So no more Mercy threads?

Sure she just spams shift for insane movement but mercy mains would tell you they Mastered overwatch movement :joy::joy:

Literally people don’t even bother shooting at Mercy, it’s so sad. It’s like they perceive her as being unkillable now so don’t even try. I have so many games where the enemy Mercy or me on Mercy is ignored all game and it’s so weird.

People don’t seem to get that her regen was nerfed to take 50% longer to activate now than it did in OW1, heroes like Dva and Tracer can make her life really hard especially

Thanks Blizz!

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ngl, the fact that you repeat “I’m GM” in every post just makes me think you are one of those boosted egirls who everyone hates in GM. the 30-something % winrate Dva who types "I played lots of Dva, she is so fun :hugs: " but everyone in the lobby is seething because you are playing Dva wrong, not flying on the Widow, not peeling supports etc. The classic braindead Mercy main stuff, in other words. I doubt you would be GM on tank if you played 200+ games a season for 3+ seasons, I have never seen a Mercy main who was good at tank (>3500 SR from OW1).

You know why? Because when you queue support, and let’s say it’s a Diamond game, you hear “go Mercy or Kiriko or report”, you don’t queue that role again. People want to play Lucio, Zen or Ana. Only 10 egirls enjoy Mercy and sour the water for every support wannabe. The easiest solution would be nerf Mercy, or disable her from ranked (most Mercy mains enjoy QP more anyway where they can show their GM badge achieved 20 seasons ago thanks to an e boy), but I doubt they will do that.

it was like this in OW1 too btw, I was high masters on every role in OW1, an in OW1 you had short queue times for DPS in masters, because so few DPS would make it there. Support was, paradoxically, longest queue time. So probably those devs are referring to the queue times in gold or something. And if we balance around gold, let’s buff Tracer, Doomfist, Widow, other heroes that are bad in that elo too?

I don’t even bother, Mercy mains think 15m range is low, meanwhile most of OW fights happen at 20m range. It’s also delusional to think that Ana always get to play at 40m+ safety on EVERY map, but like you yourself said, delusional is the main attribute of main Mercys.

yes support is not my main role and I was an Ana/Bapt/Brig player mostly, heroes that take far more skill to play than Mercy.

I doubt you could escape Diamond as Ana in OW1.

no she has her Dva account where she is GM on DPS too, she has “lots of fun on Widowmaker” griefing masters lobbies I reckon :clown_face:

great gaslighting. Do you main Mercy by any chance?

are you in silver by any chance? You can’t kill Mercy, her mobility and elusiveness are too strong. T500 players struggle in killing her.

weren’t the last 2 battlepasses like, 4 mercy skins? I don’t exactly buy BPs so I had only a cursory view.

unreal amount of gaslighting here. People don’t bother shooting Mercy because people learn from experience (in high elo anyway). After 100 games of shooting Mercy and killing her like 5/100 games, people realize it’s not worth shooting her. Your shots are limited and doing 90% HP damage in OW isn’t valuable, hence those shots are better spent on other targets.

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Enjoy the boosted life with your rmb bot. And im sure you tell yourself she needs skill she needs skill so you can at least think you are good at something hahah. Pleb cry later. Play tracer for example and be stuck in Gold or plat - you should reach gm easy with her because as you said mercy needs insane movement and gamesense so Tracer shouldnt be a Problem for you right? And now just take it as it is and be grateful they made a hero so you are also able to escape the Metal ranks. I wish you a good day boosted mercy bot :joy:

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Then you’d be wrong, Ana and Widowmaker are my second and third most played heroes with around 300+ hours on each, and Cassidy is one of my other go to heroes. Hitscan is my bread and butter. I literally have 100s of hours in Apex and Fortnite and even PUBG lmao. Aiming is definitely not something I am stressed about.

I play Mercy because she is the most mobile hero in the game and mobility is fun. I play Mercy because I mained Priest in WoW and I like Supporting people while juking enemies and making them upset (like many of you guys in this thread are right now). I’d love if Mercy got a new aimed ability, or if they made her pistol hitscan like Cass’s :hugs:

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Again the sexism jumps out, yikes. I’m not a girl, and why do you call girl players “e-girls” and Mercy tech “e-girl hop”? Got some very obvious underlying issues going on buddy

Sorry to burst your bubble but the Devs have said multiple times she’s one of/the most popular heroes in the game. Jeff Kaplan in the first year of the game, Geoff Goodman a year after moth in a Dev update, and Geoff and Josh Noh in an interview a few months before OW2 launch

I know it drives you guys nuts to even consider it but it’s reality


You’ve said this 10 times and I’ve said I will every time! I love playing Mercy and will keep doing it! Thank you again ! xx

ok then i can say this, none of those heroes have an aim style anywhere near genjis. those are static heroes. genji needs combos, breakpoints, and tracking to do just as much as the point and click heroes. honestly if i could main another hero and play something less frustrating i would. so much risk for not a whole lot of reward when people can aim even somewhat well.
again i play the snipers as my 2nd and 3rd. theyre just always gonna be better heroes.
i came from arena shooters and warframe so yeah no wonder i play genji. you have no idea how bad i wish sojourn wasnt massively OP.

I get it, Genji is fun and unique, hyper mobile. I like when he is good. I like when he is meta. I much prefer pocketing Genji and diving around with him than standing in the backline with a Widow.

I still think he was insanely overtuned with his 29 damage, and I think he is not a trash pick right now, but that a handful of tanks are way too strong and Sojourn/Widow/Tracer are all too good. And thus he feels subpar in many situations. I’d rather they nerf the one shots/hitscan DPS and Orisa/Ram instead of reverting Genji. Just my opinion tho

LOL “great gaslighting” comes from the camp that belittles mercy players at every opportunity they see.


Owl players think the same?

I guess that’s why she was on every team during the owl season.

…oh wait.


29 damage is necessary. his dps is bad, straight up. if he cant burst through things immediately his chances of killing someone plummet faster than other dps heroes.

if i had it my way, id bring his damage to 30 and nerf his fire rate so theres more emphasis on comboing damage rather than spamming it. with the speed being gone, ammo and damage all being nerfed at once means hes also building blade A LOT slower so all in all hes dookie.
id rather play someone i never touch like rat or sojourn and play better than a hero ive dumped hundreds of hours into and question my decisions all these years.

screw it, take away blade damage boost and increase its damage. i want genji to be able to just go into backlines and do assassin things rather than be pseudo frontliner/off angle poke hero

Why not 28 tho? If 29 was too strong (to many people) and 27 is too weak (to Genji mains), why not test a middle ground?

It’s involuntary celibate talk. You know the type… Those dudes who are generally crappy people whom no woman would look at twice, who bemoan the fact that no women want them all the whole treating them like possessions they are entitled to. I see this kind of talk all the time among their kind.


the only places where the breakpoints matter are high elos where genji is trash.
doesnt matter how much you increase his fire rate if his breakpoints are not in his favor.
genji is good in low elo because double jump is actually annoying to them and they often lack the restraint with deflect.

genji is a noobstomp hero and hes popular, knowing this i have accepted he will never be good for any period longer than a month.

I find it unironically funny how people that never plays Mercy complains about her being easy and free elo.

Then you find people autofilled support and they pick Mercy and you see them constantly letting everyone die because they never move away from their hog and dying when trying to rez constantly.

We are not talking about gold players. Every Low dia can reach gm with mercy its that simple buddy

Thats simple lying and even you know that.

Maybe you should try her for yourself to prove that.

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Are you a mercy main?