So what WAS the problem with hide and rez?

Read this and I’ll let you figure out why the reasons behind her rework were horrible.

im not asking what where the problems with invulnerable rez. im asking:

why was hide and rez the reason for a whoooole rework?

you guys cant seem to decide whether it was OP, or it was a garbage strategy.

Blizzard had a knack for giving into people who complained around that time. It’s the same reason Ana’s damage got destroyed.

While I have no evidence of this the hide and rez mainly lead to lower rank mercys doing a strategy of not healing specific teammates, not using the ult for 1-2 people even if it would’ve won the fight, and only waiting to use it just to get POTG which if you’re plat-diamond-or even gold DPS and Tanks would either have to accept their mercy won’t heal them, won’t rez them, or don’t understand what a powerboost is. Not to mention before the rework Mercy players (according to EeveeA “Were not treated like humans, but treated like rez machines” which he was around masters so lower ranks were probably much more aggressive to inexperienced mercy mains

and then got reverted…

Honestly, I don’t care enough to read it. I’m one of the people who thinks mass ress could have been balanced and didn’t need a rework.

You’re @ing the void right now.

This is true, I would like to point out that Blizzard has fixed the problem behind the sr exploit only after they reworked Mercy.

Precisely, at the beginning mass rez was a little easier to counter and usually ended up as a trade since Mercy would probably die if she resurrected in the open, but then players kept complaining how she couldn’t move while rezzing, couldn’t rez without LoS, etc.

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O. My bad lol :joy:

70 =/= 80.

Only partially reverted, now she doesn’t have that padding damage in case the flanker gets help

That is also true, also I’d like to point out most mercys who would just heal are either gone or nonexistent now sooo I guessed it fixed that?

Get three consecutive shots and the person is dead unless they are a tank and or have more than 210 HP. The only bad thing is that it gets blocked by barriers but that’s left for another topic.

You have no idea what padding damage is do you. Stop @ me already you’re actually just looking to argue for the sake of arguing.

Okey dad. Just thought you were another person claiming “Hide n Res” was a viable strategy. That was a mistake on my part.

Hide and rez was the reason behind her rework because it took no skill to do and had I reward for doin it. Which is why there were so many Mercy mains with low winrates because the game thought they were doing really well when in reality they weren’t. Although a lot of Mercy mains say her rework is the devs biggest failure but bastion is still here

No it’s more like ‘easy to use, difficult to counter reset buttons are a terrible idea and have no place in an FPS.’
Mass Resurrect was a colossal mistake, if it wasn’t for that ability we would have never seen hide & rez Mercy and this disastrous rework would have never happened.
Mercy’s ultimate should have been a fast building single target resurrect from the start.


That makes sense and can explain the entire rework if it was mainly lower ranks complaining since OW seems to listen more to them more then anyone else

and the fact that it was disheartening lmao. The reasons behind her rework were a joke.

this is the first remotely useful answer ive gotten in this thread. toxicity of mercys teammates because she doesnt use the strategy they want, its the only thing that the rework actually improved.
i still get the occasional “mercy rez!!” but its very rare.
i remember the times where everyone yelled REZ REZ REZ whenever a single person died.

but i still dont think the total rework was needed to solve that problem either…

and yes i acknowledge all the “bad strategy, SR abuse” thing, but the SR abuse got fixed later, and the bad strategy thing is really not a reason. because you can have bad strategies with every hero. you can play sombra and be invisible forever now. good strategy? no. but its up to the player.

Mercy has been through a lot of changes but Hide and Rez when she could bring 5 ppl back to life AND had invulnerability during it was when she was at her most powerful and they started to drastically change her. That’s when we started getting the 1 rez ult and then valk.

Basically Hide n Rez had little to absolute zero counterplay. It wasn’t something you did every team fight. It’s something you did to win the LAST team fight and the game in a super cheap fashion. You can’t just hold ults for when Mercy eventually comes in cuz if your enemy team is SMART they will hyper focus you until you die even if it costs them their life in the process because who cares? They’re gonna come back with rez anyways so as long as they killed the enemy with the super important ult, they did their job and essentially won the match now that said ult is out of the picture. Ppl would try to hold any kind of ult to prevent hide n rez never worked out that well. Enemy team would just hyper focus the zarya with ult or the genji with ult or the mei with ult. Literally anything that was considered a threat to their hiding Mercy was hunted down and destroyed.

But hey you say, why try to hold an ult for Mercy? Why not just have a flanker go after her while she’s hiding? Well…typically she hid in a spot super well guarded by her team. You almost always had to pass 3-5 ppl just to even get near her it’s not like you know exactly where she is unless Widow has ult so the chances of you running into the enemy before you can even get near mercy were ridiculously high. It was pretty much impossible for anyone who wasn’t Genji or Tracer and Sombra; and believe me I tried SEVERAL times to find the hiding Mercy as Winston. Didn’t work out so well. I only managed to catch her like twice. Kinda hard to sneak around as a giant gorilla looking for a hiding healer.

tl;dr the strat was an instant win and had little to zero counterplay. Now that doomfists exists and can destroy mercy in the blink of an eye it has ONE solid counter play but that revolves around someone on your team not only knowing how to play doomfist but also being good at him. Personally I think doomfist is a little op anyways I understand he takes a lot of skill and practice to do well with but his E ability just setups free kills in an unfair way similiar to pre-nerfed hog only this time you can’t even say they deserved the kill combo because they were “out of position” since doomfist can be nearly anywhere and is the one who puts them IN the position to be combo killed with E. They need to reduce the impact of it imo. Not fair and it’s literally just hog hook 1 shot but with punching.