Brig will be nerfed again even before the meta changes

Calling it right now. Armor pack will not remain at 60HP/s.

Call it a gut feeling.

okay but why.

We’ll have to wait for the dev comments on that. Who knows what non-sense will they come up with.

Are you saying this just because she has a 60% Win rate on GM this week?
Well, if they nerf the packs, they better buff the shield! (really hope so - less power to packs, more power to inspire then pls!)

Tbh I hope so. It’s ridiculous how they balanced her in this weird way and people just don’t care. It should never have balanced itself higher than mercy.

Not really, I trust devs enough to interpret data better than that (and to have better data than we do).

However, I do not trust what I perceive to be their vision and design goals for this hero at all.