So what happened with Sinatraa?

How in the least am I not showing empathy? There is nothing “skeptical” about wanting to get all the facts before passing judgement and knowing if there is a victim? Shouldn’t empathy and regard be expressed to both parties, one who may be innocent, or at least guilty of lesser charges also, instead of just siding automatically with an accuser? This line of thinking all stems from a “must be true or they wouldn’t say it” line of thinking… this is repeatedly shown to be a very bad way to approach legal questions.


Don’t make assumptions. You don’t know me. I’m far more into BDSM than anyone here, I promise. Just ask my daddy.

Go away.

There are several videos.



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Well ain’t that ironic.

She released them all fully? Or why would that change anything?

I would go to youtube and read up on different videos. They really dont want us here talking about it. Since it is VERY controversial and at this point it is ONLY allegations. Until a court begins litigation or an investigation takes place. The player is suspended.

Even under burden of proof. We still have to allow justice to determine whether or not something was egregious, criminal or not guilty. Could this be a pro Jared thing again? I Dont know. It Doesn’t seam like it. But until an investigation concludes. I would just say not to post about it. :face_with_monocle:

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Not just his Esport

His any kind of career to be exact.

She stated she will give them to authorities but for obvious reasons she isn’t going to release them to the public, just like how she only released partial audio for the other one.

Now believe me, I do know that there are cases where someone who engages in consensual BDSM is then later shamed for it and made to feel like they were crazy for ‘allowing’ it to happen and then eventually turn around and say they were assaulted because they were shamed into believing that being a submissive means there is something wrong with them (there has been a very famous case of this recently, in fact). People have tried to do that to me, and have told me that because I enjoy being bound, choked, slapped, faux-raped, etc that I must be some kind of psycho woman with no self-respect.

Nothing is further from the truth. I respect myself enough to know what does it for me and what doesn’t, and am lucky enough to have a partner who can calm his own primal urges if I say no and mean it.

But that doesn’t mean that what Cleo is saying isn’t true, either. What you’re doing is basically saying that if you’re into BDSM and roleplay you can’t be raped. That’s not true. In fact, this is something that defense lawyers will try to use to get their clients off the hook for rape, and unfortunately it WORKS most of the time because shaming women is still somehow okay.

In any case, I would continue this discussion further but I do not like the fine line I am forced to skirt here on the forums regarding this subject, so I am not going to do so here.

In the end none of us can judge either of them, all I know is he’s definitely guilty of being controlling outside of the bedroom/relevant scenarios (see: text messages), and that’s not BDSM, that’s just being a controller. My boyfriend would never send me text messages like that.



Are you born yesterday? No. His career is dead. His life in terms of online social presence is also ruined. Regardless of the outcome, that is certain.

Allegations of this nature stick to the accused even if found innocent.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct. If a word cannot be used on our forums without edits or tweaks, it is not allowed.


Wondered if someone would bring that up. Everyone dumped on him and got played hard by conspiring individuals. Hard to imagine the internet/social media mob ever being wrong!

Godda*mn I respect you Twist. Good post. (At my dad’s this weekend for an emotional recoup. Once I’m back on Sunday… the guns are primed… let’s do this climb.)


Tell that to all the other influencers that have been alleged and even confirmed and continue to have a social media presence.

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You gotta remember his streaming persona could be totally different from in person.

If you’re gonna base your opinion solely upon that, then you should take a look at his ex’s crazy daily twitter posts along with all the attention-seeking lewd pics.

She ain’t exactly some angel, either.


I still have to level it, I think I’m at 10. Have you gotten yours to 25? lol

No I think I’m at 14. Still a ways to go!

Yeah, that’s very true.

Alright well, I’ll catch up a bit today and tomorrow. I also have to try to fit in some RDO because the outlaw pass expires on Tuesday, AND I have to finish my weekly crap in Destiny.

I’m starting to remember why I always only traditionally play one game at a time.

I’ve been struggling with this so hard the last few months…

Not gonna lie, I’m starting to really get into playing Destiny. I’ve seen massive improvement in my own skill level over the past couple weeks, my boyfriend was really surprised that I did a very complicated platforming puzzle on my first try, without falling or screwing it up. Platforming being my weakness in gaming in general, after all.

We did some private pvp matches though and… ouch.

First day, he killed me 50 times and I killed him once.
Second day, he killed me 75 times and I killed him six times.
Third day he killed me 75 times and I killed him 12
Fourth day he killed me 50 times, I killed him 30 times, so I guess I’m getting exponentially better.

lol :confused:

I did manage to give him a hard time though when I finally lost some of my performance anxiety. He said I was getting really hard to hit and that was when I told him I started pulling out the Overwatch tactic of A-D strafe with random crouches thrown in for good measure lol.

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How the turn tables. :wink:

I dunno. Aside from OW it’s so hard for me to get into anything. Star Citizen’s great and all but the gameplay loops are limited. I just want something that makes me feel cool, has a good upgrading system, combat/fluidity like Anthem… or maybe just a new, GOOD Aliens game (Fireteam looks okay but… )

big sigh, Twist… big sigh.

Try Destiny. The worst thing that happens is I kill you 75 times.

Are there swords? Can I be a BA bad@ss melee king?