So... OW2 was just a lie all along?

I gotta applaud his dedication though. Keeps actively hating Blizzard even though he stop playing the game for years.

Well then sucks for you, buddy. I hope you can find peace, closure and resolution.

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Yeah everyone has to have a hobby I suppose…

I sincerely hope you won’t.

Literally no one on planet earth thinks that’s what they should do.

Yeah, and a game about heroes with no new heroes isn’t worth playing.

Someone tell Nintendo, I don’t think they’ve heard this yet. Poor guys. They have no idea Mario Kat 8 Deluxe is a failure. I mean, it still hasn’t even sold as much as Overwatch!

There is no evidence of this. Literally none. The idea the F2P is the only path is demonstrably false. You’ve been fully captured by exploitive game companies. Stockholm Syndrome. FF14 had to stop selling their game because it was so popular, and people have to pay a SUBSCRIPTION for it!

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do you still lack information?
We played an actual beta, ow2 isn’t some nebulous entity we know nothing about

Tell you what DKF - how about you take your premise of F2P not working to folks like SVB, Seagull, Samito, Jake (the pro, not the dog), and countless other industry leaders on this question since you know more than all of them combined on the question and get back to us. Please, love to hear how it goes.

Simple fact is for live-service games you get two options: a sub, or battle-passes, and in either cases now the game must be F2P to get people started against all the other F2P competitors.


Industry leaders:? You mean streamers? In the streaming industry?


Simple fact is, none of this is true. Repeating it over and over doesn’t make it true. Watching streamers who are exact carbon copies of you in every way repeat it every day doesn’t make it true.

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We know how the general gameplay feels… but we know next to nothing about the content that it will launch with.
We don’t know what new mode there is besides Push, we don’t know how many new maps, we don’t know all the reworks, we don’t know how many new heroes.
Idk what you are trying to say here.

Try business analysts on CNBC and other business news outlets (and yes, they are keenly interested in developments in the game industry business). I mean, you do get info from real sources right?

Gonna be brutally honest here; you are trying to fight well above your weight class on this question bro. Even the franchise owners know it needs to F2P to succeed long term.

You mean the people Phil Spencer and Bobby Kotick were practically laughing at on air for asking about the metaverse, because they are completely gaming-illiterate morons who know literally nothing about this industry? Those experts? You mean guys like Jim Cramer, most famous for being brutally humiliated on TV for his stupidity and dishonesty by a comedian? That kind of expert?

I do not consider anti-social shut-ins who can aim a mouse quickly to be experts on anything. At all. I’m sorry that you do.

Those people paid 20 million dollars to get into OWL. Gaming experts, they ain’t.

DKF you literally are so beyond reasoning and twisted in thinking I am not bothering with you. F2P makes sense, the game is going there because from a business position it is the right thing to do. You cannot hold a candle to all the people you just mocked on actual business industry knowledge or experience, you just can’t even come close.

You are frankly out of your depth on this question, go troll somewhere else.

Oh btw, I am bookmarking this thread and waiting for an apology and acknowledgement from you once OW 2 goes F2P and the numbers rise by millions. See you there.

What better way to test a game than to have professionals play it?

The coward’s way out.

“You didn’t immediately give up and agree that I’m right and I’m not emotionally equipped to handle that, so I’m just going to call you insane and run away.”

I accept your surrender.

I never said that wouldn’t happen. It’s like you haven’t read a word I’ve said. I’m talking about viability, not the relative player counts of a game between premium and F2P. OW does not need F2P. That’s all I’ve argued. I’ve never said F2P wouldn’t add more players. Of course it might. It might also not work, as in the case with thousands of failed F2P games – a possibility F2P fanatics (like your list of infallible streamer-priests) refuse to acknowledge. And OW simply does not need F2P to be viable long-term.

Mario Kart 8 has sold less than OW, yet it’s still selling in the top 10-20 games every month and Nintendo considers it a smash success (because it is, like OW). It’s viable. It’s not F2P. OW is viable as a premium game. It’s not in need of rescue, it’s in need of management that won’t suffocate it by spending 3 years making nothing.

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There needs to be a new character for every hero ow1 should have received since echo plus more. Excluding junker queen, fox girl, and sojourn I expect 8 minimum.

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Calling me a coward for literally telling you I am bookmarking to come back and talk to you? Wow.

If it makes you feel good to think you “won” somehow in this, by all means, have fun with that. I know you are wrong regardless of what you think on this topic. The only one apparently having an emotional problem is you it seems.

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It’s already been talked about by the devs. The PvE got mired in development, so they have decided to move forward with the PvP which is a lot easier to deliver and can get the content flowing again.

They are not releasing the full ow2 PvP in October, they clearly called it early access. Meaning, everything that’s polished and ready to ship as a smaller package will be given to us.

This isn’t what Blizzard intended to do when it first started working on ow2. They wanted to release everything all at once. All the maps, heroes, game modes, etc. But since development is taking longer than anticipated they decided to meet the user base half way, release what they can and give the new pvp experience at least.

I’m sure even for just PVP there’s a lot more planned in terms of heroes, maps and balance changes.

Be thank for what we’re getting and continue to be patient. Again, this is early access PVP, not the full ow2 PvP experience.

My gawd, tell me youre a filthy casual “gamer” who is so entitled that they think a game is dead because it doesnt cater to their imaginings for what was possible for OW2, without saying it, harder…

You use “Mario Kart 8” as a comparable game to point out Overwatch’s shortcomings, at least compare it to a game that has a demographic of people above the age of 12 years old, if thats your go to game, it says alot.

You keep pointing out how F2P isnt a “magic bullet”, have you seen Warzone, Fortnite, Apex, Valorant?

All of THE biggest games on Twitch (as you seem to think that signifies a games’ success while disparaging streamers for being “antisocial shut-ins”) are F2P, and are making bank while they do so!

From the sheer amount of time you spend on these forums and how long you spent responding to people, something tells me youre projecting a little with your comment aimed at streamers…

And besides, you “dropped” OW a year ago, why are you still here whining and pouting like a man (or woman)-child…

How about you do the same as normal people do and wait until something actually releases, instead of crying on the forums everytime they dont announce 50 new heros and 17 new maps.

If it releases and its terrible and they dont continue developing new heroes, THEN you can complain that they didnt meet your standards, but lets be honest even if they DID release 50 new heroes, you would STILL find something to complain about.

Just go play Mario Kart, im sure its more fun than malding on the forums all day

Yeah, I was one of those people because then (and still now!) you were pretending to not understand that they are releasing the PVP early while the full length story PVE game is still being developed. They just shut down this garbage doomposting the other day

Funnily enough the guy is still in this thread trying to convince people that there will be no OW2 PVE

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You know what would kill any semblance of hype between now and October? Showing everything they’ve got right now. Then when the game releases, everything would be old news from 4 months ago, just like Sojourn is old news from 2019.

But hey, this is the Overwatch forum and we don’t think critically here, we just complain.