So now we know why Mercy was never changed Edit: (I CALLED IT!)

When the Devs said “Oh we think Mercy is balanced and in a good spot…”

They didn’t actually mean that Mercy was a balanced main healer.

What they ACTUALLY meant was “Oh, we’re going to rebalance every OTHER support around Mercy levels of healing.”

Think about it.

Reworked Briggitte has 60 hps on her repair packs.
Moira was scaled back to around 65 hps.
NOW Baptiste is being retuned to do only 50 healing per shot.

They’re trying to rebalance the game on Mercy having around 50 hps.

EDIT: And now Brig is down to 55 hps per armor pack. I ACTUALLY CALLED IT.


After the change to Moira I figured this would happen, they would go for Baptiste and Ana next. They just nerfed Baptiste, I wonder when Ana is next.


I doubt they’ll change Ana unless she somehow gets a super high pick rate. She’s honestly fine, and since she’s single-target healing, she’s allowed to have higher healing.


Mercy is single target tho.


I mean, if that’s what they want the game to be, then I’ll go play a fun class-based shooter like TF2 or even freaking Destiny (where the difference between classes is diddly squat for the most part)

I didn’t get into this game because of impotent healing.


I’ve said this for awhile. And I think it’s the right decision. There’s been power creep in all roles, and now they’ve fixed the heal and tank creep and have begun working on the DPS creep.

This patch and the last seem good, so long as they keep going in this direction.


I could see them slightly nerfing anti-nade (and i kind of want them too).

100% heal reduction nerfed to 75% on anti-naded targets.
Gives the enemy supports some counterplay (makes them feel less useless), but still has massive impact.


I think healers will be in a good spot with this patch, the nerfs to Baptiste will give the others more room to shine. Bap will still be a versatile pick, but it won’t be as easy for him to overtake Zen’s damage or Moira’s AoE healing. And they’re reeling back some of the dps and tank damage to match.

i feel ana is pretty balanced. She’s a high skill cap hero and deserves the level of power that she has.


I hope they at least eventually tone down damage including the dps…they might be going that route, just very slowly

Orisa’s damage was nerfed
Sigma damage nerfed
Hanzo has just gotten some damage nerf
McCree’s shooting speed was reverted

Maybe it will eventually be ok :sleepy:


They’re not tho. They are trying to force feed us dive and have been trying to do that the last couple of patches…

This wont fix dps que times.

Snipers and Flankers still broken, Mei is still broken, Brig’s still a melee hero that can’t brawl

3/10 poor effort


Eh. The main problem heroes didn’t get nerfs where they really needed nerfs. I don’t see it happening either, because don’t you know? Impotent tanks and supports dying to l33t Widowmaker headshots and Tracer flanks is COOL and EXCITING and brings in lots of MONEY!!!1!



I think this is a good thing for the game

theyre lowering the overall damage and the healing

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I mean Tracer doesn’t really do much right now…most of the time she needs more than a clip to burn through healing.

Hanzo is one of the problem characters…and they just nerfed him a bit.

I’m just saying, if healing has been lowered accross the board, they might be lowering some dps too.


They didn’t touch what actually makes Hanzo and Widow broken


Except why include a high skill cap healer in a game where the other healers can’t use skill to increase their healing like she can? It would be better to lower her skill cap and healing so she’s better balanced among the healing roster. Why include a hero that is the defacto best of their role? Its just poor design.


My point was, they are slowly nerfing the amount of damage in the game.

If healing is going to be reigned in so as to not outplay damage as heavily, damage should be reigned back in like how McCree is seeing on ptr.

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Ana has deserved a bionade nerf for a long time honestly. I can’t wait.