So why was Mercy's healing nerfed?

We only have two “viable” main healers (Ana and Moira), so why remove that third option in Mercy?


I wouldn’t call Moira viable if you consider mercy not to be.


because UNLIKE both moira and ana’s it is constant, unlimited and does not require aim.


viable as a “main healer”

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Because she was “irreplaceable” for the longest time and instead of seeing if just the other healers needed a buff in their healing/kits Blizzard decided to go all out without thought.

Like…couldn’t we have just SEEN if it would have made a difference?

Mercy had 60hps BEFORE the rework and that was because she lacked the healing potential of Ana…and this was done before all the burst damage was common.



  1. They needed to put Mercy balancing on the backburner, so they could work on balancing other heroes and bugfixing.
  2. I didn’t know they were going to do that Ana buff.

But yeah, I’d say sometime by March 2019, they should reevaluate Mercy’s balance.


Ah… yeah. As of right now Mercy takes an off-healer spot as pairing her with an off-healer tends to not end well.


Lol, Moira doesn’t need aim.
Throw an orb in their general direction.
Use your heal beam in their general direction.
They’ll get healed.

They are also different heroes.
Mercy cannot damage while she heals.
Ana and Moira can.


Fixed the year for you…


My bet is by the end of the year or 2020 at the earliest. They don’t change their minds that easily once they say something.

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Eh, I suggested the 50hps nerf, in addition to a Healer balance pass, and focusing on buffing F/D tier heroes.

But I think the “putting Mercy balance on-hold” has mostly served it’s purpose.

I mention end-of-March because OWL will mostly be in autopilot by then.

But I’m think that’s the start of when Devs will start considering balance changes. As opposed to actually doing them.

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If I had a guess, I would say it was a result of one of the many complaints on her being “unfun to play against”, reworked, and then given constant nerfs after being OP for 5 months straight.

At this point, it’s been well received that Mercy has been balanced, but still seen as being in a pretty lackluster state, and many agree that she can certainly use some improvements. Be it through a revert, another rework, or minor tweaks, I think it’s apparent that she needs something that can make her more engaging, rewarding, impactful to play, and have agency. Here’s hoping they realize this and help out our angel in the coming months. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


But how does that have anything to do with them changing their minds about changing Mercy when they said they wouldn’t?

Mercy is and always has been a main healer


cuz ana and moira can’t rez


Because whichever Healer is capable of keeping their team up, while being the hardest to kill dictates the meta.

At the time that was Mercy because 60 HPs on her main beam + Rez was enough sustain and I don’t think I need to tell you how hard Mercy is to kill.

Blizzard wanted her out of the meta. In fact, they had wanted her out of the meta for a very long time. That’s why she got nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf. But… she didn’t actually leave the meta until they hit her normal healing beam, because that finally put her general team sustain in the “Not Enough” category.

Once Mercy couldn’t rescue her teammates anymore… Brigitte became the hardest support to kill who could rescue her teammates. Now Goats has started and the clown fiesta has been going on around Brig for… months now.


I am hoping for Mercy to become a lot worse. If they were to change anything now it’d be to change a number to improve balance. I am hoping she becomes so bad that people start leaving the game, bad enough for it to hurt their income, bad enough to force a proper rework…

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Maybe they should’ve released a balanced rework in the first place, then.

What bothers me mostly is that they buffed the other healers at the same time. Would’ve been nice to see if 60HPS was still too much with those buffs before nerfing it so drastically.


Don’t forget that the meta shifted in one that doesn’t favor Mercy at all. Maybe if it was a dive oriented meta would Mercy been a more viable hero, but in a tank meta is Ana, who has burst healing, a better pick.

Also, Mercy is actually performing better than Moira in higher ranks.


That bothers me too, but without the heal beam nerf, I doubt things would have changed. Why? Brigitte didn’t get any buffs in the healer pass.