So why do we still have private profiles exactly?

Not always. I’ve had games similar to one where everyone was fine and happy until one guy pointed out that our Mei was a Moira main. Then the other 4 started freaking out, and if we lost a fight, it was automatically their fault, even though they got an MVP card at the end, and picked off at least 2 every fight.

The people who would harass people for not playing a character just because it was needed or meta are still around and given the chance still pounce upon it.

It was never a game reason, it was a people reason, and people are still part of this game.

That’s fair but making them private by default? C’mon man… it makes no sense. It’s too forced. Blizzard created the toxicity in the first place with medals and reports and now they force private profiles because they F****ed up

they in no way force private profiles. they default to them. takes 5 seconds to change.

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The thing is, you don’t know you’re defaulted to private as a new player. This change was made a long time ago. Even older players might forget if they need to make a new account. I did when I moved to PC from Xbox. The fact that you’re defaulted to private and the game doesn’t tell you that or even hint that it’s a thing means there’s a lot of people out there on private who may not even want to be

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The negatives far out way the positives. No one has a right to your profile information. Anything you can gleam from a profile can be given to you by talking to the person.

What if they lie? Then it doesn’t matter if you can see their profile because they already know what they want to play regardless of you knowing how many hours they have on any hero or their personal stats.

If a dude wants to play Hog you looking at his profile and stating “but you have 4x the hours on Rein” isn’t going to change anything. He already knows that and has made his choice.


I disagree with your statement so I’m just going to point out your rank instead of giving an actual explanation as to why you’re wrong.


I guess I understand that, but I’m not wired that way. I’m more just curious at how high someone’s stats are if they impress me, or if I see they have an astounding number of hours on someone. I just think profiles are neat and people took away my ability to see them

Last I heard they were implement as why to combat toxicity. And I believe something about laws that games need privacy feature. Granted that only something I’ve heard about and not bothered to look into.

you know what would be cool? If you could choose which parts of your profile would be private, but here’s the kicker: You can never hide your Competitive Stats.

Does Dion Sanders get to keep his yardage a secret? I think not!

here’s my matchmaker idea, and it even goes as far to say that all games ever played should be viewable by the public!

Competition doesn’t take place in a vault. Unless you’re Bobby Fischer :wink: and even more so, his match where he shooed everyone out was captured on video

Unless you were an actual flex player.

Why are profiles even a thing? No one is entitled to know anything about me other than what I think they should know. By all means, criticize my performance as we’re playing together, but that’s all ya get.

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It’s been literal years. I think people just need to accept private profiles exist at this point.

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Ironically, placing so much importance on seeing someone else’s profile is the exact reason private profiles are still necessary.


Very simple, toxic players.

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I agree. Nothing worse than trying to look at what your team are good at, and seeing most, if not every single profile on private. Honestly don’t know why they put private profiles the default.

People with private profiles dig through others to use rank and main heroes as their only arguments as well :man_shrugging:

TL;DR it lowers toxicity and has indeed lowered toxicity/needless “bullying” in a video game that’s made for fun.

Usually the ones who go lOl PrIvAtE pRoFiLe??? I bet they’re the reason we’re losing!!! Why so scared to show your stats if you’re not bad???” are just angry they can’t dig up a specific stat from several months ago to throw in your face. Regardless of how good a player is, there’s going to be one unsavory stat that can be used to brand someone as the problem. And if not? No problem! Petty and rude insults will do the trick, somehow, for some reason.

Other people won’t bother to fact check, or it just takes a second “verification” of the “facts” to make people dog-pile on someone just doin’ their best. So. Ya. Private profiles limits that type of mess. You can tell just by the extremely low number of “I’m being verbally harassed by awful goblin manbabies” threads compared to ye old forum.

Profiles should never have existed in the first place. It’s because they existed that people think they have the right to see player stats now. But I don’t want people to tell me to go kill myself while in the hero select room just because I’m a Mercy one-trick (yes, that happened).

Soooo, you’re giving yet another reason why people go private or what?

Your reply is pointless either way because all I said was being public lets people use my rank against me