So why was Mercy's healing nerfed?

The latest healing nerf was really dumb. In the same patch they buffed Ana, Moira and Lucio as well, they couldn’t wait to see how they would stack together.

This month, Ana outpicked Mercy in most ranks. It’s clear to me Ana needs PC specific tuning in regards to her healing hitbox.


That’s not gonna happen cause OWL is just going to just rake in money for them-so even in Mercy does get to the point where she’s better at being 6ft under than as an addition to the team they won’t look to her because of their financial state.

Heck I doubt they’d even look at her when her pick rate and win rates are so far gone-I mean they’ve already showed how much they care about heroes like Sombra when they did that to her.

If the popular voice doesn’t cry out about how a hero should be looked into more-blizzard will just leave them untouched because “well they aren’t hearing any complaints”

I (and many others) find her to be engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play in her current state, and as such, we’d prefer that no further changes be made to her


The argument of a “main healer” is pretty misunderstood. More healing doesn’t win games . The fact that mercy does less healing but have amazing utility, damage boost, guardian angel, rez etc , makes mercy a better pick than moira due to her lack of utility and low mobility.
A " main healer " is someone who outputs a lot of healing , but according to overbuff lucio and ana have the same average healing output at 9000(give or take)
Also, mercy isn’t bad, the meta is bad for mercy , she is super viable when not playing GOATS as damage boost is criminally underrated.

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Because I think they recognize that Mercy isn’t in an ideal state, and is one of their most recognizable mascot heroes.

That said, I doubt they will revert Mercy, but I don’t think they are entirely against the idea of improving her mechanical/mental interactivity. Like they did with that original Lucio rework.

I’m pretty sure it’s been established that this won’t happen.

I can only hope.

I dislike Mercy but even I think the nerf was a little over the top; a 17% reduction in HPS is also a 17% reduction in ult charge rate. They could have at least buffed that to compensate.

I think it would also be cool if they “borrowed” Medic’s ramp up and/or overheal mechanic from TF2. Unfortunately as long as she has mobility and rez to keep her distinguished from the other 2 main healers I doubt she’ll ever get any more utility.

They did, though.


Underutilized, one of the reasons being there’s less time available to boost after the healing nerf.


May I remind you that you yourself have posted ideas for changing Mercy that have similar goals as those that RevertMercy has expressed?


That’s the thing if dive were to come back wouldn’t they play Lucio+Zen? Interesting to note that in the streams I do watch even when dive is played it’s with Ana, a comp that is more suited to Mercy. Heck even in double sniper comps Ana is still played over Mercy, at least in what I watch.

Mercy hasn’t been as viable as Moira for 6+ months though

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To be fair, they did previously say that they thought Mercy was in a good spot a while back, then a few months later they nerfed her.

This game is constantly changing. Likewise, opinions on heroes change over time to fit.



Basically, Mercy and Moira were healing pretty much the same (Mercy slightly more) and there was Ana who was like 2 k behind.

This is what dev’s comment said. They didn’t say anything about 60 hps being op. It was really unnecessary nerf.

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When you need to nerf an hero, you can nerf what makes her/him strong or nerf something that has nothing to do with her/his problem. They went for the second option

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You may indeed

The ideas in the thread you are referring to are not ones I am personally pushing for - I honestly would prefer that Mercy remain as she is

That thread is essentially an offer of a compronise that may appeal to some of the anti-mercy factions.

Some, not all.

The forum member you named above wants mass rez to return - this is in essence specified in the forum membername. The compromise being discussed in the dodo rework thread is not designed to appeal to those who want mass rez returned to Mercy.

so, I wouldnt personally say the goals are similar…

True, I would have preferred a nerf for res than her healing.

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because it was too good for how “hard” it was to use

let’s call it balance reasons

Not with that 50 hps she’s not


I wouldn’t be mad if Mercy stayed the same. But I’d like 60 hps back at least.

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