So you can technically report someone for using mercy super jump


Sounds like lazy QA to me. “Its a feature” I don’t blame people for using “unintended game mechanics” to gain whatever edge they need, just seems a poor reflection of the development team to leave such mechanics in.

Oh thanks, finally someone cited a source.

Lol my comments aren’t directed at you just the haters in general. :yum:

Technically you COULD. Although the report won’t be taken seriously, and to identify further more they identified it as a exploit but had no comment on any punishment.

The joke of “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature” is exactly on this topic.
The definition of a bug is flexible and sort of ambiguous.

One will claim it’s a bug when it’s initially created unintentional result, other will claim it’s only a bug when developer decide after the fact it’s not intentional.

Anyway it doesn’t really matter…

I tried to ask, and they dodged the question.

but someone else succeeded.

No, Blizzard has stated that this is a clever mechanic usage of Guardian Angel, and that it is not classified as cheating (Bug/Exploit usage falls under the category of cheating.)


So are animation cancels glitches worth reporting?

Oh you poor, poor, poor alex, you have no idea the wrath you have just brought into this thread…

You absolutely can’t. VenusArmani has actually reached out to blizz support, asked, and posted the reply that it is 100% acceptable.

to be honest anyone could have made this in MS paint, I like the mechanic and want it to stay in the game, but am skeptical as heck.

Think of how bat heck crazy the mercy mains were a year ago and ask yourself, would they forge this? I would say yes, even though I really like the mechanic.

The bug is not an exploit, because it doesn’t create a situation where the match becomes unwinnable for either team. Either team can use Mercy to use this technique if they are skilled enough and if they think it can help them win the match. Maybe the technique needs to be patched out if it was never meant to be an intended ability, but this is something that would be considered a false reporting.


Go ask them yourself sway. See if you get the same exact answer.

This. I work in an email customer support field and would be more than willing to bet that is 80% a response template. Meaning it’s asked more than enough.

I’ve read that and joked with my work buddies we could 100% handle Blizz customer support. It uses the same mannerisms we have to of information mixed with personalization, and empathy statements so the customer doesn’t feel like they’re just talking to an automated not.

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I wish they would just be like.

“would you all stop already, it is X”

That feel when using this same weird logic; you could report any Zen player who uses a melee attack to cancel the charge on his alternate fire as there is 0 proof anywhere on any form of official documentation that the ability is able to be cancelled by a melee attack

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Them not fixing it and it not being a bug are not the same thing.

They may have left it in because to fix it would require a lot of work on the mechanics of Guardian Angel and they deem it not worth the effort over other things.

Saying they haven’t fixed it doesn’t mean it isn’t a bug, not sure how to make it any clearer for you.

But leaving it for over 2-3 years is, If it really was a issue or a bug that needed to be fixed when all the Non-Mercy mains screech that it’s overpowered (for some reason even though it’s just changing the velocity of GA from the X axis to the Y axis.) they would’ve fixed it a long time ago.

You only prove my point, even in your post you admit it’s a bug that just hasn’t been fixed, and Blizzard is obviously OK not putting the work into fixing it. Doesn’t mean it isn’t a blatant bug.

Also, “changing velocity from x to y” is an absurd way to discredit how good it is. I am sure if Ana could take Baptiste’s ability to get on high ground for free with nobody else there Ana mains would take that in a heart beat.