So why was Mercy's healing nerfed?

I consider her to be a “middle ground” healer.

She doesn’t offer clutch healing like Ana and Moira, but she can at least offers a comfortable amount. IF the Mercy player is decent enough.

Nah, you can still play her.
She is easy to pick up and has constant healing. You can’t miss any shot, you can’t run out of healing.

And also- Mercy is more than only healing. You have your DMG boost and you have one of the best abilities in the entire game- Resurrect.

Long story short; Mercy was even after her nerfs (with still 60 HP/s) often picked. She got nerfed to be more specific. To pocket a DPS or when you are not comfortable with Ana and Moira is no option.

Mercy is good
Moira is in some compositions better than everyone else -> Goats
Ana can be an overall beast but has a high skill sealing and you need to be consistent with Ana -> Is the best support overall because of her CC and burst healing but can be beaten by Moira when it comes to specific team comps
And Mercy?
Mercy -> Can be played if you have for example a Pharah, when you don’t need a defensive ultimate and you have an Ana or Moira and you stay with your DPS and also when you are not comfortable with Ana or don’t trust yourself enough to play her

All of them sounds pretty fine on me.
If you run Mercy with Goats then… 60 HP wouldn’t change something as well :cherry_blossom:

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Mercy has resurrect, the most mobility of every hero in the support category, and can lock-on heal from the heavens (Pharah) or just stay around the corner out of the enemy’s LoS while healing.

Because she got too much value for how much skill she took.

You don’t think that started happening around about nerf number 10?
Mercy was supposed to be the less stressful healer, but nope, she’s too popular!

And suddenly no one wants to play tank, and theres not enough healers.
What an unexpected turn of events!
crickets chirping

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Once you put jump on Mouse two, Lucio has better, more effective and non-team dependent mobility, wall scaling, ‘I can go where you can’t follow’ mobility.
Mercys is ‘stop-start-stop-start’ mobility with a lower standard speed and all sorts of limitations.

Its been a long time since they looked at Mercys mobility, and the last ‘looks’ they did were to say she moves too fast in Valk for the lower tier snipers to hit, so they nerfed it.

I thought of Lucio, but Lucio is only effective if there’s a wall to ride on. Mercy can zip across the map so to say.

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Moira does need to aim. You just can’t spray heals without aiming. You will miss and they won’t get healed. Tesla says the same thing about how he sees Moira players not bothering to try to aim. His tracking/aim is about 75%.

That is aim my friend. Plus, you need to know who to bounce orbs off surfaces correctly for max value which requires aim.

Just look up Tesla.

Moira requires no aim lol. Saying she does is completely reaching. It takes 0 brain to aim with her heals or her grasp. There’s no aspect of her hit that takes skill.

I fixed that for you, and stop shoving your ideas and opinions into our faces as if they were absolute and facts. Mercy is great on console, for a good reason, so you go ahead and enjoy Mercy on the console.

I’m honestly sick and tired of seeing you on the forums talking about Mercy and against those of us who don’t enjoy her on the PC. Blizzard has done console and PC only specific balances, and they can always keep Mercy as she is on console, so you go back to your corner and enjoy Mercy while the rest of us have a healthy and plausible discussion about Mercy in regards to her state on PC without your biased console experience and opinions.

Everything is a wall. Everything can be climbed. You can’t stop RMBJump lucio. I’ve just spiderman-ed away from reapers and McRees on Illios before. Nope. Lucios even harder to Track than Mercy because he’s less predictable.

You’re missing my point. Lucio actually has to ride away to get out of trouble. Mercy can lock-on and zip away, say, into the sky with Pharah. Or she can hit Q and fly up really high and peace out while pew pew’ing with unlimited ammo/no-reload.

No matter how you put it, Mercy still has the most support mobility.

Lucio can go where he wants to.
Mercy goes where she can go thats why shes faster.

In terms of mobility Mercy = Lucio

She has no utility, all she can do is healing.
She’s viable only in low ranks, where people don’t know how to make use of supports’ utilities.

Basically, Blizz couldn’t nerf that busted E rez even more, and valk was trash enough, so they decided to nerf the only thing they could and that would affect Mercy’s power in game. Her overall healing. That way, she would see a decrease of her power, sending her out of meta thanks to the changes to the other supports (better changes btw). However, that has made E rez much more her focus, making letting people to die in order to a rez, a valuable option. On the other hand, it allowed them to buff valk in an attempt to make it feel more like a real ultimate instead of a glorified E ability. They failed.

Sadly, Mercy has been sent to a dead end. This design has a lot of core issues, and trying to balance them, Blizz has only disguised them. Yes, maybe she can seem balanced at some point, but her problems are still there. She is not fluid. She must hide during each rez or die unless being babysitted. Her ultimate is bland, lackluster and overall poorly designed. Her E rez is even more powerful than her ultimate. The most thrilling thing to do with her nowadays is going dps, which is not her job. Finally, changing her for being more fun without a rework and keeping her balanced is just impossible.

Anyway, the healing nerf was unjustified and indefensible. We already saw Mercy with 50 hp/s healing in the past, and we know she was a troll pick outperformed by Ana. Great surprise, making the same mistakes over and over again doesn’t bring different results. Mercy is once more outperformed by the rest of the main support hero pool, considered a throw pick for many people. This nerf was just unprofessional. It seems Blizz had (and has) not a clue of what to do with her bad design. They didn’t want to admit their mistake, so they messed her even more. They are still trying to make us believe she is fine, but tbh, their arguments are too weak. Maybe Ashe can be paired with Mercy and maybe they are a good combo, but that’s not making her really better, since the problem is her design, not her balance, and adding a niche is not making a character better.


The statement above is attributed to me but is not what I stated, and as such, I ask that it be removed or corrected

This is a public discussion forum

It is for the public to discuss things related to Overwatch

I discuss things related to Overwatch, and I do so within the rules of the forum.

I do not “shove” anything at anyone - my statements are there to be read only if one wishes to read them

I state facts as facts, and opinion as opinions.

I know many, many players who enjoy playing Mercy on PC, and if one reads any of the many Mercy-related threads on these forums, one learns that many here do as well

I do not speak against anyone, I speak of what I know and what I have experienced

This thread does not appear (to me) to be a PC-only thread. No such thing is mentioned in the title or original post.

I think the differences between the game on console and the game on PC are vastly overstated - they are in fact the same game…same characters, same maps, same modes, etc.


Our experiences vary

I have been able to successfully (both Mercy and target are alive at the end of it) rez without hiding, using cover, or having a teammate body block for me (I believe this is what you mean by the term babysitting) many times.

I have been able to do so in mid-fight, as well; and I have watched others do so many times at multiple tiers of play


i m realy lost, ok game run around pick a rol healer dps or tank but in comparation again dps healers and tank are geting all the nerfs with each time less options to chose, bored and rewardless meanwhile dps like reaper, tracer, hanzo, symetra, torb are always geting the powerbost or rework


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uhm, yeah, thats wrong