So you can technically report someone for using mercy super jump

Not a serious post, but you can technically report mercy for using super jump because it’s actually a glitch and you are “abusing glitches”.

So blizz please go ahead and publicly announce that it is a real game trick - make it into a game feature. Thank you.


I guess it is generalized into tech like how doomfist can use sliding roofs to get over to places. But something like sym tele glitch is probably a reportable offence. But that’s just my take on it. The mechanic existed for so long I guess its a indirect way of saying, probably okay?


Blizzard have stated it is not a bug/glitch, but a clever manipulation of in-game mechanics (Bunny Hop).


so even on overwatch 2 those bugs will remian untouched, i am curious about the engine theyre working for overwatch, because gliding and bouncing in the edge of some stuff remember me call of duty 4, you can do exactly the same stupids things.

From my perspective it might be a couple changes to the engine but it looks like graphical enhancements and UI changes. I could be wrong though.

…it’s not a bug…


Oh I haven’t seen that.

It’s actually not a glitch though.

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I’m sorry, but it’s the definition of a bug.

There is zero chance that there was a design intent that Mercy holding crouch and jumping near an ally while using Guardian Angel massively launches you into the air was intended.

You can argue all you want she needs it, it’s fun “tech”, and whatever else you want. But it’s a text book bug.


I mean, I get reported for throwing when I am top contributer all the time. You can report anyone for anything, and that is why the system is a joke and basically never works unless you play a troll pick hero.


I should clarify – I didn’t mean I think you should report for it. Blizzard has had an ample time to squash it if they wanted, but people claiming it’s not a bug is pretty silly to me.

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It’s not abusing a glitch because Blizz acknowledges it and can adjust it, similar with doomfist punch cancel.


the developer team have said it is not a bug.

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You can technically report somebody for existing or for having more than one vowel in their username and it has exactly as much weight as reporting someone for hard throwing


Someone needs to ask them at Blizzcon so we have a video of them actually saying it, because right now everyone is just assuming its a bug.

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Because it’s 100% something that was unintended which is the definition of a bug.

Some bugs remain in games because they provide value so that the developers feel like they don’t need to fix it, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t bugs.

What Blizzard should do, if they feel Mercy needs this ability, is to actually make it an ability instead of activating it by doing a weird sequence of abilities/crouching/jumping.


sauce please

Its only a bug until enough people report it and then its an exploit. Please everyone do your part.

There is proof in the forums somewhere with an official Blizzard statement about super jump not being a reportable offense.

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When did they say that?