So Pharah is getting some changes

I just saw this:

If this supposed changes turn out to be buffs or just quality life changes im honestly done with both the game and the devs.

I really REALLY expect to see balance changes or even a rework for her so she becomes way more tolerable than she is at the moment, and im sure many people agree with me, especially console.

Shes being an issue for way to long already with her little angel:

Having multiple games ruined by Pharmercy
Requiring 5X more effort to deal with them than play has them
Making me quit COMP games for the first time
Forcing me to quit the game due to how stressful it was TWICE

This duo is a cancer that needs to be addressed already so if it turns to be the stuff i said above then OW will be completely dead for me and i used to love the game but this character ruined it entirely for me.

Just a rant from a no-life player


Pharah and Mercy are powerful, Zenyatta and Soldier 76 are a powerful counter, yet not enough people go hitscan.

I know people don’t want to switch characters, but often it is necessary.


More like always, the only reason i play Mcree was because i was tired of being dominated by Pharmercy every single game

And besides Pharmercy can easily delete Zen and Soldier with 2 rockets (without saying staying out of their effective range)


Get behind a shield.

Doesnt work when she can melt the shield (with the rest of her team) or just plain ignore it and attack from the sides or above

I don’t know how to help you here, mac. She just needs to be discorded and that’s usually GG in my experience.

My experience is just her dominating 90% of my games

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I doubt they will buff her on console, geez…

An even easier counter is Dva+Soldier.

Idk, the devs brilliant decisions in the past like prioritizing basketball mechanics over Doomfist that was in a unplayable state proves otherwise


I understand that she is a nightmare on console but that wont change the fact that she is countered by discord or shield.

she is objectively not that good in console.

I get the frustration though cuz Pharah decided your team for you.

It should be ok to go Reaper/Junkrat as your dps duo… but you cant cuz “hey can we get a hitscan in case they have a pharah?”

No other character in the game decides your team before the game even starts like Pharah does.


Zarya does since then you kind of need a Zenyatta.

And graviton got hit with the nerf bat likely for that reason.

Do you still need a zenyatta? Not really. New sound barrier is pretty effective though too.

She is objectively pretty dominant on PSN. (: Only one who beats her with a significant winrate is Zarya.


I’d rather fight Pharmercy than a coordinated Bastion comp any day

Ill rather fight the Bastion

There is no problems with Pharah atm on PC. None at all she doesn’t dominate squat especially past Diamond.

On Console, which they don’t seem to balance for, different story!

Fixed it for you