So we're still in FPSWatch

the two best heroes in the game rn are zen and ball followed by mercy tracer. Tanks and supports are still incredible and sig is still incredible they didnt butcher him at all they just made him more punishing.

This post hurts my soul…damage character outputs are down across the board. People have gotten better at the game over time, and the game is more punishing than the casual fest it was years ago.


Damage outputs have remained relatively consistent. They were buffed HUGELY during goats, buffed even more during DS, and now they’re being brought back down.

But in exchange, defenses have been absolutely gutted, Healing has been nerfed far more than damage has, and TTK has gotten so low that are totally unusable as dive characters.

If you honestly think that the reason tanks are blowing up instantly is because people have gotten “better” at the game, then you really don’t understand how balance mechanics work.


Moira healing output is massive. Bap keeps people alive for free from anything. Ana has been introduced with heal nade for healing output and her nano gives a ton of burst health. Lucio has received multiple heal buffs. The only one that feels shafted is mercy, and surprise surpise, you have a mercy pfp.

The game doesn’t have MoBa tag, the description doesn’t say anything related to MoBa. OW doesnt own anything to MoBa folks, but the game needs to uphold its promise of being a shooter game.

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Every tank nerf, every support. Because somehow the support characters are to blame as the primary source of damage.

Not DPS and never DPS and their vast array of options in having twice as many characters to switch to and from in answer to the few options tanks and support can switch through.

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i just got wrecked by one of those on 66 actually was not fun.

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I’d like to say I feel for you but…
That’s what I like about orisa :slight_smile:

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If you’re talking about widow and hanzo, I can agree completely.
If you’re talking about soldier or sombra, I hope you’re joking.

I swear, this made for the most tactical game of overwatch where every hero had to be represented in a match, or one team would just blow through the other.

I really liked the idea of making sure your heroes could sustain damage, though tanking and support healing, so that a push could be enabled by the first team who could.

Nowadays, its just a DPS FPS. I can do that in Cod just fine.


You’ll find something else to complain about soon enough.

Might I suggest Genji? There’s never enough “Nerf genji because he killed me while I did nothing to defend myself!” threads.


Honestly I already made several post commenting on tank balance and dps damage output.

Alot of I which I do agree damage in some areas is to rediculous. Be it that I do not want it tuned back to the point were teams can just sit in the choke for a minute straight.

I’ve got a problem with this reasoning.

How the game was intended to be is roughly what it was when it came out / the following months.

The original cast of 21 characters was;

  • Bastion
  • D.Va
  • Genji
  • Hanzo
  • Junkrat
  • Lucio
  • McCree
  • Mei
  • Mercy
  • Pharah
  • Reaper
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • Soldier: 76
  • Symmetra
  • Torbjorn
  • Tracer
  • Widowmaker
  • Winston
  • Zarya
  • Zenyatta

The TTK of the original characters, comparing first and second season to now, has roughly increased and or not changed. The game only started with 3~ characters that weren’t shooter orientated - Rein, Winston and Mercy.

To say the game wasn’t intended to be FPSwatch doesn’t make sense, as that’s literally the original design philosophy and descriptor of the game.

If you can’t see the design differences, you are pretty dense. I personally think you are just playing sense to troll.

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Mercy, Torb, Sym, Mei. I’d say none of them are really shooter heroes, especailly back then. and even the concept of tanking like it is done in this game is pretty exclusive to MOBAs and MMOs

So what is the difference between an FPS and an FPS?

If you think tanks as they are in overwatch play like anything from any other fps, you got another thing coming. TF2, the closest non Paladins analogs had the heavy, but no barriers. Game like Battlefront 2 even are not focused on space acquisition thought it’s heavy class. It’s more about spam based area lockdown. You can argue that it is a “first person shooter”, and it absolutely is, but you would be excluding a lot of context. Heck, heroes like Mei, Sym, Mercy, Rein/ winston don’t even really shoot things.

I guess the point I’m making is that Overwatch clearly borrows from archetypal character roles and abilities from Mobas and MMOs, and to deny that it exists is frankly stupid. You can argue that is has always been more of a shooter, but not noticing the direct translation of MOBA abilities is just delusional.

Things from heavy CC, Barrier, healing, aura based utilities etc, have existed in other games, but they have never existed in this capacity. This game is much more similar structurally to Smite than it is COD

Hence, why I think you are playing dense. surely you have enough gaming expose to know that all of these things are present in MOBAs, while practically being nonexistent in fps games. the best examples you may be able to point to are much more scale back versions like tf2 medic.

for god’s sake, it has a fat guy with a hook! that is a literal MOBA troupe!

Closest thing to tank in TF2 are buildings, that sometimes used in that quality.

Since they take only base damage from shots - no damage modifiers apply, including critical hits.

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In my experience, people on these forums only refuse to acknowledge the MOBA element’s existence becasue they see that as a good excuse for tanks to be bad and for hitscan dps to be oppressive. no other reason.


FPS heroes aren’t exact copies of other FPS heroes so I don’t see your point

So does Valorant and Paladins and they are both still considered as FPS.

Hero abilities, CCs, Barriers, healing, etc are not exclusive to MOBAs. Valorant has all of those and I doubt you would deny that it is an FPS.

COD is a tactical shooter, OW is a hero shooter. Both are still FPS.

There are very little qualifications for a game to be considered an FPS. All you need is the be in first person and has weapon-based combat.

So it is prctically impossible for something to be more FPS than another FPS game.