So why was Mercy's healing nerfed?

I respectfully disagree

I strongly suggest you watch some player-made videos of GM level Mercy play

To give her a downside which being bad as healing heavy tank comp so people will switch to moira or ana.

Damage boost used to be a critical part of my playstyle, but now with the healing nerf, I can almost never find time to use it


One of the best times to use it is when your current target is fully healed and you’re looking for the next teammate to fly to

With how slow her healing has become, that situation has become quite rare. Most of the time I’m flying all over the place trying to make sure people don’t die.

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To be fair, yes, people hated moth meta, but at least there were DPS and interesting sniper plays. Once Mercy lost all the resses, it started transforming into different DPS, but there were DPS… xD

How is Moira not viable?

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If Mercy isn’t, Moira is even less is what I said. Context.

Moira is rarely used in the top ranks. Even at my rank people don’t want her because she lacks utility.

Moira lack utility thats why shes less viable in higher rank.

Out experiences vary - I am regularly able to heal targets to full, and with Mercy, you have the convenience of being able to do so without facing the target, unlike the other two main healers - a convenience that helps enable use of GA

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That convenience doesn’t heal them any faster. What other healer do you usually play with that you don’t have any issue keeping everyone healed up?

And at what rank? Things are chaotic where I play, everyone is constantly taking damage and I can never keep up with my healing unless I have another main healer in the team, or sometimes a Lucio.

That’s true for any healer that’s trying to solo heal really

Maybe not Ana if you absolutely never get flanked at any point

Moira has to run/fade to everyone or burn her burst trying to get someone far away

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I never mentioned I was trying to solo heal, as I was not.

I assumed that’s what you meant when you said ‘‘unless i have another main healer or lucio’’

same still applies, there are periods where Ana and Moira can’t easily heal that doesn’t apply to Mercy as often so her healing is lowered to compensate but still gets the job done

but idk ranks or something

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that convenience helps keep Mercy moving, which in turn helps her survive - it also helps her get to the next teammate with little to no downtime, as other teammates need to be healed as well


Oh hey, lookit that.

I suppose the #MercyIsFine / “Mercy needs no changes” made was just hyperbole. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

No hyperbole.

I have explained my stance on this, an attempt at compromise

It comes as no surprise to me that only a few of the anti-Mercy folks have ventured there, since few if any seem willing to consider any but their own extreme stances, “my way or the highway”, basicallyF

At the few ranks where Mercy drops off in viability, Moira drops off more. She’s the worst healer at the highest ranks. Both are quire good at lower ranks, Mercy for her Bronze-proof consistency and Moira for sheer healing output (though people DPS with her a ton down there so Mercy probably still outheals the average Moira - hell I often outheal them when I play Zen).

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From what I’ve been observing so far, it seems increasingly like the nerf was done so that people being healed still have a chance to die and allow/require for Rez to be used and still qualify as a utility.