So uh... McCree?

Maybe… Just maybe…



i actualy preffer the old mccree, because i hold the mouse button and kill stuff, because of the delay btw shots. it was easier for me to aim.

since i focus on tracking

the new “buff” made him extremely hard for me to use.

but at least i can destroy tanks more easy?

Depends on the context. McCree is extremely straight-forward as a character in his gameplay. He has no nuance like Sombra does, nor does he require a lot of teamwork with utility abilities, he only functions more like Zenyatta in that he needs a bit of protection from his teammates. He doesn’t have to coordinate hacks with targeted aggression. He’s pretty simple, gameplay-wise, and so his winrate WITH his pickrate is relevant, in his case. People played him enough that his winrate is relevant to his balance.

Now run along, little girl. Adults are talking.

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I never thought it was possible to be so demeaning and offensive for no good reason. Thanks for proving otherwise, and thanks for removing any will I had to continue the discussion. It’s one thing to try and change the mind of an idiot, but an ass? An ass will always be stubborn.

Shhhh. Don’t make them remember.

Because statistically, he still sucks.

U seriously think McCree is anywhere near good now that he got a faster firerate?

U either are trolling or just really biased. He’s still borderline trash.

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The Sombra witchhunt started from day one and never stopped. If anything, it has gotten worse.

Is that why you believe McCree is broken?

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He’s more forgiving for bad aim now, but still require a some skill.

The live buff was smaller than PTR buff, so there’s that.

No, it wasn’t changed. Although some cheaters are a bit more effective with McCree now, as Dafran pointed out one of them on his channel. McCree is in a decent spot right now for people not cheating. I think the effect they were hoping to have, worked out.

Yes, it was. From 0.4s on PTR, to 0.42s on live. Deceptively considerable change for such thing as recovery time.

Where is that? I know they didn’t document it. I’m looking at patch notes lists here myself.

He’s still outclassed by Widow.


Live (patch

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Oh well what the heck, dropped the ball I guess. Thanks.