So what happened with Sinatraa?

Well yeah, we should agree to disagree :slight_smile:
But I got your point, you pay more attention to smaller details, while I do less

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Iā€™m sorry, but like in all of my relationships, even the most toxic one that ended up with police intervention - I never was stalked about my location/what Iā€™m doing, nor have to explain myself about a joke whilst dealing with so much verbal abuse

He didnā€™t get rid of her, she broke up with him.

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Many victims of sexual assault or abuse donā€™t go through court for many reasons:

  1. Very tedious to prove that you were raped, even if you have compelling evidence
  2. Very traumatic to have to tell the story over and over again,
  3. Links to the second point, but if you recall any details or miss out a detail when re-telling at any point, that can and will be used against you
  4. It can be very expensive to get a lawyer that will ā€œget you justiceā€.
  5. These cases take a very long time to resolve, up to many years.

I donā€™t think Cleo wants to pursue legal action, I think she wants to move on, and part of moving on from trauma is learning to accept it and becoming comfortable with telling it.

Say that this is all a lie; she gains nothing from it. Sheā€™s been harassed for months on end by Sinatraa and his fanboys, called a psycho, attention seeker and etc. Sheā€™s being harassed now too. Her foot would be in the grave to lie about something like this with people that have been previously so vicious towards her because of her silence.


Thatā€™s why stay single is waaay much easier to live your life.

Revenge? Ruin his reputation and possibly his whole career.

Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s been a few using false allegations to gain followers and support. Time will tell how this one turns out.


Unluckily enough, we have examples of peopleā€™s lives being ruined by false accusations, as well as of false victims getting popularity due to it.
And thatā€™s the issue ā€“ people stop believing real victims because of those who lied they are. Not saying that Cleo is wrong rn, but if it happens that she is ā€“ that will be one more example

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Heā€™s in a career where if his name is cleared, he could return because itā€™s not about reputation but skill.

Again, if she is to be lying - she can be under fire for slander and defamation - put into court for ruining his career.

There are so many ways that this could be terrible for her if she is to be lying, that I find it unlikely.

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And there are hundred more examples of victims being undermined and bullied for sharing their stores, forced to stop pursuing justice and etc.

Itā€™s a two way street, except one street is historically more longer.

If sheā€™s lying, he has a case for defamation and slander. If sheā€™s not lying, she will just continue to be harassed by his fans that refuse to believe what happened.


Nah, even if heā€™s cleared some people will never let go and assume the systemā€™s rigged.

People saw Alec Holowkaā€™s suicide as a proof of guilt.

S o c i e t y

Yeah, I agree, thereā€™s no single solution for such cases. But sadly enough, those who lie about it rarely are getting punished in any way.
Like it was between YourPrincess and Tuesday ā€“ she lied about their relationships, Tuesday fully proved that it is wrong, but she didnā€™t get any punishment, instead Twitch staff comes to her streams saying ā€œOh I am sorry for what happened to youā€, while people were getting banned for writing ā€œtuesdayā€ in the chat during some big LoL event.
Kinda same happened with JasminaBae

But again, I will repeat: Iā€™ll wait for Sinatraaā€™s pov, because Cleo might be right, I wonā€™t say she isnā€™t yet

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As I said to another user, itā€™s a two way street, if he comes out guilty - cleo will still get harassed about it.

Thatā€™s fair enough.

Personally I am choosing to believe her because she has very compelling evidence that is hard to dismiss unless it is very specific conditions.

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Yeah, thatā€™s not good either. I hate such fanboys from both sides

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Hilarious that people claim disagreeing with events is ā€œgaslightingā€.

Apart from that itā€™s pretty weird to release sound clips from your relationship. If you think something went down that was punishable by law you deliver the evidence to the police and let them investigate in peace.

She just wants him to be sentenced in the peopleā€™s court. And with twitter we have essentially reinstated mob rule.

What a disgusting time to be alive.


He was pretty much gaslighting her, months leading to this, he would call her a psycho, an attention seeker and such: only for his line of defence to be that he perceived the relationship differently - not to mention sheā€™s been harassed by his fans because ā€œsheā€™s a psychoā€.

That is quite literally gaslighting.

Idk why personal life garbage has to affect his career but whatever.

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Sheā€™s a psycho for coming out with her story? Wtf is this post lol

Iā€™m sure not but letā€™s be honest, it would be pretty funny if he didā€¦

The problem I have is this business of suspending people etc. while ā€œwe do an investigationā€. It literally means your life can be ripped apart under a false accusation instantly. You reputation ruined and can follow you for life because someone makes allegations. At least let the guy work until its determined by law what the ruling is.

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Credible allegations of rape and other abuse - personal life garbage.

Do you think anything bad a person does shouldnā€™t affect their career? Like if we find out a famous celebrity murdered someone, would you be saying the same thing?