So, they've deleted another hero I play

No, no, no, you see, those are sensible nerfs… for a DPS MAIN. “Shield 2stronk, can’t shoot headshots. Plox delete shield”.

Isn’t it interesting how they always seem to target the interesting, unique, or simply non-standard characters for nerfs?

Mercy? A healer who can resurrect? “But she took away by 5 kill by hiding! NERF HER!”

Symmetra? A character with variable aim and turrets? “But she requires NO SKILL! NERF HER!” (In a game that was marketed as ‘anyone can be a hero’ almost as if different skill sets or niches was the original design goal…)

Mei? Crowd control in my FPS? “She froze me and I died! NERF HER!”

Brig? A shield and melee hero, a healer who can defend themselves?! “She’s too strong and I died! NERF HER!”

The list goes on. Notice how they never seem to touch the brain dead point-and-click characters aside from maybe tweaking their damage by a few points. And people whine about what takes skill, is it learning a different skillset for multiple characters that all play different and make you think about how to approach an objective… or the half-dozen hitscan with little more skill required than aiming… Hmm.

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We got a damage nerf… on someone who wasn’t dealing too much damage…

Sorry, but it is absolutely a moderate rebalancing. There is nothing “objective” about labeling it severe.

She retained her biggest recent upgrade, the thing that SHOULD have been nerfed, which was the movement penalty while firing. Between projectile speed upgrades, spread upgrades, and the movement upgrades, I dont find an 18% damage nerf to be anything extraordinary.

They simply reverted the fortify duration upgrade she received, after the recent armor rework, because the calculation of fortify reducing damage after armor was applied reduced way too much damage over too long of a duration as a secondary defense tool. The actual outcome is not that far off.

The Halt nerf is really a Roadhog nerf more than Orisa, and they will be able to adjust just fine.

blizzard keeps nerfing tanks back and forth… i dont get their logic… that is hardly going to help queue times for anyone…

if they are going to alienate the player base sure there are more DPS out there then tank but if you alienate the tank player base queue times go up for everyone and everyone suffers…

they really should focus more on making tank game play less terrible! and maybe not nerf the tanks constantly…


Sigma was fun at first but he’s going to be nerfed to death after the ptr patch probably…

they should freaking remove the cooldown on his shield! that thing was resonable before the shield nerf not now… kitentic grasp does nothing Vs beams… and there are way to many of those !

Also if the PTR patch will allow the drop thingy on his ult to be interupted then its virtually useless as he just hangs in hte air as a easy target for any widow… it will be a 100% suicidal pointless ult!

If tanking is no fun then there will be no tanks and queue times wil last until the end of time!

and then the DPS players will go bat-:poop: crazy because they wont ever get into a game!

seriously nice shooting yourself in the foot and killing of overwatch blizzard!

When she’s released ,she had a better shield (more hp,lower CD),more damage,a bigger clip,better fortify,better halt and wasn’t played at all for 1 or 2 years.
What is better now is her movment speed while firing or fortify and faster projectiles.I’m not sure that these 2 things make her “worthy”…


Don’t take this personally. But, Orisa has been meta for a LONG time and basically any other main tank was a throw. This isn’t because she’s a ‘good design’. It was because she has been so much more powerful and sustainable that other tanks were literally unable to compete with her in any aspect outside of Sigma, who is a hybrid tank. If you’re being upset because they toned her down to the same level other tanks are at now, that’s just silly. Should all the other tanks who have been forced to lose games or play Orisa for the last year or so just ‘suck it up’? That’s the response you’ll find here. Despite these nerfs Orisa is still one of the strongest heroes in the game. If you don’t like the changes, maybe you should branch out and try other heroes for a change. One tricking is not a good idea going forward as people suspect now that hero bans aren’t happening. But, ‘something similar’ is according to Jeff. We suspect that means they will be blocking X amount of heroes each season so that they can’t be played. You won’t be able to one trick anymore.

Where’s your time machine? I want to go into the future too dude. Don’t hog it all for yourself.

Yeah, I mean, is Rein the only tank allowed to be meta? Everyone complains about every single hero that is not originally from Dive or Reinhardt. So I’m guessing what Jeff has to tells us next week is that they’re either creating Divewatch or deleting any hero that wasn’t a part of dive.


18% in this game is on the high end of how most damage nerfs goes, and the fortify nerf comes after they gutted her shield specifically to make room for that fortify upgrade. And then they also nerfed halt on top of of it. Saying 3 nerfs, 2 of them big nerfs aren’t big because they weren’t the nerfs you’d pick, or because the hero deserved it is just biased. A nerf can be both big and deserved.

Wow, that would suck even more than hero bans. if this happens i’ll prolly quit playing comp.

Not to me. Those are among my faves.

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I dont see it as big at all, but this is because I include the rather dramatic triple upgrades that she received over the last few months that dont scream “I am X percent”, but those three were a very large upgrade in all aspects of play because they covered both close range and long range damage.

For instance, take Soldier 76 for instance. I dont consider his 5% upgrade an upgrade at all because it was preceded by a nerf of the same size. On the other hand, his spread and falloff upgrades were much larger and qualify as upgrades.

I agree that the shield nerf was big, and that upon moving to 1 3 2, should be undone, but that has a sustained value on her survival as the primary tool. I further expect that the shield nerfs will be undone for 1 3 2 and dont consider any undoing of offsetting buffs to be a disastrous nerf

Sigma and Baptiste are among my mains. Junkrats already been almost unplayable for months, I guess another 2 of my mains are going to join him.

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Uhhh… okay that Hog Orissa meta never existed then.

I agree, they exagerated this time, I understand nerfing her but this is ruining a hero. And then, she has a higher skill ceiling than Reinhardt, but he is the best tank now, at all ranks. What’s the point of learning her difficult projectile/tracking shooting now?

wow hyperbole much ? get a grip.

So your precious crutch gets nerfed and you immediately mutate to one of those people ? Man I hope you rage quit.

That being said, I do not agree with the damage nerf.


They deleted Orisa from the game? I thought they said they would never remove heroes. /s

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It’s real easy to mention the nerfs she’s gotten without mentioning all the buffs huh…

She’s been buffed numerous times since her release… her shield was made bigger, her spread was decreased, she’s able to deploy shield while firing, got 50 extra total HP in the form of armor, her walkspeed increased while firing, her projectiles are faster than they were…and those are just the buffs that come to mind… she is the definition of powercreep.

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But don’t worry guys. They would never sledgehammer a hero out of the meta /s


I bet yall panic when the Doomsday clock moves too :joy: