So we're still in FPSWatch

You really gonna look at Old Mercy, Torb and Sym and tell me they were FPS characters?

The purpose of these forums is to provide feedback on the game and make suggestions for improvement.

You may not like what I’m saying, but I’m not going to quit playing because Donsnake on the Overwatch forums told me to.

If everyone quit at the first sight of something they didn’t like, we’d have no one playing the game. Do better.

  1. Ana: Healing 75/s -> 70/s.
  2. Mercy: Healing 50/s -> 60/s -> 50/s -> 55/s.
  3. Moira: Healing 80/s -> 65/s -> 70/s.
  4. Baptiste: 60/s -> 50/s -> 60/s (delay increased).
  5. Brigitte: Inspire 15/s -> 21/s -> 15/s. Repair pack: 60/s -> 55/s.

As you can see, a vast majority of healers have had their healing output reduced over the years, and not doubled/tripled.


Like hell they did. TTK is lower than ever.


yeah give back McCree’s fast fire rate, Hanzo’s fast arrow speed, Doomfists uppercut, Genji’s damage, recovery time, Widows charge time, Junkrats damage. Then lets really hear you tanks cry.

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Tiny compared to the nerfs to damage mitigation.

So TTK went down.

Everyone cries when the roles get too unbalanced. You think Priqueue is giving bad games now? You wait till they have to adjust it a lot more.

We are now in the area of the roles are SO unbalanced that Blizzard is throwing game quality out the window to try to make the game keep working.

As they get more and more unbalanced, Blizzard will have to make more and more drastic changes to try to keep the game upright and working.

You will not like the changes, and neither will anyone else.


We’re in an area where tanks and dps are around the same power levels, before it was straight up tanks dictating meta

Supports op looking at you Mercy, Zen.

Which is why we are losing so many tank players huh?

They don’t believe you since they are leaving, I’d don’t believe you, since I can see the queue times change, and Blizzard scrambling to fix it.

I note we need PriQueue for both Tanks and Supports.

DPS queues kept going up and up, which means Tanks and Supports were leaving at a higher percentage rate than DPS.

Game won’t support that for long. Hell, it didn’t so here we are with Priqueues.

The problem is, PriQueues will make the Tanks / Supports leave at even a higher ratio to DPS.

Blizzard will have to keep doing crazier and crazier stuff to fix it.

One of those things will be try to retain the tanks / supports, and the longer it goes on, the more drastic the changes will be.

It will happen once they have run out of ways to swap game quality for queue times.

You won’t enjoy what happens then.


Skill baby, SKILL… Valorant fans are happy with this change :roll_eyes:

Players unable to function in a team desire hoppy-hoppy-pew-pew-pew play instead of actual teamwork. Its frankly… IMNSHO, degenerate.


Umm…yeah. if you think 82% of heroes on the roster being absolutely horrible and “tanks” going down like a plane with its engine cut is “the best this game has ever been”, you are definitely a minority.


Winston and DVA are way more viable now with the Sigma nerf, It’s actually nice seeing gm’s run dive again.

I’m not taking any sides in this argument, but Bap’s HPS (grenade only) has gone 75 -> 62.5 -> 66.6. His Regen Burst has gone from 30 HPS on allies to 15 HPS on allies, and the cooldown is two seconds shorter than it used to be (15s -> 13s).

I meant /s as “healing per shot”, and I intended the same with Ana. I also noted the same for Mercy’s healing per second, but I figured nobody would nitpick it.

Overwatch has always been an FPS…

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Overwatch is an FPS/MOBA hybrid. It always has been. Recently it’s been geared too much towards the FPS with not enough MOBA.


It has never been a MOBA. It has never been marketed as a MOBA.

What is has been is a hero shooter, a.k.a a form of FPS

Heroes having abilities does not automatically make it a MOBA and neither do hero roles. Valiant has both and I bet you wouldn’t dare call it a MOBA.


It doesn’t matter what Overwatch’s title is.

The fact of the matter is the 2 most dreaded states of the game were Turtle Metas (Goats) or super burst Metas (double sniper) and both are a response to the fact that poke could not exist in either forms without something dying in the process.

The damage is too high. And if lowering it results in sustain becoming too much of an issue akin to shield meta, then healing will also need to go down as a result.

But the problem is your health total on your hero virtually means nothing anymore, it comes down to who can burst you down or burst heal/fortify you faster.

I honestly see why they released Brig, Bap, Echo, Wreckingball, and Sigma now. They were responses to the ever ridiculous amounts of output in the game. It’s too much now


Not a traditional one though, that is why people have such misunderstandings of how it works. I couldn’t care less what marketing put on the box, it is what it is. A team based first person game that has shooter elements combined with RPG or MOBA elements that promotes team work over individual hoppy-hoppy-shooty-shooty play. We have more than enough of those on the market.


The term you are looking for is Hero Shooter, a form of FPS. FPS is not a narrow classification as some people might think.

There are no RPG specific elements in OW and there are no MOBA specific elements that are in OW

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If you say so :slight_smile:

Let’s just call them “non-traditional mechanics” if that suits your fancy.


Today I had one of those games where TTK was literally about 2-4 seconds average and I was playing Hog. At one point I prehooked a corner and as soon as I turned around to use breather I died. We ended up winning the game and I had a nice 56% hook accuracy and got really good damage and picks in, but a lot of the time when a team got one pick the rest of the team just melted almost instantly unless they literally turned around and backed up to safe spots way beyond the objective. Biggest issue was simply the raw damage output to a degree where both teams would hide and poke and hide and poke

I can’t wait for the discord nerf


Skill baby, SKILL! Melting faces instantly by DPS makes for a great teamwork based game doesn’t it?

This will revive OWL and put it finally on par with CS:GO for eSports domination I am sure.