So telebombs is not going to be a common tactic now?

Which means your timing is very poor. If the two seconds is the difference for your survival now think of what the difference of 15 will be when it goes live.

Right now if you deploy the teleporter it INSTANTLY goes on cooldown and starts counting. Meaning that if it is not destroyed you have only a 2-3 seconds of vulnerability.

However, if it is destroyed you still have generally speaking at least less then 9-10 seconds for the next.

With the new infinite teleporter your cooldown goes into limbo. Meaning that if it is destroyed you are stuck behind enemy lines longer. For at least 15-17 seconds.

If it isnt destroyed? Okay? You saved two seconds in one niche scenario by sacrificing efficiency in two other locations by at least a total of 19-20 seconds.

I would rather keep the 20 seconds and sacrifice that miniscule 2 second window .

I guess we’ll have to see.

Personally I think the TP will be an improvement. The loss of the triple turret slow is horrible and might kill her all by itself unfortunately…

Who said it’s removed? This stacking looks only to not apply to your own vs enemy not multiple enemy slow effects

I think the extra 5 meters may be worth more than people expect.

I’m keen to get on ptr and start testing.

Yeah, that too. It was almost just barely not quite long enough for what you wanted it for.

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Thats not how that patch works.

The patch makes it so that enemy slows and friendly slows are counted separately. Then whichever is highest is what is applied.

For instance. Rein applies a slow to himself while holding his barrier up. Currently if he walks into three sym turrets his slow stacks with hers. Making him stop entirely.

However, with the new patch it looks at his slow and then the 60% slow from the turrets and removes his own slow from the effect. Makig the 60% apply alone.

It does not prevent stacking of multiple enemy slows. It prevents stacking of friendly slows with enemy slows.

What’s the bet there are broken interactions with speed boost.

I expect there will be bugs there :slight_smile:

If I was a tester for ow, I’d be looking there first :slight_smile:

she is really good in comp i played aganist a good symm today. only won first round bunkers work well with the new sym, + DVA ORISA

Lol. Very likely.

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My prediction? The prevention of enemy and friendly slow stacking will cause speed boost to be entirely negated by slows.

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That is exactly what I expect :slight_smile:

I’ll test it in a few hours and post to ptr feedback.

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I have no doubt they have coded it to prevent friendly speed MODIFIER’s to not stack with enemy modifier’s and whichever one is the slowest wins. lol!

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Yep, I can almost see the code in my head.

It’s used in top ranks as well. Steevo and Hoshi (2 GM+ Sym mains) telebomb quite often, but it’s combined with a charged up orb, teleporting themselves, and generally alongside their ult, all in quick succession of each other.

It’s not just a “noob strat”, it’s something practiced on ladder even at the highest ranks.

I’m not even a codemonkey and I can see it. My friends have been talking to me about this stuff for to many years I think.

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I think you need to take a deep breath before replying to a comment so rudely. Put the monitor on sleep for a while. Lmao

Will be interesting to be able to play a flanker who can go kill tele’s again, though.

Hey great - We have a sym on our team that will give us a 30 meter head start to the objective thats 90 meters away. Cool.

Ok. It’s midfight now. Hey guys, something is wrong . . . why does it feel like we are fighting 5 v 6 instead of 6 v 6OH wait. . . I forgot - We have a Sym on our team. A Sym that is UTTERLY USELESS in midfights now because she doesn’t have Teleporter available to access her potential damage with turrets. Look at our Symmetra trying to out duel a machine gun wielding Sombra at 5 meter range with her garbage noodle beam and unreliable Orbs. How cute. Hey Sym - Can you just switch? Our Lucio can replace your gimmicky puny 30 meter head start WASTE of an ability with a simple speed boost…but the good thing about him is…He isn’t an utter GARBAGE CAN in midfight because his abilities are useful in the midfight. Please switch you garbage can. I don’t want a Sym on my team - - - like ever.

Hey Sym - Switch already.

Hey Sym - You are useless - Their McCree and Soldier are out dueling our Sym and Soldier. Why does this 2 on 2 dps engagement feel like we are at a disadvantage? Sym - just switch - You’re awful.

I think tele needs better visual indicators as to where the exit tele is located, like an indicator arrow pointing towards the exit from the entrance. Half the time I wont take them in a fire fight cause Ive no idea where sym placed the exit.

I’ve been playing a lot of PTR games with new Symmetra. It’s a major playstyle shift but it doesn’t kill her. I find myself telebombing maybe 40% as much as I used to, but instead she has the new playstyle of linking highgrounds, and harassing the backline until she has an opportunity to jump in with her beam.

It’s actually surprisingly effective. I’d even say this is a buff for her on the wide open maps she previously struggled on, that being said she’s definitely less aggressive now. It’s all a matter of perspective, but this is an “adjustment”, not a buff or a nerf.

The REAL takeaway from this is that her ultimate charge rate got nerfed in the global strike to ultimates in general. Symmetra has a fast charging, long lasting ult. As such, it’s a core part of her kit. She can make plays without it, but this nerf will affect her a bit more than some other heroes.