Almost 6 months ago I made this thread trying to highlight the problems of the new direction of the game.
And you know what? It’s gotten even worse.
With every tank nerf, the problematic damage output in the game becomes clearer and clearer. HanaSolo puts it perfectly:
TTK is extremely quick for tanks, and near instantaneous for squishies. Duels are basically decided by who can get off two body shots first.
This makes poke extremely dangerous and shields a necessity. Since even shields die so quickly now, closing distance is almost impossible, rendering short range heroes (particularly “off-tanks”) obsolete and making mid-to-long-range hitscan much more reliable for securing kills.
The result is an ordinary shooter game that favors consistent headclicking over clever ability management.
FPSWatch does not feel like Overwatch. We’ve strayed too far into the FPS category, and too far away from MOBA. If I wanted a generic, low TTK shooter I’d play CoD or Apex.
Overwatch has always been about abilities, ultimates and strategies. Stop pushing Overwatch into something it never was.
The TTK is far too low. Damage output is too high with the constant nerfs to tanks and supports since role queue was released.
Every tank nerf, every support. Because somehow the support characters are to blame as the primary source of damage.
Not DPS and never DPS and their vast array of options in having twice as many characters to switch to and from in answer to the few options tanks and support can switch through.
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