This is a HARD nerf blizz, and Brig is already on a balanced state, people like it or not.
I know Rein suffers a lot from Bash but still, this can severely affect her, if this does go trough then she will need something in return, Shield Bash got nerfed enough already.
And this nerf hampers her ability to counter Dive. Winston’s barrier will deny Shield Bash. That gives Winston and heroes diving with him a leg up on Brigitte.
Does it render her completely useless against Dive? No. But it puts her in a spot like Roadhog who “counters” Dive–in practical terms, it’s difficult for him because he isn’t reliable. Like when he does, yeah he’s amazing against it, but that’s when it works. And Brigitte is going to take a big step in that direction.
Good thing shield bash was melee range and only really countered Rein, Tracer, and Reaper. You know… Melee range heroes. Last time I checked, this was a shooter and there were not too many heroes that were only effective at melee range, least of all every hero in the game.
I love how everyone’s argument for Brig is to stay away from her. If she is in a position you need to be, you know since this game is entirely based on points of contention, that really isn’t a viable option all the time.
She will still be strong against Winston. His barrier is not very long lived and is on a good length cool down.
Really the only major change I see this doing is she will have to push forward with her tanks to drop a Rein barrier instead of just face tanking forward with her shield to clutch an easy tank kill. I think this will be better for the game, both in people actually playing some of the tanks again and in the fact she will have to be more mindfull of it’s use. This is a good change that will bring some thought to her kit.
Did you watch the WC? She was not a must pick by a LONG shot. Even her much ballyhooed Stun-Shatter combo with Rein was outplayed by South Korea. She will never be played again in serious competition unless there is an ultra good Tracer that needs to be reigned in. Lucio, Moira and Mercy all have way better healing and now will have better utility as well. Add in Ashe and Brig is a downright liability. Mercy can boost Ashe, Lucio has a great ulti and Moira has amazing mobility, escape and stupid easy heals per second. Ana will be benched because diving her will be a-ok again and Zen will only be brought out when the Ashe/Mercy can’t take a particularly good Pharmercy.
You didn’t counter my argument about how there are much stronger comps than ones with Brig using the OWWC as proof. So YOU try again or no more replies for you.