So... OW2 was just a lie all along?

There needs to be a new character for every hero ow1 should have received since echo plus more. Excluding junker queen, fox girl, and sojourn I expect 8 minimum.

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Calling me a coward for literally telling you I am bookmarking to come back and talk to you? Wow.

If it makes you feel good to think you “won” somehow in this, by all means, have fun with that. I know you are wrong regardless of what you think on this topic. The only one apparently having an emotional problem is you it seems.

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It’s already been talked about by the devs. The PvE got mired in development, so they have decided to move forward with the PvP which is a lot easier to deliver and can get the content flowing again.

They are not releasing the full ow2 PvP in October, they clearly called it early access. Meaning, everything that’s polished and ready to ship as a smaller package will be given to us.

This isn’t what Blizzard intended to do when it first started working on ow2. They wanted to release everything all at once. All the maps, heroes, game modes, etc. But since development is taking longer than anticipated they decided to meet the user base half way, release what they can and give the new pvp experience at least.

I’m sure even for just PVP there’s a lot more planned in terms of heroes, maps and balance changes.

Be thank for what we’re getting and continue to be patient. Again, this is early access PVP, not the full ow2 PvP experience.

My gawd, tell me youre a filthy casual “gamer” who is so entitled that they think a game is dead because it doesnt cater to their imaginings for what was possible for OW2, without saying it, harder…

You use “Mario Kart 8” as a comparable game to point out Overwatch’s shortcomings, at least compare it to a game that has a demographic of people above the age of 12 years old, if thats your go to game, it says alot.

You keep pointing out how F2P isnt a “magic bullet”, have you seen Warzone, Fortnite, Apex, Valorant?

All of THE biggest games on Twitch (as you seem to think that signifies a games’ success while disparaging streamers for being “antisocial shut-ins”) are F2P, and are making bank while they do so!

From the sheer amount of time you spend on these forums and how long you spent responding to people, something tells me youre projecting a little with your comment aimed at streamers…

And besides, you “dropped” OW a year ago, why are you still here whining and pouting like a man (or woman)-child…

How about you do the same as normal people do and wait until something actually releases, instead of crying on the forums everytime they dont announce 50 new heros and 17 new maps.

If it releases and its terrible and they dont continue developing new heroes, THEN you can complain that they didnt meet your standards, but lets be honest even if they DID release 50 new heroes, you would STILL find something to complain about.

Just go play Mario Kart, im sure its more fun than malding on the forums all day

Yeah, I was one of those people because then (and still now!) you were pretending to not understand that they are releasing the PVP early while the full length story PVE game is still being developed. They just shut down this garbage doomposting the other day

Funnily enough the guy is still in this thread trying to convince people that there will be no OW2 PVE

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You know what would kill any semblance of hype between now and October? Showing everything they’ve got right now. Then when the game releases, everything would be old news from 4 months ago, just like Sojourn is old news from 2019.

But hey, this is the Overwatch forum and we don’t think critically here, we just complain.


This thought process is so entitled. Im happy that we are getting OW2, new heroes or no new heroes. The developers work pretty hard to pump out new characters that are also fun to play as and against.

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All these people who spent the last year or two with daily threads hyping themselves up for OW2, they are never, NEVER, going to be satisfied. You are ruining the experience for yourself by harking on it.

Just let it go, OW2 will come out, or it wont, whatever, and it will be what it will be.

I will say I don’t want to get my hopes up. Having 3 new heroes after a 3 year hiatus is honestly pathetic, and truthfully would probably make the game DOA.

That being said, I hope they have at least a few more for launch. It would be great if you could play a game of OW in October with only new heroes. The game needs to be broken to stand a chance.

My bigger worry is the hyper focus on OWL, and not wanting to overwhelm them with new stuff. OWL needs to take a back seat so that the masses can have fun with the game like they did in 2016.

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Both of them are coming with a vengence

And from the tease, it looks like Fox Girl is going to be a Support that provides some form of boost from her fox trail with tori gates. The tease does show that team composition so we can safely assume she is a Support.

Whatever that is, Idk.

Didn’t OW1 still have new hero reveals like 1-2 months before release?
I get being pessimistic, but I myself am not this pessismistic.

Reading is hard, huh?

You struggle to pay attention or notice context clues too, apparently.

Early Access is available October 4th.
This is the Release Date for Public Early Access.
Overwatch 2’s full launch is NOT October 4th 2022.

They literally teased PvE campaigns, like when everyone’s standing on a mountain top together with wacky white outfits? What else do you think that is???
In addition to this, of course they wouldn’t show off the PvE. PvE likely won’t be a part of this, because PvE is the part of Overwatch 2 that owners of Overwatch 1 will have to actually buy. Otherwise, we get upgraded to Overwatch 2 for free. All of us.

PvE is going to be released at launch. Being as this isn’t launch, there’s no reason to give us PvE, though we still might.

We only saw 3 new heroes, for the EARLY ACCESS event. This isn’t all they have. They’ve outright said in the past that they had between 5-8 heroes they were working on iirc.

I had higher hopes that hell would freeze over than expect anything but garbage from blizzard and OW2. So thankfully with that mindset I’ve had for a while now (and turned out to be true shocker I know) I don’t really feel angry or dissapointed or anything.

“3 new heroes” - that’s where you’re wrong. We got Orisa and Doom “into tanks” reworks, Sombra and Bastion reworks, potentially Sigma and Sym reworks as well, that’s a whole SIX new heroes on top of these three!.

But on a serious note, the game goes “early access” in October. Technically, it’s not even a release, it gives them an excuse to delay the actual release while working on the game. When they’ll meet their “10 new heroes” quota, that’s when the game goes “live”. Provided they don’t paywall new heroes…

OW2 pve isn’t ready but they are giving us the pvp early. You’re entitled if you see it otherwise.

They literally stopped development after Echo. There is absolutely no excuse to have only the PvP ready, in fact, it isn’t even ready, it’s just first of the many beta phases they’re implementing - which is pretty weird in software development.

Beta 1 literally has placeholder icons, buggy UI and poor UX, a beta of this quality will not fly at all in any type of tech company, a beta is supposed to be a demo of the final product so that the customer gets a preview of what they’re going to get. The beta phases are more akin to alpha builds because they’re testing new key features with every iteration of the build.

So it just baffles me that people are defending the beta phases when they’re literally just using us as free QA testers and marketing the beta as “content”. Blizzard is literally a Triple A company and all they have to show for in OW2 is essentially a reskinned OW1 AFTER 3 years of no content.

I will however attribute this blunder to Jeff Kaplan leaving the company, I’m pretty sure his resignation caused a massive reorganization on top of Blizzard having to deal with harassment cases.

You literally just combined two different people into one. Learn to read.

Also Splatoon. Mega sucess. Paid game.

Werent you saying you doubt they have any new heroes beyond what we saw last beta a week ago? It is amazing how people, in an effort to avoid admitting they are wrong, will keep moving the goalposts over and over and over?

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