So no more Mercy threads?

She just dodged nerfs with her e girl jump and now we are gonna pretend that she’s balanced? Lol kkkk

Blizzard I hope Mercy mains buy A LOT of skins because at this rate, they will soon be the only demographic you’ll have left.

The fact that Hog gets nerfed before Mercy just shows how blatant Blizzard is in their favoritism. Really if you wanted a game with longevity, you’d balance around anything other than “which demographic buys the battlepass the most” but I guess you already saw users plummet and decided to milk the (dying) cow for the last few months of its life.


No, the fact that you think Mercy was a bigger legitimate balance issue than Hog is laughable and shows YOUR blatant bias clouding your logical reasoning.

I mean they quite literally need more people to queue Support, not less, so I don’t think gutting the most popular hero/support hero in the game is a good idea either.

Just a thought though, what do I know!

Also, anyone who calls Superjump this:

Is gross :grimacing: and sexist. Zzz


The E Girl jump :skull::skull::skull::skull:


Wait until the mercy mains defend her haha. Most delusional players for a reason


That’s a funny way of spelling “Genji mains”

They really thought he was balanced before his nerfs :joy: :joy:


brilliant attempt at gaslighting, my dear Mercy main. But it’s not ONLY me who thinks Mercy is too strong. Plenty of T500 players, streamers, OWL players think the same. And lower rated players will agree that playing vs the pocketed meta hero of the moment is not fun. I get it, you find Mercy fun to play. But, if you have any intellectual honesty, you need to realize your fun comes at other people’s expense. Try to play McCree vs any pocketed hitscan, and your supports are Ana + Lucio. You will always be in spawn. Try playing any non-shield tank vs pocketed hitscan. You will always be in spawn. Mercy is holding the game hostage and I dare say not only the DPS role (which is a given at this point) but also tanks that have low defensive abilities.

no they don’t, another attempt at gaslighting by Mercy mains. No wonder everyone dislikes the Mercy main community at large. Last time I played this game (~1.5 months ago), SUPPORT QUEUE WAS LITERALLY FINE. I was in masters elo. All queues were < 3 min but sure go off spreading lies about “how we need to keep support overpowered because of queue times” (which incidentally is also a logical fallacy because balanced and fun to play are 2 different things).

great gaslighting again.

Yep I quit this game for good and I’m so happy, when it will be literally Mercy mains vs Mercy mains left, and the Mercy mains will be forced to queue DPS and tank, they will realize their flaws.

no community comes even close to crying so hard as Mercy mains when you talk about Mercy balancing. Genji players are literally chill if the comparison is Mercy mains.

You cant argue against these guys - they would rather change every dps instead of changing damage boost shows you how delusional they are. But i get it if they cant rmb the soujorn duo they will drop 2 ranks because they are less skilled than any other Support in the game.

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I mean this is as someone who only really plays mercy these days. Mercy is clearly given preferential treatment over heroes like hog. Hog basically got sent to the shadow realm for annoying people. Hell, it’s half the reason for playing Mercy over heroes like Hog. You get to have a good hero that doesn’t have a constant countdown until your nerf.

Many would argue supports deserve preferential treatment for role queue reasons, but it is preferential treatment all the same, and it’s treatment that heroes like Brig haven’t shared.

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It won’t be the first time.
I am just waiting to see who will be her next dps victim for a nerf.

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b-b-but the problem is Sojourn! Mercy will TOTALLY go out of the meta once Sojourn is nerfed! :clown_face:

Most delusional player base I’ve seen in ANY game. 8+ DPS got nerfed as a result of their synergy with Mercy, but they pretend like the meta DPS of the moment is ALWAYS to blame.

I think Ashe Phara Echo will be the next pocketees. My guess would be Ashe as she’s the most versatile of the 3. Ashe clearly a problematic hero too, guys :clown_face:

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I’m just sitting her waiting for the malding and seething when they start buffing Support to the point that they get anywhere close to as popular as DPS, in an effort to fix Matchmaking.

And plenty disagree. Plenty think Sojourn is the issue and that Mercy is just a byproduct of current Sojourn’s terrible hero design. Which is why the Devs made a more finessed balance change this patch that helped sever their synnergy quite a bit, although Sojourn will still probably be too strong with and without a pocket.

Even Samito said that Mercy is only really strong right now because Lucio is out of the meta currently, which could very quickly change now that Hog is nerfed and a new tank meta will be forming in Season 3, especially with the Rein buffs.

I never said she was fun to play against. I’ve made multiple posts advocating for the removal of Rez from E for a more fun ability to use and play against, and for various changes to her beams to make them more skillful and have more depth.

I also fought against the new GA changes as I believe they made the hero’s mobility too easy and removed the fun skillful part of her kit, despite what many NON-Mercy pros/streamers try to say about it making her more skillful.

But I think anyone who calls Mercy overpowered is just flat out blinded by bias against the hero. She was bad in season 1, and she is only good now because Sojourn is so strong with her. I can very easily see her falling right back out of meta in Season 3 even with 0 balance changes to her.

Yes, they do. They said so in multiple Dev blogs. LOL. cope.

I’m not the one who deemed an ability “E-girl jump”. :person_shrugging:


Sorry to see that you’re still on these forums complaining instead of having fun in whatever game you apparently moved to, though!

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I too am waiting for the next brigpocalypse or moth meta to kill the game like it did OW1.

Though with perhaps slightly less glee.

I mean, support right now is for sure the strongest role. Whether it’s fun or not, I can’t say, I myself find it very boring, as I find easy wins on Kiriko/Mercy by hold M1 simulator, boring.

If Blizzard is so oblivious to buff support, which they definitely could, then sure, queue times maybe would improve, maybe not, who knows. In terms of longevity, the game would suffer for sure though, already now many DPS and tank mains are quitting because they are tired of dealing with bs interactions. More generally, if OW2 gets a reputation of being a “noob game”, like OW1 did, then no serious DPS or tank main will want to start this game. And you need 3 roles to play OW2, if the non-support roles will be empty, or if they will be filled with trolls, I don’t see it as a better alternative, either.

You guys say this every year, every meta, every patch, and yet GM Mercy players have been in GM for the last 6 years, even when she had 50 HPS and was garbage tier. We aren’t deranking no matter how much they nerf her or her pocket partners. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I said play another hero and not mercy and most mercy otp drop 2 ranks. Mercy is just braindead and gets to much value. Mass rez was not fun, moth was not fun, for some reason the game gets worse when mercy is involved.


I play lots of heroes :hugs: 300-ish hours on Ana and Widow each, and got an Ana only account to GM. Other heroes aren’t that hard when you master game sense from playing Mercy so much, the skillset really helps on all heroes :smile: No hero teaches game sense and prediction skills like Mercy does!

What gets me is that I can never get a straight answer from people why it’s important that balance roles for equal impact the same way they did in Open Queue, when Role Limits exist.

Other than a whole host of synonyms for “It would be vaguely bad in some completely nonspecific way”.


This guy literally tried to claim that support queues aren’t a problem and that Blizz isn’t trying to improve them, he’s literally living in a different reality, lol

Mercy was not garbage tier at 50 HPS, she was mid-tier at worst. Want to play a garbage tier support, play Lucio or Moira above Masters+ in OW1, you are so entitled you’ve never even touched the surface of garbage-tier.

not your accomplishment though, Mercy is such a hero that basically, if you grind a large number of games, you will win 55%+ of them, because as long as you play your cards right (read: use DMG boost and don’t insta-die), the games where you are Mercy and the enemy team doesn’t have Mercy are basically free wins. You will get something to pocket most of the times, too, as most DPS love to be pocketed and will flex to Phara, Ashe or something. So I don’t see climbing as Mercy as an accomplishment at all, it’s like playing a rigged lottery where you have to press A or B enough times, chances to win a prize by pressing A are 55%, if you press it enough times, you climb, that’s how Mercy works.