So why was Mercy's healing nerfed?

But if i recall correctly Mercy nerf to 50 heal/s was unjustified.
Nobody asked for that nerf.

Many people did, since they were tired of her being the most notorious must pick in this game.

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So wait, the minor reduction to her healing made her not viable? I would argue and say you’re absolutely wrong


Healing Tank with 50h/s feel really sluggish. They should atleast leave 60 h/s for tanks.

Moira and Ana don’t need aim to heal. Throw an orb or nade in the direction and they are healed. Moira’s other heal is just look in the direction roughly (no aim required.)

Moira and Ana can output lots of DPS while healing simultaneously. They can also solo or group heal constantly. They also have more useful ults too, unlike Mercy’s valk which is utter trash, the worst ult in the game.

Mercy is either heal or boost, she cannot output lots of DPS and heal sumalteanously.

Having Mercy being able to at least heal close to the rate Ana and Moira can provided an alternate option. Now we have two main heals and all Mercy as a off-healer can heal is only chip damage as most SINGLE shots by a DPS does way more than 50 health.

Well she is a healer, isn’t what she is designed to do? :thinking:

If 50 is sluggish, 60 is sluggish too, you can tell from her ultimate

It’s a small change all things considered. Was it unneccesary? Maybe. Did it destroy her? Nah

You’re joking right? Especially on Ana, that has to be a joke, the grenade is not enough healing on its own lol

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No, I think you’re missing me.
Lucio can fly without other people helping him.
Mercy can -only- fly where there are others. Things aimed at those others often tend to hit her INSTEAD.
Mercys mobility isn’t mobility if no ones around.
Lucio can fly higher, faster and better than Mercy.
500 hours of Mercy here, btw.

Additional 10 heal/s seems laughable but make a diffrence when you have to sit down next to two tanks.

Not when it matters it doesn’t

In the heat of the moment, that extra bit of healing hardly makes a difference. Which is why the nerf was uneccassary, but not so bad at the same time.

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Thats my point they nerfed her for act of nerfing Mercy nothing else.
Same goes for Brig and DF right now.
I hate when dev have lag and start spaming nerf for hero without reason.

No, we have ONE option - Ana.

(or, for 6-stacks and pros, run 3 off-healers. But that rarely happens on ladder)

Moira has no utility and really can’t do much against a team that has an Ana as a main healer (teamfight started? Ana throws the 'nade and POOF there goes Moira’s burst heals). Added utility? NONE.

So, really, if you want to main heal, you go:

  1. Ana
  2. Ana
  3. Ana
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“Most balanced they have ever been”

  • Mercy: overnerfed, needs to play harder than any support to get same results;
  • Brigitte: Nerfed to death, only useful in GOATS;
  • Moira: ZERO utility, utterly useless.

Only half the cast is viable in non-GOATS comps. In what universe is that “balanced”?

Oh, and +10 HPS is actually a healing increase of 20%. That is a LOT.

20% of 50 is not a lot

Most balanced they have ever been.

Yeah they aren’t balanced but it is more balanced than “swap to mercy or we lose,” that is was for about nine months.

Thinking things were more balanced in moth meta is borderline delusional: Mercy was probably the worst case of a must pick in the entire history of the game.

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If your enemy team are potatoes you can forget about hiding, being babysitted or whatever. However, if the enemy team has half brain, if you dare to rez in mid fight without any type of protection, you are dead for sure. If that’s the case, hiding or being babysitted is 1000% mandatory.

That’s the same as saying that running towards a Reinhardt face to face is a good idea because you did it and saw people doing so. Yes, it’s possible, but unless you have some great protection (basically, being Orisa and using fortify, having extremely heavy fire or being a charging Rein), that charge against a wall has your name written in golden letters.

Yeah, moth meta was terribly balanced, but that’s just because Mercy’s revert back to alpha was the worst mistake Blizz has ever made. It never should have passed the ptr, that overpowered and bad design it was. Before that, supports were more balanced. Nowadays they are not balanced at all neither. Mercy is the most niche she has ever been, working only in pair with Pharah/Widow/Ashe, and many others are just meh or overnerfed.

Anyway, I know this type of disaster reworks since long ago. In HotS I suffered Nova’s rework for so long time, and she only got reworked and rezzed for good after the game dying against its direct competence (LoL), the team being replaced by a better one (some of them being moved to Ow), and the entire game being reworked. Sadly, it seems Ow is leading the same way at this point.

Wow talk about a toxic player, at least we have a main healer that can protect herself

Nah 60 hps wont make a moth meta, itll only make winston even worse than he is now. I think thats why they nerfed it, tbh. If you pocketed winston target in ult or not, there was 0 dmg going through. Now it takes longer, but a pocketed hero is killable as winston. Still sucks for mercy players tho.

the real problem is “why i should play healer and no let someon else do it?” at the moment brig is realy slow trying to do anything but CC, get any reward or deal with a problematic enemy hero is no a option. some DpS do a better job killing the problem than a healer just restoring HP to others on the point that 1 healer 3 dps 2 tanks are doing beter than 2,2,2

On my exp is turning very borryng standing behind to let ther shine, also playng nerfed and overnerfed characters again the bost on Dps like Reaper Tracer Bastion 76 and so on

On my opinion overwatch should take down the rol class, let dps/tanks get somthing to heals themselves and make actual suport class more agro