So why was Mercy's healing nerfed?

ok ok
let me correct it


I would say Mercy is still viable. Brigitte on the other hand…

At 60 hps Mercy was the ONLY viable option.

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I always figured it was because Jeff Kaplan hated me personally and wanted to make me suffer.

Some punctuation and spellcheck might help with the confusion.

Fixed that for you. #20characters

Mercy has Rez which is the #1 most broken mechanic in the game. If you get rid of rez or make it only a ultimate ability then I don’t see why we couldn’t bring her healing back up. But the rez on a 30sec CD is broken, has been and will continue to be until it is addressed.

And, in accordance, I and many others find that she is a missing a little something something.

I am open to change. Honestly, Mercy players have adjusted so much to where I think we can adapt to anything at this point. Mercy players are flexible and malleable. We’ll be fine. :wink:

Understood 100%.

There are many on both sides in terms of Mercy’s current state

True for some, but unfortunately, not universally.

There are even players who refuse to play her at all until she is reverted, and havent played her for well over a year at this point

Because before that we had one viable main healer - Mercy. Mercy is in a better place now than Ana or Moira was before Mercy was nerfed.

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I should’ve explicitly defined what “Mercy players” mean to me. I define “Mercy players” as those who still currently play Mercy. With that logic, the statement should hold, for the most part, true.

well, that was one example of many.

some other examples of hardline mercy players: Some want rez in any and all forms removed, period. Others want mass rez returned to the game, period

I know of some Mercy players who are as you say flexible - but this isnt always the case

Games are dynamic in nature. Whether is be at runtime or in long run balance patches. Everyone must be flexible. I also understand everyone also has their limits. Unfortunately though, these games will continue to change and mold to new metas so if that limit has already been exceeded by some then they simply don’t return to whatever tested their patience in the first place. That’s okay too.

I honestly don’t know how this convo has continued I didn’t think it would be nested. So now I don’t even know what I’m writing about.

All in all, I think where I left off…

I’m down for change. Could they ruin Mercy? Sure.

Gimme that new glowy blue character they showed in the Ashe drop.

I think it was a knee jerk reaction that ended up being a mistake and which they can’t find a way out of. They wanted to shake up the healer meta, and weren’t too particular about how to do it.

Mercy’s pickrates were already on their way down when her healing was nerfed (very much as Ana’s pickrates are slowly headed down from the high rank 14-15% at which they stood for several months).

Given a bit more time, a different meta would have stabilized on its own. This is especially true since two other healers (Ana and Lucio) received major buffs. In addition, Mercy was never a good fit for a comp like GOATS and no comp that Mercy enables is currently able to stand up to GOATS.

I think that patience and judicious buffs to other healers would have stabilized the meta. It was already more diverse in season 9 and season 10 prior to the introduction of Brigitte. It’s no coincidence that the only 2 healers to strongly benefit from the Mercy nerf are Lucio and Ana who themselves received strong buffs. If a nerf was needed, a less drastic one could have been chosen. For instance, increasing the cost of her ultimate.

Instead, what we got was an almost unprecedented nerf to the hero’s main function. Right now, Mercy struggles to fulfill her role of main healer in a Vanilla comp (main tank, off tank, main healer, off healer, 2 dps). Any amount of forethought would have shown that this would be the case.

There are many consequences to this (aside from the current ill will some Mercy players feel about Blizzard’s handling of the hero). Foremost in my mind is the general meta shift that it precipitated. Mercy (especially when paired with Zenyatta) enable dps heavy comps and comps with mobile tanks. Without a strong Mercy, these comps don’t historically do that well. Aside from a couple brief periods of Zen/Lucio healing comps, 2/2/2 metas are almost always associated with a strong Mercy.

We’ll never know what would have happened given more judicious approach to balancing. I understand that they wanted to change the healer meta, but I really wish they had proceeded with a bit more care. I don’t think they’ll go back on this nerf any time in the near future, since I think they’re suffering from Mercy fatigue. I hope they do eventually figure something out, and that they learned from something from the whole story.

Unfortunately, as many Mercy-related threads throughout these forums bear witness too, many folks are not flexible

Nope, we only have 1: Ana. But I’ve seen mercy’s carry, so I wouldnt say shes bad. Most of the Mercy mains i talk to say "Shes fine, just play her like you’re supposed to. Play for rezes and dmg boost when you can.

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Definitely true, it hamstrings the team really and prevents effective plays from being made outside of pressing Q. If you have a mercy + off healer, you have to play more cautiously and know when its time to back off. Mercy + another main healer = Q - related team wipe is almost a given to occur.

At this point, I feel like we’ll never get 60 hps back cuz the devs are too scared to try it and possibly create another moth meta, even though with current valkyrie mercy gets 60 hps on every teammate and the enemy team can still get picks without using ults and people don’t even see valk as threatening on the enemy team unless it’s a widow or pharah scared of battle mercy lol. And now mercy gets her ult so often she has 60 hps on all teammates a lot, just sayin. Those days before the valk buffs were DARK times. I’m just hoping for 55 hps at this point or for the devs to just admit/address everything and say hey she’s a crappy off support now deal with it! Lmao

If mercy is strong, she ends up overshadowing the rest of the supports. I envy you if you were never demanded to swap to mercy every match. Most players just aren’t a fan of her and don’t want to be forced to play her.

Honestly, in terms of each other, supports may be the most balanced they have ever been. In terms of the rest of the game, they are far too strong of a category.