So we're still in FPSWatch

Almost 6 months ago I made this thread trying to highlight the problems of the new direction of the game.

And you know what? It’s gotten even worse.

With every tank nerf, the problematic damage output in the game becomes clearer and clearer. HanaSolo puts it perfectly:

FPSWatch does not feel like Overwatch. We’ve strayed too far into the FPS category, and too far away from MOBA. If I wanted a generic, low TTK shooter I’d play CoD or Apex.

Overwatch has always been about abilities, ultimates and strategies. Stop pushing Overwatch into something it never was.

The TTK is far too low. Damage output is too high with the constant nerfs to tanks and supports since role queue was released.


I mean OW biggest inspiration was TF2 which is outside of paladins is the closest game to play like OW. Minus barriers tho.

OW is still vastly more accessible to those games. Be it that outside a subset of fans, people really don’t want to go back to sustain wars. Were you mostly poke for a minute till someone was able to land an ultimate or two.

Ya their is literally a tournament going for goats stilled play, but honestly that boils down to ability rotation more then anything.


Thank god shield watch needed to go


Myself included. MOBAWatch and FPSWatch are both very bad. There needs to be a balance between the two. However, we’ve flopped from one extreme to the other.

Shield Watch was started by Sigma. Far too much value in his kit. But instead of just reworking him, they butcher him and several other heroes.

Poor Orisa can’t even main tank anymore. She won’t get buffs because of her synergy with Sigma.


She can maintank on defense, don’t play her on attack.

There’s a big difference between shieldwatch and call of duty.


I play her on defense. Her 600hp barrier gets melted.


They nerfed ttk already or like you guys say “reverted”

A slap on the wrist to a few problematic heroes. It’s just a drop in the ocean. We need many more changes still.


No we don’t, games best it’s been in 2 years

Which isn’t saying much considering we went from GOATs to Double Shield, both extremely oppressive metas.

Sure, OW is better than it was. But it’s by no means in a good spot.


Not really the game honestly better when it leans to more of the FPS side, of course we could trim some of the rediculous damage numbers.

Like Hanzo really didn’t need that extra arrow per second, or maybe echo doesn’t really need to do 200dps with just beam.

But outside of that the game requires players to get in and utilize their abilities to their fullest.

Ya rien can no longer get value in just sitting in the choke with a 2000hp wall, however at the same time his synergy with heroes like Pharah, Soldeir, and junkrat went up do to how his 85 swing followed up by one of their projectiles can kill any 200hp hero.

like the game is in a state where the team needs to actually pull together to push through the enemy. Where picks are valuable but not the end of the world if both sides are trading blows equally.

Like ya you can no longer win by playing badly just because you team is pushing more resources in ya, Which is how it should be. If I land my shots and cooldowns on any role and the enemy is not I should be rewarded for such.

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I beg to differ on this

An aggressive orisa with a rein is pretty powerful in the right map//point on a map


True, love having a Rein on attack ngl.

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I’ve been doing a lot of orisa when I get a rein main and am absolutely loving her right now.

I don’t believe her to be strong if I was a gm player but in gold and plat it’s highly effective

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Literally every ounce of power creep left in the game is entirely due to Sigma and his impact on everything. The only reason damage feels so high right now is solely due to Discord being buffed for absolutely no reason.

Ashe just got nerfed in a way that changed her entire identity. McCree’s RoF got reduced. Soldiers damage per bullet got nerfed. Widow has 175hp.

The only Hitscan left that can even be considered overtuned is Tracer weirdly enough. And the only reason she was ever buffed was due to Sigma and his Double Shields/Bunker meta.

Also, Projectile heroes are exclusively balanced for low ranks. Multiple pros have expressed how much they want Projectile heroes to be buffed/reworked so that they’re finally viable in GM+, but they all acknowledge this would utterly destroy low ranks.


This is a fallacy. People scapegoat Zen for the damage problem in the game. Perhaps there’s some truth in it, but nerfing discord won’t fix damage creep.

Look at this clip from SVB. He wasn’t even discorded.


Discord was nerfed in the Goats Era as it enabled high dps outputs on tanks, but returned to it’s original value once 2-2-2 was solidified.


Just be quiet with your drabble already. It was a FPS at release, far better than it is now as well, you died far faster, far more frequently and there were borderline zero “moba” elements in it, nor should there be. If you do not like the game than do not play it. TTK needs to go down if anything not up. Overall tanks and healers especially been buffed by several 100%. Several 100% do you understand that? Healing has more than doubled since release tripled even. So be quiet since you honestly have no idea what you are talking about in the first place.

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I really don’t think it’s a coincidence that right after Discord got buffed, dps was all of a sudden “too high” :woman_shrugging:

I do admit that the Hanzo buff wasnt asked for at all and completely unnecessary. It should absolutely get reverted.

But if you look at what Korea is playing currently specifically, its literally exclusively Tracer/Echo Sigma/Ball Zen/Brig, and only 1 of those heroes is Hitscan