So now we know why Mercy was never changed Edit: (I CALLED IT!)

Yes, then that got patched out…so again, for a time Support heroes were balanced around Mercy’s 50 HPS.

However, Ana’s burst healing being ridiculous at the time, threw that all out of whack (and I say this as an Ana-Main).

I’m with you

Was saying the 60 hps was probably to keep up with 3-5 dps comps of…idk, Hanzo?

Idk what people played then

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Ah, my mistake.

It was actually around that time that Triple-Tank was a thing and Ana had a 100% healing boost to her Biotic Grenade, so her healing numbers were stupid.

Mercy got buffed to 60 HPS just so that she had a chance of keeping up with the insane burst healing potential.

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Yep, it just seemed you were comparing it’s value to something like flashbang. I was saying, that for it’s power ,there is plenty of time to cancel/counter it.

And because I could:


  • Guardian Angel
    • Players can now glide past a targeted ally using the jump key
    • Cooldown no longer resets when Resurrect is activated

The best part is where Brigitte’s stun in its current form is supposed to be more disruption that CC, so like, interupting an ability being used, like an ult. Because the stun is already so short that you literally can’t even get a brawl animation in before it’s over.

So, stopping ults. For which you already had to stand next to the target.
But for example if Reaper starts Death Blossom, you have 0% chance interrupting it, even if Reaper ults right next to you, because the shield has been cut to the third of its strength and it literally breaks immediately when Reaper starts Death Blossom, and you die.

Moira is already too fast while ulting for you to catch her.
Soldier and Genji will just be stunned for less than a second mid-ult.
Roadhog sweeps you away before you could knock him out of his ult and he breaks your shield in a second anyway.
I guess maybe if Hanzo is standing right next to you when ulting, you can interrupt him before he finishes his voice line.

So we have a melee who can’t brawl, is said to be able to counter dive as a backline support but has been systematically weakened so that that doesn’t happen (because dive are DPS and if a healer can stand their own against a dps, the world will end in a nuclear fireball tomorrow), a healer who could also be frontline support but literally can’t take the level of damage right now, whose aoe healing is vastly overpowered by any damage, and who also doesn’t have utility OR any escape ability except for the narrow 200hp shield and the short-distance lounge in forward direction only.

Someone, with a straight face, tell me what she is supposed to be right now.


my problem with it is the dynamic of counter play and how there’s no outplaying the other person and i don’t believe that the number button prompts should affect that

and just like how you might not get value out of a flashbang the same goes for resurrect but it’s just extra dumb
the person you resurrect might get sniped right away you might get stunned or die before you can finish the job

also had a 15m range, could resurrect any number of heroes, it was instant, gave invincibility to herself and the resurrected allies was the fastest charging ultimate in the game and it still was terrible

oh you know what would be cool if you cou- reads the next sentence


i’d be ok with that

The assumption being that Blizz had that kind of foresight?



I’d be fine with this change if they actually scaled other things back like 130 damage junkrat bombs, 300 damage widow headshots, and doomfist one shots on a 6s cooldown.

Burst damage is still super annoying to deal with while sustained damage does next to nothing because it gives so much more time to react/move behind cover or a shield.

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When did they lower overall damage?

Heroes that can one shot other heroes are… So damn annoying. I won’t say that they need nerfs though, because I don’t know if they do or not.

they’re starting to, with lowering mccree and hanzo’s damage, along with Orisa and sigmas

Medal fodder for the bad DPS players this game can’t chug the pinkie sized seeocks of

And now Brigitte is having her armor packs nerfed to 55 hps each. Man did I call it.

Good prediction

So they’re essentially gutting each hero one by one.

At this point, Soldier/Sombra might be better supports if they continue with this

New PTR notes? Do you have a link handy?

Man, remember when people used to say “What’s easier: Buffing/Nerfing one hero or Nerfing/Buffing several?”

Here you go.

Yeah idk, it almost looks like they’re toning down everything in preparation for…something…


I got you beat, called this in november:


Guess it’s a good thing I only play mercy and moira now, can’t go any lower than that and there should be no more nerfs incoming.

Why honestly even bother learning other healers at this point?

I do like playing sneaky support Dad:76 so maybe I’ll have that to look up to at least. I’ve been transferring to DPS in any case.