So what should happen with Sombra?

I just want her to be a fast paced hero again. I’ll leave you with this.


Downtime was always a big issue with Sombra. While the other characters have some dodge, shields, heals, or just better range to stay safe, ( or just tiny hitbox and ridiculously broken strafe animations like Tracer ) Sombra has to go behind the enemy lines without support of her healers and no ability to stay in fight which results in overall less damage and more rotations instead.

They have tried to combat this by giving her an unlimited stealth, so she can find the right engagement and make maximum out of it instead of constantly running back and forth and so they slowed her down. Does she provide enough though?

I personally don’t know, I’m okay with her as she is. But since you think she need something, there are my suggestions.

The best changes that anyone could hope for would make Sombra more fluid, fast paced and add depth to her ( I wish I could think of something that would add depth to her ), without unnecessarily frustrating her opponents.

Hey! At least I can dream, right?

Because Blizzard doesn’t like to go back on their decisions I don’t think I could ever hope to have the old stealth back again and so I was thinking if she needs such a long cool-down on it when it’s infinite? I mean… it’s just a glorified soldier sprint now. Invisible, yes, but uninterruptible by damage.

Also if we could make her a little faster I’d be all for it. Her base speed, maybe her cloaking delay ( the decloaking delay could stay as it is. )

Maybe it might be useful is she kept momentum of her thrown translocator?

The sugar skulls above hacked targets might be quite useful in ladder, but I doubt it would make a difference in pro play and it would add more visual clutter. I’d opt for a wall-hack on the hacked target instead ( It could have some indication of the remaining duration too! )

I think those changes, though not original, are quite reasonable, but If you actually wanted some “big buffs” without touching her gun what are the options?

Translocator is almost as strong as it can be. ( 2 second cooldown, indestructible? )

Stealth probably won’t get things reverted ( contesting, speed ) and faster decloak would make her assassin and nobody wants that.

So her hack? The already obnoxious ability that I see these forums cry about every single day? Maybe. I don’t see much else that could be buffed.

I’d say ( and would probably get burned alive by some for this ) make her hack freeze cool downs, that way it can’t be wasted.

If you don’t like these, I hope it at least might give you some other ideas.

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It is better than making hacked targets so they can’t generate ult, which I’ve also seen.

I just remembered that someone suggested letting her shoot and hack at the same time.

Making hacked targets so Sombra can’t generate ult? What an evil nerf. /s

Turn her into a quasi-support and let her Hack teammates to buff them in various ways

Also EMP probably needs a nerf (mostly just cast time and barrier interactions), but I’d be willing to concede some Stealth mode buffs in exchange

Oh ouch :slight_smile: please no :wink:

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nothing, the only thing she should get is basic things like not stopping reload from translocate. She has needed the sugar skull indicator since launch and the flanker speed since launch-- she also needs perma invis reversed.

I asked many times to Sombra mains but the large majority of them don’t want to give up hack or make it weaker for the sake of her kit. They want hack + AND her the rest of her kit to be equally strong.


I think a “with the team” style with Sombra is underrated, she does ok shield break and there is always a DPS/Flanker looking to feed into your Hack. I chill behind an Orisa in stealth, bait an enemy into attacking an “isolated” target and then unstealth and 2v1 them quite often. I think it’s effective, everybody expects her to be some where in the backline doing trash damage vs supports so they legit don’t expect her to be anywhere near the tanks.

Do we really? I’m not seeing it.

Anyway I’d remove standard hack entirely to buff her base kit and leave EMP alone. Quite the unpopular opinion though.

She DOESN’T need more utility. She has a better version of Tracer’s recall, she already has permanent invisibility and a decent speed buff while invis.

I think to make her actually good and able to carry a game she needs her hack to be reduced to 3.5 seconds, and make her have 45 ammo. But compensate with her hack dealing 25-50 damage, have her deal 10.5 damage per bullet, and make the damage fall-off not so bad at medium range.
She’s a flanker just like Tracer and Genji, but unlike them, her kit is all utility. You can’t carry a game like they can with utility.

There needs to be more visibility on hack and emp. Both of these abilities require her teammates in order to successfully pull off and yet it is incredibly difficult to spot unless Sombra calls it out in voice chat. Right now, it’s easier for the enemy team to tell when you hacked someone compared to your teammates. I say all they need to do is simply change the colours from red to purple and that should be enough.

Edit: I also think her kit should be altered to be more fast paced If the game’s pace was slower than Sombra would do fine but here it doesn’t work due to the game’s nature. So Sombra has to go behind enemy lines, wait for an opportunity to pull off a hack and hopes that her teammates manage to take advantage of it. Meanwhile a Tracer could easily kill someone in that time frameAgain, in a slower paced game, Sombra would probably do great but here I don’t think it works.

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Do you think that would be enough to give her an average win rate?

Well, given her win rates there is a lot of space to buff her without having to weaken parts of her kit.

That is the advantage of the lowest win rate in the game I suppose.

I do too, it IS underrated, but you still lose a lot of fights that way.

S76 / new McCree etc is strictly better in those cases.

But, it is still underrated in that people don’t consider it an option.

We actually do. A lot of what the weirder stuff they have done has been floated in the forums first, and they do talk about things from the forums in their interviews.

I’ve had stuff picked up, so I’m a lot more happy to run stuff like this.

I wonder what that would cause in the ladder. She could easily become a Widow hard counter but she’d end up hard countering over half the roster and that would cause a fuss on forums.

How about her not having true stealth but something like 1% opacity or a barely visible outline? Then her spread could be reduced or something and made an actual dps hero.

Main problem with sombra is no diminishing return on hack debuff and no preemptive way to stop EMP other than a lucky stun.

So a reasonable preventable EMP cast time equal to earth shatter and reduced radius, but as far as adding a diminishing return to hack idk if that would work.

It feels like there isn’t enough counterplay in general for the hero. Torb is prob her biggest counter.

Her spread could be reduced now, without modifying anything else - as her win rate is so bad, you have PLENTY of room for changes before you need to balance those changes with nerfs.

Also, I’d rather not rely on opacity, since it is trivial to load new pixel shaders though the nvidia controls - which would disable her cloak. We don’t need to do the hackers jobs for them.

The main problem with her is her unholy bad win rates at all ranks. If you are suggesting just nerfs, then I will take it as a vote to let Blizzard do whatever buffs they are going to do, and leave it at that.

She is LIKELY to get a set of crazy strong buffs (Like new McCree levels of strong), and there are people who will be very upset by this.

This is a chance for them to have a choice in what the buffs look like.

  1. Hacked targets take 25% more damage.
  2. Allies can see low-hp hacked targets through walls.
  3. Trans-locator can stick on surfaces.
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I’m not going to suggest buffs when I have no buffs to suggest.

The entire design of not letting other people play the game is a horrible design to begin with.

There are plenty of other people on here that are suggesting buffs, but I’m going to stick with what the issue of why people don’t like sombra and it is the fact that they can be locked out of an entire fight.