not being listed as a bug
  • Being showcased on OWL
  • Above answer

Everything indicates it’s considered a part if her kit.


Hope this answers the mercy haters that keeps asking for super jump to be removed. If they still persists it should be removed, they are welcome to open a support ticket and eventually get the same answer on this.


I feel 99.9% better about superjump with this clarification.

Now all they have to do is clean up the animation and I’ll be 100% happy about it, as legs clipping through the floor is jank. Not the top of my list for changes overwatch neess, not even halfway, but I’d still like it done, eventually.