So telebombs is not going to be a common tactic now?

Assuming that both Lucio and sym would be out of combat while it happened.

Sym can be fighting / gaining ult while her tele is running.

In one spotā€¦ a spot that in order for it to be there forever would have to be out of sight of the enemyā€¦otherwise it is destroyed. Making its in combat effectiveness dropā€¦

which is better? A thing that can be left in one spot forever and therefore only being impactful at that location OUTSIDE of combat? Or one that can endlessly follow you and keep you moving faster? Which not only makes you save more time it makes you harder to hit and less vulnerable.

Her teleporter was great before. Its pretty much a worse lucio boost now.

This would be true of anyone who survived a teamfight. The best practice regardless of time saved is the fact that you need to regroup. No one should be going in alone.

A teleporter that lasts indefinitely is better for a lot of team repositioning roles, as well as flanking. The problem I always had is I would use the TP to flank, and then the TP would disappear and Iā€™d be stuck there when the enemy team retaliated.

I disagree. If it takes you more then 10 seconds to use the teleporter or to use the position you gained from the teleporter then your timing was way off or it was not worth doing in the first place.

This is a problem with your timing. Not with teleporter not lasting long enough.

Especially considering that if it lasted the full ten seconds you literally only have 2 seconds to wait.

I would telebomb, and jump through, chuck 2 balls and bail. It worked well!

The thing is, with the teleporter staying up, you can go out and come back. You know itā€™ll be there when you want to return if it isnā€™t destroyed.

Right now if it is not destroyed you only have to wait two seconds for another.

With the changes you now have to wait 15 seconds to deploy it if is destroyed instead of 12. Net loss.

You have to wait for the new TP to deploy. I used to get killed a lot waiting for the new TP to set up.

Reading comprehension. Read it again VERY SLOWLY and realize it does not say her turretā€™s slow is being affected.


Read. Just read.

Which means your timing is very poor. If the two seconds is the difference for your survival now think of what the difference of 15 will be when it goes live.

Right now if you deploy the teleporter it INSTANTLY goes on cooldown and starts counting. Meaning that if it is not destroyed you have only a 2-3 seconds of vulnerability.

However, if it is destroyed you still have generally speaking at least less then 9-10 seconds for the next.

With the new infinite teleporter your cooldown goes into limbo. Meaning that if it is destroyed you are stuck behind enemy lines longer. For at least 15-17 seconds.

If it isnt destroyed? Okay? You saved two seconds in one niche scenario by sacrificing efficiency in two other locations by at least a total of 19-20 seconds.

I would rather keep the 20 seconds and sacrifice that miniscule 2 second window .

I guess weā€™ll have to see.

Personally I think the TP will be an improvement. The loss of the triple turret slow is horrible and might kill her all by itself unfortunatelyā€¦

Who said itā€™s removed? This stacking looks only to not apply to your own vs enemy not multiple enemy slow effects

I think the extra 5 meters may be worth more than people expect.

Iā€™m keen to get on ptr and start testing.

Yeah, that too. It was almost just barely not quite long enough for what you wanted it for.

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Thats not how that patch works.

The patch makes it so that enemy slows and friendly slows are counted separately. Then whichever is highest is what is applied.

For instance. Rein applies a slow to himself while holding his barrier up. Currently if he walks into three sym turrets his slow stacks with hers. Making him stop entirely.

However, with the new patch it looks at his slow and then the 60% slow from the turrets and removes his own slow from the effect. Makig the 60% apply alone.

It does not prevent stacking of multiple enemy slows. It prevents stacking of friendly slows with enemy slows.

Whatā€™s the bet there are broken interactions with speed boost.

I expect there will be bugs there :slight_smile:

If I was a tester for ow, Iā€™d be looking there first :slight_smile:

she is really good in comp i played aganist a good symm today. only won first round bunkers work well with the new sym, + DVA ORISA

Lol. Very likely.

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My prediction? The prevention of enemy and friendly slow stacking will cause speed boost to be entirely negated by slows.

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That is exactly what I expect :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll test it in a few hours and post to ptr feedback.

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