So Pharah is getting some changes

Pharah is so easy to shut down, yet people still want to complain about her when they’re playing freaking Zarya for crying out loud.

Ideally Blizzard can do something with Pharah that improves the experience all around. Pharah dominates console and some of the lower ranks on PC, but everywhere else, she’s nearly useless – definitely so if you don’t have a Mercy to compliment you. Pharah currently has problems with all parties.

I’m not even quite sure what path they might take. However, there has been a lot of streamlining when it comes to working on some of the older heroes; making them faster, making their abilities easier to manage, etc. If I could make a guess, I would think they would try to give her better flight, even possibly just giving her infinite flight. Pharah is constantly using her boost to stay in the air or even reclaim the aerial advantage, I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard just let her own it a bit more, and then nerfed some other areas.

What those areas would be… well, that’s even harder to say. Pharah doesn’t have much to her kit, all things considered, and nerfing anything about Pharah to make her more digestible for console/low ranks would drastically affect her at the higher ranks, where she’s already struggling. This is why I think they might go with a movement-focused change, letting her have more varied mobility without having to touch her concussive missile or her rockets. There just isn’t much to really touch there.

I would love if direct hits felt more rewarding, though. 120 damage just isn’t really enough, not when Hanzo deals 125 on a bodyshot, with a faster projectile, headshot capabilities, and a secondary offensive ability, plus mobility that is more relevant and viable all around. Perhaps Blizzard might look to make her a higher skill hero, limiting her power at the lower ranks but rewarding good Pharahs with more.

Thats why i want a rework for her, but no her dmg is already good enough and doesnt need a buff… 120 dmg is a lot.

I dont think buffing her mobility is a good idea unless they really limit how high she can get in the sky or how long

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