So no more Mercy threads?

I take it you never played Overwatch 1.

Considering it should be pretty obvious that was never true with OW1 Tanks.

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There’s downsides sure.

But making the game not fun for your casual dunkey-tier players is video game death. They don’t care about matchmaking they care about having fun shooting things.

I can see that your route would help the comp community though. But, OWL is dead and OW has never really worked as a competitive game and most players are in quickplay.

I played since s2 man, I only recently quit the game. Toward the end of OW1, the amount tank was OP was largely exaggerated. For example, Hog in OW1 was considered a strong tank, and it was possible to solo carry with him, but it was possible to solo-carry as Ashe, too, as long as your supports were a bit decent and they didn’t have too many hard counters. Ashe could deny Hog very well for example in OW1, and we are talking about a DPS fighting a tank, which according to you should be a losing fight.

Support don’t get me even started on how broken support was in OW1, heroes like Baptiste, Zen, Mercy, need I say more.

Sure if they were on 2x shield, and you had a Hog Zarya, you would generally lose. But that was also true if, let’s say both teams were on Rein Zarya, enemy team is Hanzo + Widow and your team is Symmetra + Junkrat. You had such games in masters/GM too, where Widow/Hanzo players could actually aim and then it was a DPS diff.

Everybody would agree with you except mercy mains. They cant accept that every Low dia Player would go to gm playing mercy but they feel attacked when you tell them the hero is just plain simple. I mean no sane Person would say mercy needs very good gamesense

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She has a 1.5 second dash because her beams have a 15m range. She doesn’t get to sit in the backline the whole fight like Ana or Zen. lmao.

I played lots of Dva in GM pre-role queue, she is so fun :hugs:

I can’t gaslight something that the Devs themselves said multiple times LOL

"Contrary to what your DPS Moira may tell you, Overwatch is a role-based game. As such, queue times are a very real, very consistent focus area for the team.

With the move to 5v5, we’re seeing longer queue times than we’d like for both tank and damage players, and while there’s no silver bullet for this issue, the team has a LOT of ideas that we want to experiment with in the upcoming seasons.

Many of these ideas are focused on the support role and how we can make it more fun and more rewarding to play. We’re discussing targeted support hero reworks, game system updates, and even some role-wide changes to improve support quality of life.

As we settle on specific changes, we’ll make sure you know about them. In the short term, we’ve made queue-time estimates more accurate in the UI (support queues are less than one minute, in most cases) and we’re going to experiment with our Battle Pass XP rewards for those who queue as support/all roles."

YOU are trying to gaslight people by claiming that your SINGULAR experience of a short support queue is representative of the entire game, when the LITERAL Devs have said otherwise MULTIPLE times. It’s also why they said they committed to releasing 2 new supports for every 1 tank and DPS they release. Because they believe more hero additions will also help people want to play the role/help queues. Cope.

I prefer thot hop!
(yes, I am a mercy main too)


I’m sure we’ll get some in the next blog post on the subject.

But if OW1 had Matchmaking problems because of a Lack of Tanks players.

And Season 1, has Matchmaking problems because of a lack of Support players.

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Season 1 updates with new executive producer, Jared Neuss - News - Overwatch

Do you have a reasonable explanation why the Season 1 problem magically disappeared, and how the current matchmaking problems have nothing to do with a lack of Support players.

Additionally can you explain why there is not a direct tradeoff between Matchmaker Quality and Matchmaker Speed.

She doesn’t get to sit in the backline the whole fight like Ana or Zen. lmao. - > true she sits behind a corner rmb the dps. Imagine saying mercy needs more skill than any other support. Any other Support needs to engage with the enemy mercy just hides the whole game. But sure buddy your hero needs so much skill - stop the cap haha.


:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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it’s mental how Mercy mains tell themselves that Mercy takes INSANE skill, and also how long they spend talking about how “swapping beam” and “dmg boosting the tank” are GAME-CHANGING decisions! Lol meanwhile I did play Mercy in OW1 in 3800 SR (as flex pick), I just make sure my DPS are always full, DMG boost the more useful of the 2, and heal tanks when they are <1/2 HP. Don’t think you can find a hero with an easier recipe for climbing than Mercy tbh.

I mean this Aurora guy basically said playing mercy is harder than playing tracer. Everything you need to know about this delusional playerbase. No wonder everybody hates mercy player haha

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And you would play any dps on a plat level seems fair right?

lmao genji mains can actually play other heroes
genji is an aim and gamesense hero that is the antithesis of sitting in the back flying around.
he was balanced the thing is when a popular character that is bad 90% of the games lifecycle has the ankleweights removed then he gets played all the time.
he was the biggest beneficiary of the dps passive. if that wasnt in the equation hed be completely fine.
now that its gone and the worst part of his kit got 2 nerfs hes a TRASH hero anywhere diamond up.

like i played earlier today. i had more success on ashe, a hero i never play than i do a hero ive grinded for years.

It’s also mental how mad you people are about a hero in a video game.


So can we, I’d bet money that I could play any role better than you tbh

Genji main cope, even Seagull said in a video last week that he’s not underpowered/bad.

They are obsessed with her, a blonde pixel character makes them go insane, Mercy you will always be famous!

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Quick tip from a support main. Kill the Mercy first … no more pocket :wink:

Sure you could play every other hero better than him but still run mercy so you are not stuck in plat. Congratulations just be grateful that blizz made a braindead hero for you. But tell yourself i need so much skill to play mercy. Hurts when everybody says shes the easiest hero im the game right? Imagine playing rmb bot in spectator Mode and thinking you are doing big brain stuff.

i mean im masters in tank and dps and diamond in support but i seriously doubt your aim is 1/3rd as good as mine and since half the games roster requires a lot of aim id say youre SOL
notice how seagull was THE genji player for awhile and now refuses to touch the hero. hes repeatedly said genjis midfight makes him not worth playing over other heroes many times over the years
ML7 says he avoids genji players
flats and emongg say hes bottom 3 dps above mei and sombra

i play hanzo and widow to much greater efficacy because the effort i need to put in for kills is marginal in comparison. im not even gonna pretend mercys movement is hard
my other game is warframe, mercy is so easy to control.

Sam doesnt play genji anymore, shadder2k flexes off of him, pretty much every genji main plays other heroes besides necros.

I don’t remember them putting a single mercy skin in the shop yet.