So, they've deleted another hero I play

Good double shield finally dies. Learn something else

The problem is that nothing else is functional right now. You can’t play Bunker, obviously, Dive still can’t compete, there’s just Rein-Zarya deathball.

You may be right.

Her fortify was like the last strong thing she had in her kit because Winston’s bubble is now stronger than her barrier, but now they’re nerfing fortify…

Presumably he was not being literal, or it prob would’ve ended up in the bug forum.

A better/smarter one is just gonna rein…

Good. Blizzard needs to be less afraid to make sledgehammer nerfs.

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you wanna know something funny…orisa’s pickrate will drop…because no one will play her because its easier to play someone else, instead of trying her out and seeing how she can still be good

I mean, it’s not about easy. You can’t play bad heroes harder and have them be as good as good heroes. You will just naturally assume a lower rank, perhaps much lower if they’re really awful.

If you play a mixture you will oscillate, losing games on the crap heroes and winning them on the good ones.

That’s because she is one of three main barrier tanks. A barrier of any health is 100% required to not have your healers be instagibbed by a sniper. She isn’t good, she just gives a team a fighting chance against the overtuned dps. Nerf burst damage, and shields aren’t as required.

I feel you. I migrated from Zen, to Brig to Baptise. And I can’t play Zen or Ana because they’re flanker food. Now I’m down to either Ana or Moira.

It’s ridiculous.

Yeah, behind walls begging for heals. Tactful :roll_eyes:

I adjusted to the last patch. The new proposed patch appears to make her ENTIRELY healer dependent. Fortify is only strong with heals (they reduced it).

Without heals fortify is a light show.


Totally agree, I loved the patch where they nuked barriers but buffed the other parts of their kits, that was smart balancing and actually made the characters feel less oppressive. And even in that patch they made a preemptive nerf to widow, very smart of them. Now they’re just ruining characters for the fun of it and it’s just ridiculous


They’ve already said 123 isn’t coming. Jeff talked about it earlier this week.

sigma needed nerfs to his barrier cooldown or ultimate time it tkes for it to levitate people

The damage nerf is what got me.

Like now I feel like she just tickles things for it being projectiles. Just doesn’t feel fun to play at all.

Now if they dropped the damage down a few more points, made it hitscan, and a tightening spread similar to Bastion’s sentry… Sounds like fun times.

I didn’t like the damage nerf either. Seems I did too well.
Instead of thinking “That Orisa has skill”
they rather think “Orisa is overpowered”. :roll_eyes:?

So if my Orisa is successful versus some DPS…Oh they can’t have that. Nerf her…

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Brigitte was the same way and the devs flat out said her winrates were abymsal outside of meta and she’d require a rework. She was actually throw tier on console when pros were complaining she was still too strong.

Sometimes a meta can empower hero who is otherwise trash. Symmetra, just before rework Brig,, and Sombra are all examples.

I’m not saying that’s neccessary the case with Orisa. But just a hero being meta isn’t the case that are that good. It also depends on why they are meta.


It’s objectively not a moderate rebalancing, regardless if it does enough it’s a substantial nerf to most of her kit.

chill homie. orisas getting nerfed cuz she been op as hell. she still gonna be very playable, just not over powered. u can still play orisa. these nerfs are about as sensible as nerfs can get. and about 99% of the player base thinks rein is more fun than orisa so blizz is tryna appeal to the masses bro

Well, it’s not like there’s been some sorta redistribution or QoL type buffs. They’re all just straight nerfs to damage, CD and CC.

I don’t really see a scenario where I wouldn’t play Rein or Sigma considering her previous nerfs/redistribution’s a couple patches ago.

I didnt try new changes yet, but I think that people are overreacting with Orisa changes.
They do seem harsh on paper, but I’ll still try to make it work (over 300 h on Orisa) if its really that bad I’ll pick other main tank.

You can always adapt and try new things, make your hero pool bigger, learn something different.

I like playing Winston also, got 100 h on him, on Rein only 60 so I think there is a lot of room to improve and get better at other tanks.

I wonder how changes are feeling in game, cant wait to come home from work to see how it is.