So queue times are getting worse

I don’t know about QP but in comp the wait times for me are considerably longer than a support queue. This will vary depending on rank.

Actually, I am curious, is it just Comp where people are experiencing slow queues or also QP? Because Comp wouldn’t exactly be a surprise when the only fresh piece of Support content can’t play in it yet.

you joke but people will literally advocate and defend this at some point when it happens

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Yea I’m not touching comp until Kiriko is in it and I’m sure many others feel the same. Ranked is essentially incomplete until she’s playable. Queue times for comp right now are nothing like they will be once Kiriko is playable


The best solution would be to give Brig her stun back. Reduce the damage and range on bash, increase the cd. She’s honestly complete trash now, lost the best support at dealing with flankers. She’s a cosmetic hero at this point. She doesn’t actually do anything.

We’ve back at season 5 of just perma dive killing everyone because supports have no real answer to it. It’s just hope you can survive long enough, 90% of the time. This is legit the reason why Brig was brought into the game in the 1st place. Flankers need an answer for support to be fun. There isn’t one outside of hitting a nutty sleep, or a delete from Zen. So support is miserable.


But locked heroes don’t affect the competitive experience! The devs said so!


Its the same for me. Qp is fine with times looking like 5,3,2 but comp… it’s like 6,5,2 8 pm est


Totally unplayable heroes certainly play a role in queue times

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Maybe when they release Kiriko into competitive queue, maybe it’ll help. She is pretty fun to play tbh

I know, I was being facetious.

Yeah, same, I’m having a lot of fun on Support with Kiriko. But even playing Brig or Ana, who I also still enjoy, I don’t have interest queuing without the extra dynamic of Kiri co-support or the option to switch if needed for countering.

Well ranked will never be complete because there is a new locked hero every season. With a tank coming up next.

Those are going to be some long tank queue’s.

Ranked is complete once the newest hero is playable, not everyone has to have it. Those tank queue times certainly will be long :laughing: I’ll be adding to them for sure, can’t wait for the new tank

Maybe we should go back to 6v6? Now that tanks are fun again because they’re not getting perma cc’d, and they’re clearly popular. They’d just need toning down hp wise for 6v6 and we’re probably looking at a fun game.


We should definitely not go back to 6v6. The reason tanks are fun now is because they’re powerful, nerfing them so they’re workable in 6v6 means making them not fun again

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As someone who hasn’t played it, what is the evidence that there’s a dearth of support players? I haven’t seen a whole lot of queue time complaints yet is all :man_shrugging:t2:

I ran a dozen or so Flex QP queues and got 4 Tank and 2 DPS today. The queue times are still fairly robust in NA.

Literally said they’d need toning down for 6v6…

It’s a 5-6 min queue for tank in comp and that is the longest queue and that’s with no kiriko.

Read my edit. Them being powerful instead of nerfed is why they’re fun again, 6v6 = unfun tanks

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