So, they've deleted another hero I play

I think the damage nerf to Orisa was unnecessary, but the rest seem pretty solid. As I said in the PTR thread, I would have nerfed Halt with a longer cooldown because it’s an ability with insane value, but there’s nothing stopping them from doing that later on down the line. And yes, I do play some Orisa myself.

Making both her and Sigma less of “must-picks” does open things up for tank players that don’t want to be berated/reported by their theam for choosing something else. If Blizz can hammer down some power levels and make all tanks work in general (even if still somewhat dependent upon map/game type/team comp), then you have the liberty of having the entire roster at your disposal. Right now tanking can feel like de facto two-tricking because people freak if you don’t pick Orisa or Sigma. Rein is a weird exception in that he’s a barrier tank, but can’t contribute to damage at the same time, and is actually really difficult to get value from in both the shielding and damage categories unless your teammates know how to play with a Rein.

And by that, I mean of course, not expecting that shield to be up 24/7, knowing that the shield is coming down as soon as he gets within melee range of the enemy, that he still has to hug corners and deploying that shield is for short bursts to help them poke and move into different places in the level that have natural cover, etc.

Those are just the buffs that come to your mind because there are none else.
Btw,her dps was nerfed so can you explain how having her damage decreased is the definition of powercreep please?

Her damage being nerfed isn’t powercreep…

Her being consecutively buffed at least half a dozen times over the past year or two to the point where she’s been the best tank for more than half a year is… that’s the definition of powercreep. Her being nerfed this patch is Fixing her being overtuned.

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She wasn’t consecutivly buffed.
When they reduced her spread and increase her projectiles speed,they nerfed her damage and the size of her clip.
When they increased her walking speed when firing/fortify,they increased her shield’s CD and lowered her shield’s hp etc.
The buff she got wasn’t free.

She consistently netted buffs since her release. She was powercrept, overtuned, and has finally been nerfed.

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Sorry the sarcasm but… hello I’m a Sombra main, wanna discuss about deleting a hero?

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This is just wrong.
Can you please list the buffs she got with no nerf at the same time please?

Maybe you don’t understand what “net” means. Regardless of whatever “nerfs” she may have gotten, she has been buffed overall, which is why she has now been nerfed.

I see.
No argument,only “what you think”…

No… my argument is she has been consistently buffed since her release, she is the definition of powercreep. You have no argument besides “well she’s been nerfed too” but those nerfs don’t offset all the buffs she’s received :man_shrugging:

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shut up 13 characters required

As somebody who plays a lot of Baptiste and Orisa I do empathise. It is not that I am not open to the necessity of nerfs, but I don’t get why they need to change so many things at once. The result, cumulatively, is usually a sledgehammer.

I guess though that’s the intended effect.

My friends and I usually play DPS on DVA and Orisa to avoid queues and the nerf isnt even noticeable.

Always the same.
Saying “but those nerfs don’t offset all the buffs she received” is just your personnal opinion and doesn’t rely on anything concrete.
It is funny,a few weeks ago,you posted that the game balance was pretty good .Just Dva,Bastion and a few others needed buffs and that only Hanzo needed a small nerf. Suddenly,you say that Orisa was overbuffed and the perfect example of powercreep…
Make up your mind.
If you don’t remember when,it is between your Reaper is fine and don’t need a nerf post and your MCree needed the fire rate buff to be fine post…
Btw,i don’t need any argument since i didn’t say that she will be bad or good unlike you who keep saying that she was OP.

Well, my friends and I always play as DPS using DVA or Orisa to avoid queues, but we haven’t really noticed the nerf.

How about her going from irrelevancy to her being meta for the better part of the past year? Is that not concrete evidence that her buffs over time propelled her into being the best tank??

You’re only seeing some of my posts. I’ve very clearly said on multiple occasions that Orisa is OP, specifically because of Halt & Fortify being so good (which have both been nerfed). My stance hasn’t changed and I still believe the current live patch was a step in the right direction, this PTR patch is an even bigger step in the right direction.

Which he really didn’t. This nerf guarantees he won’t be played at high levels since it won’t require much focus/effort to kill Reapers once again

McCree definitely needed some kinda buff to be fine, whether it was a fire rate buff or a HP buff, personally I prefer the HP buff.

A meta isn’t about one character being OP but the synergy between the characters of the team.
Many people thought that Reaper was OP. So who is right?
What about Dva and Winston? Are they ok according to you?
I ask in case dive would be meta again,before you start saying that they are the perfect example of powercreep…

Just about everything that was meta has been nerfed, so dive (and everything besides what was meta) is definitely better now. We don’t know what’s meta on the PTR yet

I heard it’s Rein Dva. I bet there’s also some Ball and some Zarya and maybe a tiny bit of Hog.

Welcome to the world of Mercy mains.