So uh... McCree?

Why forums calmed down? Nobody think that minigun-cree is a problem anymore? What happened?

Am I only still not OK with that insane buff?


Forums has a very small attention span


Because his ability to shoot faster didn’t make anyone any more accurate.


Then how do you describe Mercy witch-hunting that was lasted about a year? (When Mercy was reworked)

How do you describe Sombra witch-hunting that lasted about 2-3 months when she was suddenly played in OWL?

He’s probably a bit busted, but there’s still the core issue of other heroes being able to one shot without damage falloff. Like “minigun-cree” is strong and all, but Hanzo and Widow can still just one shot you from across the map, so why not play them instead?


I’ll remind you that literally a week ago there was countless threads to remove superjump

And everyone instantly forgot

Widow was also getting daily hate threads

those and Sombra ones are very less common

I’m not saying all topics die at the same pace but they all die

People used to complain daily that immorality field was the most ridiculous thing


So basically he is overshadowed by “dear omg not again ol’ snipey-dudes” meta?

Lantern said it best. Bad players just miss faster now, good players already did well enough with him that the buff was kinda just… not needed?


The minigun isnt too bad, but a minigun and an easy instantly erase any hero button is a bit much.

You’d be surprised how many people I’ve seen screw up fth


Because he’s still outplayed by snipers

Can attest to this. People finally stopped crying about superjump, nice and quiet now

Can attest to this as well. I still feel like it’s unfair every time I get machine gun bodyshotted into the grave from McCrees


Exactly why are you getting hit by McCree’s stun? He has no mobility, no survivability. You’re probably in a bad spot if you’re consistently getting hit by Flashbang

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I play rein, winston, brig, zarya. Its objectively my job to be within roll stun range or im doing nothing.

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Pretty much this.

Basically, just made the good Mcrees better.

He’s still overtuned.

Unfortunately, until the pros whine about it, he’ll be left as he is.

Blizzard gives 0 crap about people at lower ranks it seems.


Even after the latest fire rate buff McCree still dies super fast and other DPS choices are better most of the time.

He might still need more tweaks that are non damage changes.

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Now that’s just unfair

there are a plethora of nerfs to heroes and heroes in general that are they way they are because of low ranks

I think people just gave up and realized that buffing characters that cater to low-skill morons is a feature and not a bug of Blizzard balance.