So what should happen with Sombra?

So I’m guessing she shouldn’t be getting behind the enemy team as fast as possible to charge ult?

How well do you think she does in the main fight if she doesn’t have it?

if you actually think sombra is a bad hero, you have no idea what you’re talking about lol

Bad hero no.

Massively under performing yes.

This thread is not about asking for buffs, because they are pretty much a given at this point.

She is going to get buffed and buffed big, it is getting ideas in one place around the buffs. Blizzard reads the forums, and may like some of the ideas.

Blizzard will do what Blizzard will do, but they need to hear from people, especially the people who think she is oppressive.

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Owl winrates are even worst then most of ladder winrates can’t they play her too?

Guess just noone can play Sombra after 3 years too.

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I dismiss most of the Sombra posts for one reason: whatthe majority of you guys want is not a distuptor, you guys want light Tracer in a game that ALREADY has Tracer.

See the sugestions here. “Lets make hack 3 seconds, but buff her gun!!!”
“Lets make emp smaller but give her 2 translocatorssss!!!”

This is not how you fix Sombra without making her light Tracer(the key in my opinion is making better visuals and give her even better mobility while stealthed. Let her grab ledges, let her wall climb, idk, something).

Losing / downgrading Sombra’s utility means losing one of the few debuffers this game has.

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Specifically I do not want light Tracer.

The reason people are asking for things like this is 2 fold. Firstly if she doesn’t have EMP, she doesn’t add a lot to teamfights. It is why even with EMP being so strong she has the win rate she does.

The 2 tele idea was to make her bitter at disrupting. Place a tele, throw a tele above the enemy team, disrupt with hack, return without dieing.

It was to make hack have a lower risk, so it would be more useful once teamfights happen.

She can disrupt, but her ability to do so kinda drops when it is most needed.

The other reason people ask, is that people are worried about her disrupt being buffed directly, since they did, and then nerfed the hero brutally almost instantly after.

Stopping people from using their abilities should be a lot more difficult than being able to freely navigate the map while invisible and right-clicking someone without them having a chance to counter it, so I don’t think the solution is buffing Hack or EMP in any meaningful way.

It’s got to be something else with team utility or damage ability. She’s stifling enough as it is with what she has.

I always found this weird. Silence is better than dead, but people get way way more annoyed at it than someone flanking and killing them.

Because most abilities that kill people require some sort of aim, or movement without invisibility or teleport so there’s some risk involved there.

She has to decloak at perfect Hanzo range. There is a reason her win rates are like that.

It is far from risk free.

I don’t consider them evil.

Love the Bastion rework
Love the Mercy rework
Love the Torb rework
Liked the first Symmetra rework
Love the second Symmetra rework
Like that they removed scatter arrow

I think they have a good track record. At least from my perspective.

She uses an auto-aim right click out of invisibility to hack.

Yes she does.
It doesn’t make it not dangerous to her to do so. There are many heros who can and do kill you before the hack is completed.

Hack alone also doesn’t do much.

You then have the fight after, and most hacked targets still will win a one on one fight with Sombra.

They tend to buff people hard if they have been under performing a lot and for a long time.

The evil part is from the view of people who don’t want Sombra to be viable.

They are likely to buff her in ways which will be strong but unanticipated.

They cannot buff her without nerfing EMP I am nearly certain of that.

I fully expect a range nerf to EMP.

I don’t know many people who don’t

I wasn’t implying that absolutely nobody can play Sombra, but that most people who do, don’t use her to her fullest potential, or the right way, including some owl players.

I think The two sides on sombra need to come to a compromise. Like people HATE hack and emp, and it’s sometimes understandable. But saying something like “just nerf hack!” Aren’t very considerate of the Sombra players. And honestly, we need to be less stubborn as well.

Personally, I’d like better visuals for hacked enemies, and I’d like to be able to have my tl stick to walls and ceilings. Also being able to keep shooting when throwing and teleporting with tl would be nice but I understand if that’s not possible or too much.

I’d suggest making it so Sombra’s Emp doesn’t go through shields but still deletes them, so Sombra couldn’t hack a rein through his shield at ground level, she’d need to get above them. And a Winston and zarya bubble could protect their team if they see it coming.

Absolutely. I don’t mind what happens if the hero still retains her Sombraness, and is balanced at the end.

I kinda expect that that tele sticking to walls may cause more out of bounds issues. But making it so it bounces less would be nice.

I am 100% with you that hacked targets should be more visually distinct.

That is a pretty big nerf, which, given her win rates would require the rest of her kit to have a hell of a buff to get to balanced.

I’m not disagreeing, but I’m not sure what those buffs would look like.

Oh I’m not suggesting that without the proper compensatory buffs. The sticking to walls and ceilings was one I always wanted just so she could drop down on people.

Another idea I had was for the cd on stealth to restore on kills. So she could take advantage of the low hp enemies she sees.

It is big nerf, but it’s the best one for the counterplay argument, which while stats wise, I think is overblown, I can totally understand it feeling that way

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